Wednesday 15 June 2011

landsend 2 plus 2

firstly eddy perkins funeral is on monday 27th at 10.30 at haycombe cemetry as far as i know all are welcome to attend.
back to landsend for another short pole match all we were allowed today was the top 2 plus 2 more so a nice easy day without to much stress on the joints.
roger andoniou drew for me and gave me peg 3, not the best of pegs of late and even the new breed in the shape of phil(fabio)harding only managed 11lb off it last week, so when an angler of his calibre (LOL) stuggles on it , it must be hard.
for company on 5 i had the legend that is colin golding and on peg 1 was non other than bridgwaters very own sex machine(as long as the blue pills keep working)mike west and due to the ammount of foliage around the lake these were the only 2 anglers i could see.
only 2 rigs today , a 4x14 rig on .12 with a 16 6313 for soft pellet, caster or maggot over softened 4,s at 5mtrs and for down the left hand margin as its the same depth and a 4x8 up in the water rig just in case , but that never happened apart from some small roach so i wont mention that again, and to be honest i havent really got to much to talk about . the first hour was spent on the soft pellet but that only produced 1 small roach and judging by the muttering from peg 5 colin wasnt fairing much better, whereas mike on peg 1 was doing ok with some good silvers taking a liking to his halal chicken luncheon meat (dont ask)i couldnt see what was going on but i could hear a bit of splashing so i new there were some fish coming out.
i know what i should have done and that was to just concentrate on silvers as i could get perch and roach down the edge plus i had 4 good skimmers from the 5mtr line and by the end i had 3 carp aswell but my 20lb of silvers and 15lb of carp was going to win zilch today
first on the day was dean malin with 77.4 on peg 24 on 6mm soft pellet over 6mm hard pellet feed
2nd was alan oram with 60.4 on peg 17
3rd mat ( one of the new breed) tomes with 58.1 on peg 12
4th mike(ga ga )west with 50.7 peg 1
5th phil harding 48lb peg 15
6th t rixon 35.13 peg
and the silvers were won by john bradford on the most inform carp peg in somerset 21
with 26.8

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