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Monday, 31 August 2009

bank holiday monday at landsend

not a bad turnout ,28 decided to show so we had selected pegs over the match and speci lake. motor mouth liam barret drew my peg and handed me peg 7 which i quite like as i had won off it a couple of times last summer. i set up a rig for up the far shelf on hard pellet , a rig for 16 mtr to my right as i had 3 spare pegs that way and a rig for fishing corn over caster under peg 8 pallet. on the all in i potted 4mm pellets at 16 mtr down the shelf to my right , some caster and corn under the pallet to my right and fed 6, s by catty on the far shelf.
starting at 16 mtr to my right with a 6mm hard pellet on a 18 hook i had a bite first put which i missed, lowering the rig back in it hardly had chance to settle before it went under and a 6 pounder was on its way to the net, i had 4 more in the next 45 minutes plus a couple of skimmers before the aerator came on at 12 which makes the water push down the side of the island making it impossible to keep the rig still, i had no more carp on that rig but i did get a few more skimmers and a big red goldfish as they dont seem to mind the bait moving about a bit, i did manage another couple of carp on that line later in the match after mikes wave making machine had stopped.
by now , about 2 hours in i could see some movement on the far bank so i went in with the shelf rig but it took a while to sort out as you are fishing in a small weed bed so you have to keep moving the rig about till you find a clear spot, by feeding small ammounts of 6,s all the time more and more fish were arriving in the swim drawn i think to the sound of the pellets hitting the water and as the match progressed the swim was getting stronger all the time , by the end i had about 20 carp plus double figures of silvers for about 100 lb. as far as i could see on our lake the only person close to me was rod wootten on peg 20 who was admitting to 80 lb but i new he had more, and the word was that there was 4 people on the speci lake admitting to over 100 lb.
as i went round to do the weigh in i managed to put 119.14 on the scales and with no one looking to beat me till we got to rod who put 101.13 on the sheet, he would have had 6 lb more but he had over 80 lb in 1 net so it only counted as 80, plus he loose fed a 6 pounder back during the match he he he .
the match was won by mike west on peg 31 with 15 carp for 182.2 on paste down the track(thats monsters)
2 nd jamie dyte(dyke) 131.8 on 33 also on paste
3rd tony rixon 119.14
t wittcomb 116.2 peg 38(which included the 15 grassie oh yes and thanks for the quid which you sloped off with without paying, double or quits weds then)
russ peck 114,7 peg 29
rod wootten 101,13
silvers were won by pete sivell on peg 36 with28.1 of mainly chub on caster.
with the water temps beginning to drop now i think the solvite gang will be hanging up there paste buckets and the one trick pony wont be seen again till next spring. cos he is the past(e) master as he even gets beat on his own method, thats what happens when you tell people what you are doing, but that makes for better matches cos competition is good

Sunday, 30 August 2009

last float only

all i had to do was win my section , or rely on tony page not to win his . and when i drew 124 and he had 134 i thought job done, oops wrong. i did say that i thought 134 was probably one of the worse pegs on the lake and wasted no time in telling him that and if he did win his section he deserved to win the series.
i decided to set up a 4x14 rig at 5mtr for soft pellet and a 4x12 rig for hard pellet on the deck at 14 mtr (wind allowing) and a shallow rig . cupping in a few 6,s at 5 mtr,s and half a pot at 14 mtr,s, starting at 5 mtr , i had a couple of 2lb bream and i carp in the first half hour ,then even though that line was still fizzing i decided to give the 14 mtr line a go mainly due to the fact alan oram on 125 had caught one and was missing a few bites, by now the wind had increased and it was nigh on impossible to hold the rig still which is important when trying to catch on hard pellet, as your rig gets blown along and you end up foulhooking things which is what happened, both alan and me were suffering. even on the paste alan was getting foulhookers and missed bites. alan does catch some funny things ,today he had a carp with a paste rig complete with plummet wrapped around it he has had a carp at stafford with a catapult wrapped around its head and he has 2 fish a tonce at bitterwell when the fish he was playing snagged a feeder hanging from another fish and he landed both. still it sometimes pays to be lucky rather than good sometimes(sorry al).back to the match and things werent going to plan as i could see anton catching on that crap peg(134), and in my section leighton palmer on 121 catcthing well and sean townsend on 119 catching a few carp plus silvers. i think there must have been quite a few fish on our side of the lake or at least glen bailey must have thought so cos his waggler was closer to us than it was to himself.
with about 2 hours to go paul greenwood wandered round and told me that he thought anton was probably 2nd in his section to gary etheridge so if it stayed that way i would win the series on weight, with the wind being so strong , shallow fishing was a virtual none starter and with only 1 fish and some small fish bites , so it proved.
i did have some more bream at 5 mtr,s and 3 carp and 11 more carp plus a couple flying skimmers at 14 mtr,s by the end but i new i was looking at possibly 2nd or third in section which providing anton was at best 2 nd in section it wouldnt matter.
i had to start the weigh in on our lake while paul was doing lodge and would get round to finish our lake asap.
fairplay to anton he had 130.9 for a section win, it was a brilliant weight off a bad peg as i cant remember the last decent weight to come off the peg (well done matey)and with me only coming 3rd in section the series was his as for the results they are as follows
on the day
dick bull 160.1 on peg 115 deep and shallow at 14 mtrs
ryan jordan 147.13 peg 116 same as above
anton page 130.9 peg 134(now its a flyer)on paste and catmeat
gary wall 130.7 peg 53 paste
neil mercer 119.8 peg 64 pellet 16 mtr
gary etheridge 115.8 peg 129 deep wag and pellet
jerry pocock 34.9 peg 103 skimmers at 13 mtr
fred roberts 33.13 peg 132
tony rixon 28.8 peg 124
steve evans 18.4
overall league
tony page 34 points £450
tony rixon 33 points £350
craig(trig)edmunds 32 points £250
gary etheridge 31 points £150 (356.5)
leon hubbard 31 points £75 (332.15)
alan oram 31 points £50 (254.6)
biggest weight in series dick bull 160.1 (£50)
biggest silver weight andy lloyd 46lb (£50)
biggest fish brian shanks 21 lb (£50)
mystery weight 56lb winner brian shanks 57lb (£50)
cant end without mentioning tim clark who again fell in this time he only broke three topsets but as he went in he caught his chin on the platform post hurting his neck and putting his tooth through his lip, all very painfull poor bugger and i beat him by 8 lb so the three quid was mine(i didnt feel that sorry that i wasnt going to take it now was i). any one interested in fishing next year give me a ring at the shop (book early to avoid dissapointment)
and a big thanks to steve evans who helps with the running of the league , actually he does all the writing , for obvious reasons.

Thursday, 27 August 2009

float league monies explained

at the start everyone pays 55 quid which pays for the peg fees and pools for the last match
56 x 55=3080
_1760 peg fee,s for 3 venues
leaving 1320
less 840 pools last match
leaving 480
less 280 56 x 5 for overall and knockout
leaving 200

daily payouts 56 x 20 = 1120
less 280 o/all and k/o
leaving 840 which is all paid out on the day

280(from each 20 pounds at each match) x 6 =1680
+ 200 from original payments
= 1880
now for payouts o/all 450/350/250/150/75/50
k/o 150/100/75
top overall weight during league 50
top silver weight during league 50
biggest fish on last match 50
monies collected 1880
monies paid out 1800
i feel i must apologies cos i have had you all over to the tune of 80 quid which i will probably end up spreading over the overall,s as i would hate to be accused of being a rip off.
as you can see the payouts rely on there being a 100% turn out for matches as soon as that doesnt happen people on the day,s suffer and all other payments suffer nuff said i,m bored now
just a quick mention for charlie barnes who is running a match at bullocks on sunday 6 sept anyone interested give me a ring at the shop as i dont think sue would appreciate me putting there number on the net , or as the aged scribe also known as mike nicholls say,s on the comments give tom thick a ring at thatchers tackle in wells

Bitz in the shop

bittz in the shop
tim clark is crap just after setting fire to the dash of the car he was working on he came into the shop and lost 2 spoofs on the trot for the cokes one of which was against fabios lady(fi fi). and then he had to go home and baby sit his grandson lolalso it was good to see whitchurch,s oldest angler in the shop today, john baker . nobody could get out of him how he managed to give his fulltime carer (john thompson) the slip , i hope he is ok.niel mercer came in today to order some casters for the weekend its the last one of the float only,s at viaduct, he thinks he is going to try and win the silvers so he ordered 1 pint of casters, obviously the mean streak runs in the family.on a more sombre note lets all hope that trig,s hair laser treatment goes well on friday. all this just to try impress a certain young lady who lives in the same block of flats as him, and i wonder if this is the same lady whose flat he was trying to peep into when he crashed his bike into a tree, how pervy is that.sitting here writing this and watching gmtv i see they have announced the strictly line up for this series , i bet tim clark can hardly wait.i forgot to mention that on sunday there was a vintage car rally on watchet quay. and a woman steward tried to tell dean that he wasnt allowed to park where we had to i thought for a minute she was going to end up in the dock, luckily another steward could see what was about to happen and let us through, but not befor dean had told the first steward that as she was only a women she had no rights to tell him anything. funny to watch as long as you are a bloke.
Posted by tony rixon,s days out at 7:18 AM

bald trig said...
hahahaha brilliant!!! thanks for the good wishes!! in 4 months when it grows back she might invite me in her house so i dont have to peep throu lol

Wednesday, 26 August 2009

avalon coming back

i know i said i was going to viaduct but i had some phone calls on monday from people wanting to go to avalon, so with 15 booked in avalon it is. with the end of hurricane bill due giving us strong southerly winds it was decided we should fish the right hand bank. i fancied peg 24 so when gary wall drew my peg out , i had a quick look and saw a 2 and a 4 but it was the wrong way round bugger and to make it worse gary drew 24 for himself. i thought i might try and catch some silvers today so i put some groundbait at 11 o,clock at 13 mtr,s with micro,s and a bit of corn in(2 balls) and half a pot of 6,s at 14 mtrs at 2 o clock and fired some 8,s to the island for the wag.

starting over the g bait with maggot the float never even settled and 1 oz rudd was in the net. enough of that so on with apiece of corn, next bite saw loads of elastic out and 10 mins later 9 pound of common was safely in the net. after that i had 4 skimmers before that dried up. on to the wag and a couple of quick carp then the ducks arrived , they were worse than normal biting the top of the wag eating as many pellets as they could, they even got excited when i picked the catty up. leigh told me after that i could have borrowed john,s gun and shot a couple(next time), on the pole i should have fished paste , but i was to lazy to go back to the van and get it.i lost a few foulhookers on the pole and caught 2 i think i would of had some on the paste as both mike west and leon hubbard both started to catch towards the end and that bigger target probably resulted in fewer foulers. i ended up with 10 carp 7 of which fell to the wag. i also lost 7 on the wag , probably due to ( i aint really got a clue) the wind pushing the rig thru and the fish not taking it properly gary wall won off of my peg(24) paste at 13 mtr.

leon hubbard had 75.11 on the wag and on paste on peg 39

i was third with 55.4 peg 42

mike west was last in the monef with 50.7 peg 40

fifth phil harding 48.4 peg 28

sixth steve tanner 42,8 peg 44

silvers were won by joe thompson 4.12 on peg 32

its the last of the float only matches on sunday and it promises to be a close finish for all the money placings . i did have a strange conversation on the phone today with someone who had missed a match and didnt see why he should pay for the last match even going so far as to suggest i was ripping people off . all i can say is that i have no problem showing and explaining to anyone where all the money goes , i sometimes wonder if i need hassle like this as i find it quite upsetting to think that poeple might think that i am having them over cos i like to think i am a fair minded person and have no secrets as far as payouts go i try and keep the payouts the same all through the series and to make sure the end payouts are as i said at the start.
just back to avalon , as we know it has been a very strange colour for a few weeks now and the fish didnt seem to like it so the management have installed a large pump to circulate water between the match and conservation lake, which is like tap water and it seems to be working as they have started fizzing again and climding the islands, and the skimmer seem to like it as there are now 4 to a shoal

Monday, 24 August 2009

boat fishing

as i said last week dean me and the park furnisher boys are off to watchet for a day afloat with shaun on seafire. dean was left in charge of bait so you can probably guess what happened, we ended up with a shoal of mackerel , sprats ,squid oh yea and a pint sorry i meant pound of ragworm it must have made bill pugh,s day.all of this being stored in dean,s new cooler box which turned out to be bigger than the life boat on the boat , but luckily being an american brand it is grizzlie bear proof which can be very useful when you are fishing in the shelter of the quantocks ,who knows there may be bears in them hills. any way back to the fishing and as alan healy booked the trip it will come as no suprise that we ended up in the bristol channel on one of the biggest tides of the year with massive ammounts of fast water making fishing difficult due to the amount of lead needed to hold bottom.
starting off out from bossington beach it soon became apparent that it was going to be difficult as even the dodgies failed to show we had a couple of really small ones , but what was nice to see was the small tope that were being caught(12 inches well i did say small). with the wind picking up and the tide easing shaun decided to move us back up the coast to a sand bank were we may get some rays. anchoring up and with the tide still runnng at a fair old lick up tiding was the best way to go , so on with a whole squid and a lob of about 40 mtrs up and across from the boat, its just like feeder chucking and after letting a big bow develop you just sit back and wait for the tip to start nodding, which it did on the first chuck and a small eyed ray of about 3 lb was soon in the boat while the tide was running we had 13 more ray up to about 8 lb plus some more tiny tope and equally tiny lsd,s with the tide easing bites stopped but the skipper assured us that on the start of the flood we would start catching again guess what we ,we never. so a third and last move found us about10 mins from the harbour in about 15 foot of water, out with a squid and sprat cocktail and it took about one hour and several bait changes before i had a bite , and a small conger found its way to the boat , and as the water got beeper with the flooding we all started to get small conger with the biggest probably going about 7 lb not massive but good fun. all to soon it was time to up anchor and head back to watchet .we never actually brought any fish home cos the only things that were big enough were a couplle of the rays
all in all it was a good day and made nice change . breakfast at shipham 8.30, watchet by 10.30 on the boat at 11 and back in at 7 home by 9 and all i got to show for it is a red head cos i forgot my hat and sunglasses, and i got to say i really enjoyed it but i cant wait to get back to some proper fishing on wednesday, viaduct i think cos i feel there is some thing missing oh yea it was the quid from fabio and the 3 from timmy . but i did get a quid off alan healy for the biggest fish , he is really shit

Wednesday, 19 August 2009

landsend weds

it was good to have my usual travelling partner back again,(dean mr angry malin) i have missed the wind up as he is so easy. they say owners look like there pets , and he was saying that his kids are suggesting he buys a vietnamese pot bellied pig, i,ll say no more. back to the draw and martin alexander drew me peg 13 i was more than happy and really fancied it as i have caught there before letting a dibber run with the flow around the end of the island . so 4 rigs today , 4x12 impact 10 for in the flow , 4x10 impact 1 for on the island when the aerator goes off , the same float for the right hand margin with double corn and a 4x12 impact 6 for the left against the tree,s. at the start i potted in 6,s to the left at 13 mtrs , corn and caster 5mtrs to my right , and fired 6,s into the flow at 16 mtrs. beginning in the flow it soon became apparent that it wasnt going to work this time, and with the aerater timed to run till 3 which was 2 hours in my cunning plan looked like a non starter, and by the time the aerater stopped all i had to show was 3 chub and 1 small carp from under the tree,s to my left, it took about 15 minutes for the water to stop moving, and when it did i went to the corner of the island on hard pellet and started to get indications staight away, and began putting odd carp in the net. the problem with catching on the deck in shallow water is foulhooking, i like to have 1 x no11 shot down the line with rest of the shot under the float. by moving around the three swims i kept putting fish in the net, but the lost 2 hours at the start would probably cost me. the problem with peg 13 is that you cant see whats going on due to the island and bushes so apart from pete notton on peg 11 who was getting a few once the water jet had stopped and steve tanner on 15 who was catching well on paste towards the end.
walking round to do the scales it looked as though the up and coming young gun known to his friends as jamie dyke sorry i meant dyte (no i never ha ha)was going to win as he had caught 29 carp on the old solvite rig, and he did with a weight of 122.10 on peg 5 fishing over to the island 2nd was mark leader on peg 21 with 112.5 also on paste(and with only one rod)
i was third with 108.12 all caught properly lol
son and father act were 4 th and fifth luke tanner(son)100.1 peg 19 and steve tanner on 15 with 76 lb
then last in the frame was the past master t wittcomb(no i didnt forget the E)71.6 peg 1, 2 and 23(just 1really) silvers went to the gimp with 17.7 on peg 3 and he even used 14 mtrs of pole with casters
i dont know if jamie was telling the truth or not but he did claim to have had a couple on pellet but i think it was bullxxxt
gary glitter,s old paper boy and ever cheerful fishery owner mike duckett has now imposed an 80 lb max per net , mainly due to the fact that people take the P and dont seem to understand that these fish are very exspensive to replace , or they dont care! likewise viaduct has the same net limit , but if you overstep it there 3 times you will find yourself on a months ban
cant finish without a mention of fabs (phil harding)seems his girlfriend the lovely M dont like the budgie flapping cos it scares her, how does she manage manage with fabs cos i aint seen nothing flap as much as him when he is stressed lol

Monday, 17 August 2009

did i forget

sorry i forgot to mention that tim clark had a twenty one pound carp last wednesday at viaduct. if you do happen to see him i have no doubt that he will only to pleased to relive the conquest as i have captured the beast about 20 times in the shop since that day. also i would like to congratulate phil(fabian)harding on his new addition to his family, bob the bread price has given him a budgie, but i am a bit concerned for the dirds safety as i saw him going up to the flat with a basting tray and a packet of sage and onion

Sunday, 16 August 2009

match 5 float only avalon

as martin rich always moans that i get flyers and he gets shit i let him draw for me and he pulled peg 3 on the speci lake. not to bad as its in the middle of the island and quite a good peg section wise. for company i had aton page who insists on singing along to his i pod which wouldnt be to bad if he had a better choice in music and not michael bubbley and take that and the other side was steve evans who helps run the league and makes my job a lot easier cos he is proper organised. back to the match and i set up the usual 4x14 rig for hard pellet on the deck , up in the dibber 4x12 and two wags one shallow and one deep. on the whistle and a quarter pot of 6,s at 16 mtr and a few 8,s to the island. i decided to start on the pole which in hindsight may have been i mistake as anton went straight on the wag and had one almost straight away. i persevered for a while longer on the pole but never had a bite while anton had another so i think i probably missed the boat for those early sucker fish,which may of cost me come the end.
unfortunately the venue isnt fishin as well as it can probably due to the heavy colour that seems to kick up from the bottom giving the water a very grey colour.judging by the shouting and moaning it was fishing really hard. i went on the wag shallow after 45 minutes but it still took me half an hour to get a fish but it was a decent fish over 10 lb, 30 minutes later i had another but anton had 3 by now . i tried the deep wag but i couldnt even get a liner on that. back on the pole and i missed a bite , a couple of minutes later and another bite which resulted in a 2lb skimmer in the tail then a liner and a fouled carp which didnt stick then nothing so back on the wag.its a good 40 mtr chuck here and it was one of those days when you had to throw it into the reeds to stand any chance of a bite, but you just got to keep going hoping for the odd bite . by the end i had had 4 carp and a skimmer unfortunately anton had had 6 so i gave him the quid before the weigh in. it had fished really hard and the match was won by paul(beaver)elmes on peg 23 with 61.2 on pellet shallow on the pole and paste in the margin. fromes finest andy lloyd was 2nd off peg 22 speci lake 52.01 on the pellet wag.
paul garrett 38.9 peg 38 pellet wag
l eigh nutland 38.2 peg 42 paste on the wag
anton page 36,10 peg 4 speci
vince brown 32.7
silvers were won by martin pettifer with 14 lb on peg 16 speci lake small fish shallow
apolgies must go to leon,s wife she didnt take to kindly to me referring to her old mans love handles so it will be known as middle aged spread then
one match to go and i am leading still by 1 point from anton, the last round is at viaduct on the 30 th. having a right change next week i am off to watchet to go boat fishing with dean and the rest of the park furnisher,s boys. it will be a refreshing change oh and did i mention i had another quid off fabio and 3 quid off tim clerke

Wednesday, 12 August 2009

viaduct weds open

with 45 booked in ,cambell, cary and lodge were to be used and luckily i drew on cambell peg 121 which is on the cary bank with an empty peg iether side. just goes to show i draw good pegs for myself aswell. rigs today were a solvite rig at 5 mtrs , pellet rigs for 14 mtrs 1 x up(dibber) and 1 for on the deck 4 x 12 bristle 16 hooks on each for hair rigged pellet and a 4 x 10 rig for the empty pallets iether side. at the start i potted in about a quarter of a large drennan cup at 5 mtrs and to the empty pallets each side and half a pot at 14 mtrs. starting at 5 mtrs on the paste i had 3 carp for about 16 lb in the first hour then nothing even the fizzing stopped even though i kept feeding, i think they just bugger off cos you got to play them on top of where you are cathing and i dont think they like it.but as the 14 mtr line had plenty of bubbles i thought it wpould be solid. it was but you couldnt nail them down as to where they were feeding. i was getting what i thought were liners so iwent shallow. no bites, went deep and sread the shot, had a couple and lost some foulers. all this time and the only people i could see catch were lee wheret on 123 catching on paste ,terry bruton on 119 on the wag paul hurn on 126 lead and pellet and steve jackson on 126 pellet deep on the wag.i did have the occasional look to the empty swims each side but apart from 2 tench and 3 lost carp which took me round the legs of the platforms small roach kept dinking the pellets which annoys me tremendously. with about an hour and a half to go i decided to concentrate on the 14 mtr line, going out on the deck i had a couple then had a swirl when i fed so out on the shallow rig and started to get the odd fish so i stuck with it, it was a bit strange though as the fish didnt seem that happy as you would get one then you would have to feed for what seemed like ages to get another bite. looking around the only people that seemed to be catching were jacko and tom thick on 115 who was also getting a few shallow which didnt bode well for the quid i had with him. on the whistle it turned out that cart and lodge had fished pooh and the top 6 all were on cambell, and they are as follows

steve jackson 113.3 peg127 wag and pellet

roger(purple man)young 97.3 peg131 wag and paste on the pole

tom (jacko,s number 1 fan)thick 94.9 peg 115 rapala magnum cranked fast

lee (the short fat one)werret peg 123 paste 93.13

tony rixon 91,13 peg 123 mainly pellet shallow

tony gilbert peg 130 78.6 paste

silvers gary wall 23.2 peg 129 tench and skimmers on paste

actually someone else won the silvers with 35.8 of feeder caught skimmers but as he also charged me 1.50for an out of date sausage roll with no trade discount bollocks to you mr greenwood lol

after my slip up at the weekend i did get my quid back off fat fabio phil not to mention the 3 quid off timmy clarke i really must get a direct debit set up for him

Monday, 10 August 2009

the morning after thoughts

even though i had a bad day at least it was a short walk with comfy pegs and safe car parking with some creature comforts ie toilet, flushing and someone else doing the scales, sweet.
i wonder how the "proper" anglers did at the weekend, long walks through long grass.wading out amongst reeds all for 6lb if they were lucky . strange thing is they seem to enjoy it, i know i used to and who nows with better access or with someone to carry me kit i may just try it again.

Sunday, 9 August 2009

avalon in a bad mood

today i was shit the end !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
just kiddin. i was going to viaduct to fish the psv match on cambell but iwas talked out of it in favour of running a match at avalon, wish i hadnt bothered.
we had 22 turn up from a far a field as oxford and wales and horfield so there was a multi national feel about it. mike west had his 9 year old nephew with him so he drew for me and pulled out 17 which is about half way up on the left on the small island. i had fat phil for company on 16, which i thought was like an empty peg(i wish i would keep my mouth shut sometimes), but joking aside he is a very very very (lol)compitent wag angler as he learnt his skills on the avon chub fishing as a junior with the silver dace club.i aint biggin you up any more.
it aint worth saying to much about how my match went ,just to say i had 1 skimmer on maggot over micros at the start and that was it as far as the silvers go, i did try for another hour to catch another but i think i had exhausted the shoal . its the only venue i know where 1 skimmer constitutes a shoal(sorry leigh). i foul hooked a good ghostie in the tail which i lost near the net and apart from a few liners that was my pole line done. on the wag i did eventually get 1 but that was hooked under the chin, at least it must have looked at the bait, and apart from losing 3 more on the wag 2 of which were fouled and the other 1 the bale arm wasnt shut properly and it got to the island and came off.oh yes and i had a duck nuff said .glen bailey seems to have days like this all the time i am surprised he still goes ! and the impish adonis that is leon hubbard was parading around with his shirt off. good to see he has caught us all up in the love handles stakes
the match was won by joff rogers(real name jonathon but he tells me only his mum calls him that) with 59.10 on peg 7, 12 carp 8 on the straight lead and 4 on the wag
leon luv handles had 53.8 on peg 3 mainly on paste at 16 mtr,s
andy neale had 47.3 peg 12 on pellet feeder
tom cruise , sorry magnol 45.12 peg5
vince brown 36.3 peg33
gary wall 32.14 peg23
silvers went to gary wall with 2.14
oh well off to do it all again on wednesday anyone interested give me a ring and i forgot to mention that i had to give 2 quid to phil ,vince and i even had to give a quid to mike duckett that shows how shit i was

Wednesday, 5 August 2009

landsend match and speci

i let trigger draw for me today and after rubbing his lucky bald spot out came 22. giving me the end of the island and a empty peg to my right. i made up a rat hole rig for tight in against the bank, (dibber) on the deck on top of the shelf,(4x10 bristle top).9 mtrs hard pellet rig(4x12) and a 4x10 rig for the right hand margin. starting at 9 mtrs on hard pellet and feeding there by catty i was soon getting indications and a bit of fizzing. forgot to say i did manage to mug a 8 pounder straight away but that dont last long at landsend and they soon dissapeared , so onto the 9mtr line. i had 3 carp and a few decent skimmers and 1 tench , then all i could get was liners, i tried shallow but never had a sensible bite ,so it was off to the far bank where i had been firing 6,s in since the start. although there were fish slurping and climbing the bank ,those of you that know landsend know they can be very difficult to get in the mouth, i find it pays to come about 1 to 1 and a half feet off fish with 1x no11 stotz down the line and keep feeding and lifting and dropping and you tend to get most in the mouth. by doing this i kept a steady stream of carp going into the net. i did have a bit of a torrid, as a couple of years ago mr duckett put some hay bales in netting around the end of the island now the hay has long gone but the bastarding netting aint, and i,m sure it keeps moving as i started hooking it all over the place end you dont get much of your rig back thats for sure,but as that seemed to be where the fish seemed happiest i put up with it. apart from 2 fish down the edge on corn the bulk of my weight came from the far side on hair rigged 6mm and feeding 6,s. on the whistle it became apparent that nick duckett would probadly win as he had caught 36 carp on peg 11 it seems the fish liked the aerater today
he weighed in 182.14 for an easy win all his fish falling to banded 6mm over 6,s against the island
i came 2nd by a good margin with 112.6
tony(slimy paste)witcomb was next off peg 18 fishing paste to the island and later to empty pallet 17
craig(trigger)edmunds was next and top scorer off the speci lake with 85.12 peg25
alan oram 62.14 pag29
gary wall 58 pag 28
top silvers was mike west with 22.2 mainly skimmers on soft pellet
just to finish off i hope you will all join with me in wishing trigger all the best for next week when he blows 1500 quid on laser treatment to try and kickstart his hair growth good luck mate but i cant help thinking the money would be better spent on a new pole

Sunday, 2 August 2009

johns and sydney,s

a hastily arranged knockup turned into a 22 peg sweep using john,s water and sydney,s at landsend fishery. i let the tango man and bruno look a like draw for me , and out came 70.a corner peg and as the wind had been blowing in i quite fancied it.i set up a paste rig for the right hand margin, up and down rigs at 14mtr towards the arat ,aer,air ,spray thing which was to be left off as an experiment, and an up and down rig for the island. started off with a full pot of 6mm pellets spread between the 14mtr line the island and the weed bed in front of 69 which was the same depth as the 14 mtr line and started loose feeding 6mm down the right for paste. starting at 14 mtr and firing a few 6,s over the top i started to get some liners so a quick change to the shallow rig and nothing,1 missed bite and that was it, there were some fish showing on the island so i went in on the 6 inch rig and a 12oz carp was soon in the net quickly followed by another one of a similar size (great). to be honest i really struggled for bites all day and i didnt even have a bite down the edge on the paste. all i could get a bite on in the end was the shallow rig against the island and only then when i could some fish activity,ending up with 34 lb and no coin except for the usual quid off phil harding which i had to give to andy bryant plus one to anton.the match was won by
dave(beany)westcott 87.01 peg 71 sydney,s
gary wall 62.04 peg 72
bela bakos 58.04 peg 81 (with his personel cheerleader)
andy bryant 43.07 peg79
tony page 37 peg 51
phil harding 4,15
top 4 all caught on paste
highlight of my day was when stu foale opposite me hooked a good carp which he played like a faggot letting it get into my peg and tangeling up with me when i was fishing 14 mtr .needless to say the fish came off and we were tied together under the spray thing rope .we had to pull for a break ,i lost a hook stu lost a rig he really must buy some proper lin and he can do his own elastics lol
stuart foale 35.14 peg 41