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Wednesday, 31 March 2010

an acorn ammering

thatchers very own rent boy drew for me. and handed me peg 14. certainly not a bad peg as pete sivell had won off it a few weeks ago so i wasnt unhappy, the only dampener was the gale blowing right to left which was going to make it more than a bit difficult (but only for me as it turned out), for company i had pete on 12 and dean on 14 so i was in a dynamite sandwich. 2 rigs today both 4x12 with a 16 middy 6313 to .12, one for down the middle and the other for over as it was slightly shallower at 2 foot 6 whereas it was 3 foot down the middle.
at the start i cupped in some 3mm and maggots at 5 and 10 mtrs and some right over at 13 mtrs against the dougal grass.
starting at 5 mtrs i had a bite first drop and lost a carp, i seem to do this a lot , then i had a small one of about a pound 10 mins later, then i started to get some perch, not the big ones but nice fish of between 6 and 12 oz, at least the float was going under, after the first hour it was close between me and dean but pete had taken 3 better fish on paste down the middle and at least one was in the mouth, by the end of the 3rd hour dean was forging ahead catching at 13 and 16 mtrs right over on maggot, pete was now going tight to the far bank, and by wedging his pole tip into the bank he was managing to get some sort of presentation and was now getting regular bites, also ed wynne on 16 was catching well, mostly silvers but he did get 5 carp towards the end, most of his fish coming at 6 mtrs on caster. about 45 mins from the end the sky went black and we had to endure 15 minutes of snow hail and frozen rain, and by now i had lost a bit of interest as i was so far behind, so i put the pole down turned my back to the storm and sat it out, i did get a couple more before the end but the would have had to have been 15 pounds each to make any difference. so today will be chalked down to experience .
1st dean malin 47 lb peg 15 (to my left)
2nd pete sivell 45.1 peg 12 (to my right)
3rd ed wynne 41.10 peg 16 (2 to my left)his catch included top silvers weight of 23.4 mainly perch with a couple of tench thrown in for good measure
4th pete notton 28.14 peg 10 (2 to my right)
5th chris fox 26.10 peg 4
6th martin lenaghan 22.11 peg 3
oh yes and what did i get. 19.2 for absolutley nowhere, i would like to say there were no fish in my peg but i think i have been watching shrimphead to closely, i think there were just as many in my peg as the swims iether side but i just had a day avoiding them, oh well off to viaduct friday for a pole only with 50 plus booked in and landsend sunday, dont think i can go on monday, judith seems to be putting her foot down and i may have to scrape some wallpaper boo hoo

Tuesday, 30 March 2010

shop bitz but i forgot what number

talking to ed wynne last week he asked me what was going on over easter, i told him there was a pole only match at viaduct on good friday, he asked whens that then, thursday week says me , ok says ed ,i will let you , then he realises what he said ,oops to late, old age dont come alone, as i am beginning to find out lol.
next andy "the stig"gay was telling me about the bitterwell match on monday, in which he had done quite well in coming third, and it was a close match and one more fish may have won it for him, his dad turned up about 10 minutes from the end just in time to see andy cast out for what was the last cast of the match, after casting out he settles back and prays for one more bite, but never had a touch, the all out arrives and he starts to wind in only then does he realise he has caught the tree above his head on the cast ,and as its a running method the feeder has landed as close to the required spot as is possible for andy shame his hook was still up the tree and no one was more supprised than andy when he wound the line in and it went past him up into the tree. classic you just couldnt invent it, perhaps he should have gone to specsavers.
and poor old tim clark has had it tough this week he had to go into hospital for an op on his ear as he had a nasty infection in the inner ear, i,m not saying his ear sticks out now but he can actually see it out of the corner of his eye, and to make matters worse they virtually had to take the ear right off to do the job , shame the surgeon didnt use his level when he stitched it back on as he now has one ear lower than the other, he looks like an extra from the hills have eyes.
spare a thought for niel mercer who is finding things a bit tough of late, he may be bristol,s youngest millionaire but the birth of his first child has stretched him slightly, so to help things he felt the need to cancel his sky hd package , our hearts are bleeding matey lmfaro

Sunday, 28 March 2010

landsend winter league round 8 the final

sydneys lake today which is lake 4, i wanted pegs 72 or 94 which are end pegs opposite each other , but no i go and pull myself 78, in the middle, at least i had anton page for company on 79. with nothing to fish for as far as the league goes i thought i might as well put some g bait in and see if i could line some skimmers up and win the silvers on the lake, so i set up a 4x14 rig with an 18 3613 hook to .10, a corn rig for down the edge 4x12 with .14 and a 16 3613, and 2 pellet rigs for over , again with .14 line and a 18 b960 for hair rigged banded pellet. on the whistle i cupped in a ball of g bait at 6 mtrs and some soaked 3mm pellets to the island, some on the end of the islaqnd in 2 ft of water and some along the side of the island in 1 ft of water.
starting at 6mtrs on maggot over the g bait , the first bite resulted in a fouled carp which was duly lost, then a couple of small roach then another carp but in the mouth this time, small roach became a problem now so switch to soft pellet resulted in a couple of skimmers, on with a piece of corn and another carp was in the net. i stayed on this line for about 1 1/2 hours but was going nowhere with silvers , and as mike west on 75 was getting a small skimmer every drop it was time to look to see if the carp would play ball, the carp in this lake are on the small side with anything over 2 lb deing a good one, by now i was firing 3mm pellets over to the 2 areas on the island as i think they are beginning to respond to the noise now so the toss pots stayed in the box. out to the end of the island in the 2ft deep swim , but it wasnt going to plan as apart from a couple of carp and some roach it was hard, so over to the second island swim , that was better and a steady stream of small carp were soon finding there way into the net, you couldnt nail the fish down in 1 spot you had to keep lifting and dropping the rig up and down the far shelf picking up odd fish.
i had 8 fish out of the margin on corn during the match, as far as i could see andy france on 72 had been catching from the off so it looked as though he was going to win the lake so the best i could hope for was a section win by default. as expected andy won the lake wit 73.10 so the section money was mine wth 45.12 , stu foale was second on the lake off 94 with 61 lb but i did win anither quid off anton and mat tomes who was end peg 83 in the corner, perhaps he never put any bait on till halfway through lol.
the match was won by rod wootten on 13 with 137.3 all his fish being taken on banded pellet 8 mtrs up the left margin and 8 mtrs down his right hand margin.
2nd nick collier with 108.12 off peg 50 which has been a rubbish peg all series so fairplay
3rd mark leader 104.2 peg 42
4th nick duckett 103.5 peg 70
5th chris davis 102.12 peg 24
6th james withers 77.00 peg 29
silvers nick duckett 34.00 all on banded pellet
2nd ryan shipp 28.5 peg 5
3rd mike nicholls 27.9 peg 1
1st nick collier 46 pts 478.8lb £550 . only dropping 2 points on the way which is a really good performance, showing how adaptable you need to be as each peg can be so different on each day
2nd vince shipp 42 pts 450.12lb £450
3rd rod wootten 39 pts 412.7 lb £350
4th gary wall 36 pts 305.14 lb £250
5th mat tomes 34pts 308.9 £150
6th dave hodgson 34pts £100
7th nick duckett 33pts but won the series silver so picked up £300
8th ken rayner32pts 202.2 £50
silvers 2nd in series john bradford £200
wll done to mike and ken for running and sorting out the problems along the way

Wednesday, 24 March 2010

landsend weds

i think the only way i am going to stop drawing flyers is to stop fishing(like thats going to happen). today mike west drew for me and handed me peg 15 a proper form peg of late . for company i had dean malin to my left and andy france to my right and numerous carp swimming about in front of me, i set up margin rigs for each side to fish hard pellet on the deck wit a 16 b9.60 to .16 and 4x12 impactq floats , the same rig for 13 mtrs on the deck hard pellet again, a 4x10 impact 1 float same hook and line for up on the island shelf in 2 foot of water and a 4x12 impact 2 for up in the water .at the start i cupped in 4mm pellets up the shelf and at 13 mtrs and loose fed 6,s each side in the margins. staight out to 13mtrs with a banded 6mm , lowered the rig in and it went staight under and i had one by the tail which was duly lost after a couple of minutes, back out again and as i was just about to put the rig back in a ghostie swam by , so i dangled the pellet and it took it , numder 1 in the net. back out and now i began fireing 4mm pellets out with the catty(chuck the toss pots in the bin now), i was now getting lots of dinks and bumps, liners. out with the shallow rig with a 6mm on , after a couple of missed bites i soon had the culprit , a chub of about a pound then a 3lb carp, 3 more chub then another carp but it wasnt as good as i expected it to be. by now there were odd carp topping between me and dean so i swung round to 10 o,clock at 13 to 14 mtrs and never looked back, i had 6 carp shallow in as many put ins, and that was the rest of the match taken care of really with most fish coming on the angle towards dean, with an odd fish coming off the island when the killing zone went quiet, and the margin rigs werent needed. its strange how it goes sometimes as dean isnt a slouch when it comes to catching shallow but he could hardly raise a bite fishing 16 mtrs back towards me, he did get one from my swim when i was playing one but that was the only one even though he did try a couple of times. it must have something to do with the way the fish are facing. by the end i reckoned i had about 30 carp for 130 lb but dean reckoned on 150. how comehe can guess other people,s weight but he gets his so massively wrong , he was closest as i weighed 157.11, it would have been a bit more but i fell foul of the 80 lb net limit as i had 8lb to much in a net
2nd was tony (daffodil)witcomb 87.7 on peg 31 again 6mm pellet shallow
3rd mike west 53.10 peg 21
4th chris fox 48.13 peg 19
5th dean malin 43.6 peg 13
6th andy france 42.2 peg 17
top silver weight went to eddie wynne with 25.14 of roach and perch taken on caster fished up the edge at 13 mtrs on speci 25
2nd jason radford 22.00
the day started well with a cracking brekkie at shipham , then i snapped my number 7 section just before the start so now my pole is 1mtr shorter, and the after match entertainment belonged to dean and jason, they decided to have a competition as to who could hold on the the electric otter fence the longest, jason managed 20 seconds(awesome)but he was jumping about a bit, as for hard man deano, well we couldnt even count to 1 and he was letting go, it was funny to watch

Sunday, 21 March 2010

bullocks fry,s series standin

we went to bullocks for brekkie, but it wasnt any where as good as shipham, live and learn.
into the draw bag and out came 26, pete sivell,s favourite peg and certainly a possible match winning peg. its got a weed bed on the right, an island in front at 12 mtrs and some open water to target the fantails and crucians aswell. 3 rigs all 4x10 impact 6 floats, one with an 18 6313 to .10 for the silvers, the other 2 were on .16 with an 18 xedion hook to fish by the weed bed and to the island. on the whistle i cupped in dusty green g bait at 8 mtrs in the open water then some soaked micro,s and corn by the weeds and to the island.
out with a 4mm jelly pellet at 8 mtr over the g bait and the first fantail was soon in the net, soon to be followed by a second, then a couple of missed bites saw me reachinc for the corn, sorting out the small pieces and slightly squashing it several more followed i also started putting some of the soaked micro,s on and that was good for a while but as expected tha bites slowly slowed right up , then phil,s stocking of "quality"roach turned up so about 2 hours in it was time to check the weed bed , so on with a piece of corn and i lowered it in next to the weeds, oops first fouler gone,the weed bed was solid with fish , i could see tails and backs in the weeds sunbathing, i was getting lots of liners , but they didnt seem to want to settle yet, i did manage a couple of small carp about 2 lb but i lost a good fish which i foulhooked and played for several minutes in 25 and 24 pegs before i finally lost round to my left in some snags underwater(that dont normally happen at bullocks does it).about 4 hours in the fish began to show a bit more interest and the peg was getting better but i was still loseing nearly as many as i was landing, but they were on the small side, unlike john macey on 24 who was now catching on paste at 13 mtrs , and they were big fish aswell, certainly up to 10 lb, the word on the bank was that it wasnt fishing to well, and the fancied pegs on north pool werent producing so i got my head down and by the end had about 12 carp and some silvers.
my sivers went 11.4 which turned out to be top silvers on the day and the carp went 31.5 for a total of 42.9, but it was only good enough for 2nd overall as john macey,s fish went 54.5 and a comfortable win.
3rd was venue regular kieth firks on north pool 6 with 30.8
4th steve preece 29.12 peg 24 north pool, if any one gets the chance ask him for his take that impression he sounds and dances just like gary barlow
5th martin rich 29.12 peg 8
6 th marvelous merv sivell 20.1 on north pool 8
2nd in the silvers was dean malin with 9.10 on 18 match lake
i really ought to go to bullocks more often as i never seem to get a bad peg there

Wednesday, 17 March 2010

avalon weds

off to shipham for brekkie where deans eye,s lit up when he saw they now do a bigger than ever breakfast called the greedy b,stard. considering its only a quid more than the usual dean never thought it would be that big(wrong),when it turned up it was probably the biggest we had ever seen, but fair play he nailed it but only just
of to the lake and it was good to see liegh and vic have been working hard to sort out the islands and the platforms and it really looks to be coming together, even the consevation lake is open for customers now, its going to be a syndicate lake, and one of the new members was fishing it today and had a 26 1/2 lb ghostie which had probably never seen a hook before.
back to the draw and i found myself on peg 9 which is the first swim on the second island, 2 pole rigs, both 4x16 impact 6 floats one with an 18 6313 to .10 and the other a 16 6313 to .12, the smaller hook for maggot over groundbait at 13 mtrs and the other for corn over micro,s at 16 mtrs, and i set up a waggler to fish to the island with banded 8mm pellet about 3 foot deep. at the start i cupped 4 balls of g bait at 13 ,and about 1/4 cup of micro,s at 16.
i fired some 6 mm pellets to the island and began on that , 3 chucks and that was the first float gone then, there was 1 spindly twig stuck out and it turned out to be more than a match for my line, so chuck that up the bank and out on the pole over the g bait, the float slid straight under and a 1 1/2 skimmer was in the net,for the next hour i had some more small skimmers(4 oz) and roach by then it was descision time ,weather to go for silvers or carp, so i refed the pole lines and re made the wag, glad idid cos within 3 chucks i had my first carp, i think i had 4 in the next 45 mins all on 8mm pellet(lovely).back on the pole and a 2lb tench and some more small roach ended up in the net, out to the 16 mtr line with corn and 2 12oz skimmers took a liking to my corn , then the third bite was a carp, after netting it i fed again and went back out on the wag , after 2 more carp and it was back on the pole for another carp and a couple of good skimmers up to 3lb(ok so it was a bream then), a bit more feed and out on the wag again and carp number 9 was netted, then the wind direction changed slightly and i couldnt keep my wag close to the island it kept tripping out ,away from the killing zone so it was back on the pole for the last 50 mins. i had 1 more carp and 3 more good skimmers in that time. at the end gary wall , dean malin , myself and andy france all had 10 or 11 fish so it could be tight, as i had double figures of silvers i thought that might just swing it in my favour, in the end i had 15.14 of silvers and 54.13 of carp,total 70.11 and a win and top silvers as well
2nd gary wall 50.01 peg 1 on corn up the edge on the pole
3rd dean malin 43.03 peg 5 on his beloved feeder
4th martin lenaghan 38.02 peg 13
5th andy france 33.09 peg 22
6th pete notton 29.05 peg 20
any one looking for a match on sunday mike duckett has got an open going on at landsend fishery
tel 07977545882 to book in

Sunday, 14 March 2010

landsend individual lge

my turn for lake 3 today and to be honest there are 3 proper fliers on it, 42,58 and 68 so i was more than happy to draw 42, its got a lot of features as you are on the end of an island with a small bush over the water just up to the left on the island, rigs today would be a 4x16 rig for caster at 6 mtrs with a 18 middy 6313 hook to .10 and 3 4x14 rigs , one for the left hand margin, one to fish by the bush on the island and one to fish in the deeper water off the front of the island, all rigs with an 18 808 to .12 with corn fished over soaked micro,s.
at the start i cupped in some casters at 6mtrs and micro,s by the bush , at the front of the island, at 10,oclock at 14 mtrs as its the same depth as the bush so i can use the same rig and some in the left hand margin.
staight in with caster at 6 mtrs and a 8 oz perch first drop, then a succesion of small roach, so i put on a piece of corn and i found myself attatched to a 10lb common, it took 10 mins to land on the light gear but it dont pay to hurry, i potted some more casters in with a couple of pieces of corn and by the 45 minute mark i had 3 carp in the net for about 25 lb then it went quiet and a strong left to right wind began to make presentation very hard. out to the 10 o,clock peg and a 7 pounder was number 4 in the net so i refed and went to the islandbut couldnt get a bite, and for the rest of the match i never had a bite by the island on the angle or down the edge , the only place was in front of the island but the side wind was making it very hard and i was missing some bites as i couldnt hold the rig still buty as no one seemed to be doing to well on the lake i decided to stick with it, the only threat was dave (beany)westcott on 68 who began getting a few carp to his left by the weed bed.but i had done enough as my catch went 69.10 and a lake win'
the match was won by des,s younger brother vince shipp with 91.1 on peg 13 which also included the top silver weight on the day with29.2 , all his fish being taken on soft pellet out by the aerator and over towards the island.
2nd the ever consistent rod wootten on 33 with 72.5 of banded 6mm hard pellet caught carp
3rd t rixon 69.10
4th nick(birthday boy)duckett 66.11 peg 16
5th mark popplewell 52 peg 21
6th dave westcott 46.8
vince shipp 29.2 peg 13
mike nicholls 26.12 peg 32
tim(it must have been solid)clark 19.12 peg 26
nick collier is still leading with a 3 point buffer over vince shipp
it was bad enough that i missed tim pallant falling in at viaduct a few weeks ago, now today mike nicholls went rushing into the bushes behind his peg as his roller fell over ,only to forget about the otter fence only to find himself being sent sprawling into a tree ha ha, and it became apparent as to why he doesnt like going to far for his fishing, he was spied in a lay bye on the a38 relieveing himself, that incontinence is a terrible thing but i think you can get man pads for it now mate

Wednesday, 10 March 2010

aching at acorn

talking to the owners it would appear that they have big plans for the fishery, and with the new 50 peg snake lake opening in may the other fisheries in the area may have to watch out.
back to the draw and any peg from 1 to 7 would do me , the only pegs i didnt really want were 17 and 18 as they were down at the windy end of the lake , and it is also the shallowest, and with a stiff easterly blowing to that end it was really knocking the temerature back. normally someone draws for me as i am organising but the buggers made me draw my own , and what did i get effing 18 , at least i had charlie barnes nextdoor on 17 so we were going to have a laugh.
one rig would do all today as it is the same depth wherever you go, about 22 inches ,mint,go 2 pegs to my right and you start to get 3 foot which gives the fish a bit more confidence especially as the water was quite clear. so one rig it was then a 4x12 impact 6 float with .12 to an 18 808. as i said 1 rig would do as it was the same depth down the edge , at 13 mtrs and at 17.5 mtrs which was about 1 mtr off the far bank reeds. on the whistle i cupped in some maggots and dampened micro,s on all 3 lines anmd started at 13 mtrs straight out, and had my first bite after about 10 mins and what felt like a perch came off about halfway back, so i cupped some more mags and 5 mins later a 10 oz perch was in the net. i stayed on this line for about an hour and a half and ended up with 7 perch up to about a pound and a quarter but no carp and by now i could see plenty of elastic up to my right so i was behind and going nowhere , quick look down the edge and no bites, to cold and to shallow me thinks. out to 17.5 mtrs and bites straight away and a couple of 2 lb carp safely netted feed again and a couple more soon followed. andy france wandered round for a chat and told me pete sivell on peg 4 had already had about a dozen carp down the edge on corn, i couldnt have drawn any further from the fish, and with dean malin 2 pegs to my right now catching down the track it didnt look to good. with 2 hours to go and no bites anywhere it was off the box for a quick rummage in deans holdall and me back at my peg with a couple of different extensions so icould fish 18.5 mtrs to the reeds christ this was going to hurt in this wind, but at least i was getting some bites again and putting odd carp and small perch in the net , that was till about 45 mins from the end when my bodged extension snapped on the strike , so back to deans bag and back to my peg with a 16 mtr tournament bit which fitted after a fashion, and i had a few more towards the end , that is when i could hold the pole in the wind, my shoulders are hurting now just typing, 18.5 is to far!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
as i went round with the scales pete on unfancied peg 4 was abmitting to 30 carp but he thought it might not be enough, i cant believe he kept straight face when he said it.
pete won as expected with a very good 113.8 with him taking a lot of fish off the bottom on corn, a good weight for the time of year
2nd dean(i,ve only got 30lb)malin 64.15 peg16
3rd ed wynne 58.14 on peg 10 in the narrows
4th tony rixon 37.12 peg 18
5th mike west 35.6 peg 15
6th alan oram 30.5 peg 13
john(its only me fishing for them)bradford 17.12 of perch on peg 7
fairplay to tom thick for letting pete catch some fish out of his peg i hope tom has learnt a bit more as to how to catch carp now i hope you didnt show him to much pete.
for those inetrested the cafe at shipham will be open on sunday morning
and where was fabio, well he decided to fish the open on the river at newbridge , only 8 turned up, 7 blanked 1 caught 1 bream, i,m really glad i aint a "proper" angler any more lmfaro.

Sunday, 7 March 2010

viaduct teams of 5 last round

this wont take long. with clayton hudson not fishing today as some useless low life stole his tackle from his shed on thursday night . its probably been sold for about 50 quid just to fuel some crackheads habit. instead of spending millions every year trying to get them off the hard stuff with rehab and methodone give them pure shit and dirty needles ,problem solved.
back to the match and as i was doing the pools for the overalls and silvers ,ron hardiman did the team draw and he managed to put me on 85 on cary, its been a right form peg all winter with carp on the lead(i had to do it), also it has shown a bit of silvers form in the last couple of weeks with good perch and skimmers on the wag and caster at about 20 mtrs.
so 2 rods one lead with an 18 xedion for triple maggot, and a 3 aa wag with an 18 6313 to .10.
on the whistle the lead was despatched towards the aerator and in line with the end of the spit , i fired some casters on the wag line , then sat back and waited for the tip to pull round and waited and waited, i was getting the odd indication so there were some fish out there but they wouldnt take the bait, there were some carp being caught over on the diagonal bank to my left but i couldnt get a pull. steve long walked round at 12.30 and as he stopped to talk my tip started to move and pull round but it was only liners, it didnt matter where i chucked in the peg the tip wouldnt stay still, while steve was there the tip went round nice and steady and i hooked one , foulhooked one in the wing, but they all count. an hour later and i had one in the mouth and that was me lot, but for the last 3 hours of the match i had had a liner on indication every chuck, as did alex murray who was on the other side of the spit i think there were to many fish there lol, so i reckon i have done really well to avoid them. andy lloyd on 100 won the lake and match with 153 lb on the lead with meat(guess who never took meat with them, doh)
2nd tim(the plummet)pallant wth 7 fish for 99.6 all on bread on the lead with the biggest fish going 21 lb on peg 78
3rd ray hayward 59.5 peg 113
4th roland lucas 54.13 peg 128
5th nick collins54.13 peg 129
6th james knight 45.6 peg 53
silvers mat parsons 19.7 of skimmers on the wag and caster on peg 60
teams on the day
somerset angling 72 pts
maver veals red 71 pts
team keyford 70 pts
enterprise 65 pts
amigos 64 pts
avon angling 63 pts
teams overall
somerset angling 363
keyfords 315
team viaduct 312
maver veals red 302
viaduct select 293
megabait 283
enterprise 269
haines ac 266
viaduct allstars 262
sensas thyers 255
avon angling 254
amigos 251
garbolino 250
fox match 240
warmwell 237
team veals 218
westerliegh blue 213
langport 208
somerset majik 187
maver veals blue 181
yet again steve and paul ran a good league shame the weather put paid to any real consistent sport , hopefully the weather will be kinder next winter.
just to let hayley know that i have cured my incontinence , i dont eat the pies or drink the coffee when she is on duty he he he he he

Wednesday, 3 March 2010

weds landsend

it was 10c on tues but back to 6 c today with a stiff easterly blowing up the lakes from the carpark end so i wasnt too pleased when fabio drew 11 out for me which is at the far end of the match lake right in the cold wind plus we all thought the speci lake would be the place to draw as it had been fisshing better than the match lake as the water in the latter had been very clear, so when i got to my peg i was pleasently suprised to see it had a tinge of nice colour to it. for company opposite i had none other than matt(shrimpy)tomes again and what he was going to do to me today was no odds to anyone as he was on the famous 13 peg. with the wind no gusting quite strongly i bet shrimpy was glad he never had all his hair extensions taken out of his eyebrows cos he was using them to tie his hat on today.
back to the fishing , 4 rigs today a 4x14 to an 18 808 on .14 for down the left to the empty pallet,
another 4x14 for the deep water towards the aerator with a 16 6313(middy) to .12
2 more rigs with same size floats both with 18 6313 hooks(i have rapidly become a fan of these hooks as they keep there points well and appear quite strong) 1 rig to fish towards a bush on the island and the other to fish 16 mtrs towards the end bank.
at the start i cupped in some casters at 11.5 mtrs towards the bush and some at 16 mtrs , then some micros at 14 mtrs towards the aereator , and some to the left hand pallet and some corn went in with it aswell.
starting over by the bush it took 25 mins to get the first bite and a good perch dropped off halfway back, at least that cheered shrimpy up, i soon had another bite on single caster and a 1 lb perch was safely netted, what was strange was the fact that i couldnt get any bites over any of the other lines i fed except for the odd small roach, so for the biggest part of the match my time was spent on single caster towards the bush in about 1 mtr of water , i kept kindering in about 10 to 15 casters every put in and kept getting odd bites from quality silvers in the shape of perch to 2 lb a couple of f1,s ,2 chub a tench and the odd carp. about halfway through alan oram and martin lenaghan walked up from the speci lake to get the boat as alan had pulled a topset off on a bush on the island and by tha time there had only been a couple of carp taken so i decided to try and keep winkling the odd fish out and hope for a few more carp to put in an appearance. with an hour to go the wind eased a bit and with rhe bush swim all but quiet i cupped caster at 14.5 mtrs down to my left at 10 o,clock, i left it for 5 mins then went in with single caster hoping for more perch , but the first bite was a carp which was carefully played out on the light line and safely netted, next put in and another carp was put in the net, then no bites so i fed again and went back to the bush , had another tidy perch then a small roach so back to the 14.5 mtr line and a small roach first drop, so i put a piece of corn on the 18 and went back out again , it didnt take long before the float buried and another carp was on its way to the net, out with corn again and another carp on and on its way to the net then the match was over, i thought i might have 50 lb so i admitted to 45 to be safe.
the scales arrived and my catch went 54.7 which included the top silvers weight on the day with 22.11 and 7 modest carp making up the balance
2nd gary wall 42.4 on peg 19 . 8 carp on soft pellet
3 rd bela bakos 38.6 peg 23
4th jason radford 31.14 peg 21
5th nick duckett 31.2 peg 25
6th martin lenaghan 28.15 peg 32
as some of you will know fabio is trying to give up smoking so i said i will give up biscuits and chocolate and we will see who lasts the longest, needless to say i saw him sneaking around the lake to scrounge a fag off jason radford so i,ve won , i new it would be a safe bet as he has no willpower but i, m still giving up biccy,s and choccy.
if any one is looking for a match on sunday there is a league match on sunday at landsend and mike has been let down by a few so if you are interested to stand in for the day phone mike on 07977545882