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Monday, 19 September 2022

4 days again

Landsend fishery 3 day event, shoukd have been 33 fishing, but one no show, and they onky paid a bit of the money, dont understand it, why cant people just ring or text to let organisers know so someone else can fish, bit selfish really, breakfast at the fishery everday, vwry nice aswell, drew 58 first day , up on lake three, one of my favourite pegs as it favours left handers, with a big weedbed up to the right, reeds to the left and an island to go at,
thought i was going to be in for a rasonable day but it was tough, even going 14 mtrs to the weedbed was no good, all i had there was a tench and an f1, wierd. I had a few carp on meat at 9mtrs, a couple of the island on pellet and some more smallish ones to my left towards the reeds, ended up with 68lb for secomd in the section, beaten by steve(lanerz) lane on 41 with 71lb, so not to bad a start.well done to rich major on winning the lake from peg 68, obviosly the coaching from rod wootten and mike williams on margin fishing is paying off,
day two and my turn on lake one, speci lake, more than happy to pull out 33, corner peg behind the cafe,
had a really slow start which got difficult after a bit, I've hooked a carp which went under the aerator and snagged me. Pulled for a break but lost my rig, so off my box with hooks and blades attaxhed to net handles and cupping kit, i was aroung the side doing snag clearance, not ideal 90 minutes into the match, it took a while to start catching , but i caught quite well for a spell, i even had martin rayet worried over on peg 31 who was winning the lake and section But a bad last hour didnt help, so i had to settle for second in the section again, with 112lb, martin won our section with 140lb, so the first ninety and last 60 may have cost me. day three and lake two, into the hat and comes peg 13 up in the corner, all the lakes switched off today, two cold nights probably didnt help, winkle out 72lb , mainly.from the right hand margin, but christ these Landsend fish are switched on, they arent to worried by a pole over there heads, but they certainly knkw when your rig is in the water, but i managed to be top weight on the lake so a section win and i my just sneak in with 5 points, managed to come 5th so a bit of money, always.welcome , well done to luke fothergill on winning with 4 points, beating dan squire on weight, mark jones also had 4 points but less weight again, bob gullick was 4th with 5 points beating me on weight, then i did the nick duckett who also had 5 points, big thanks to gary and Rachael anderson for putting up with us and our moaning, nice touch with the food after Rachael, much appreciated, ade the tea boy did a good job delivering food and drinks to the pegs during the match, without even using the quad, LOL 😂😂.and to Mike ducket for the organising, a thankless job, and steve seager for the results. Nearly had a day off on monday to watch the funeral, after.all it was a slice of history we will never see again, and she did our country proud, But decided to go to the sedges for the silvers match (over55,s), another lovely fishery breakfast, them drew peg 39 for myself, end peg on the day, angler on my right today was the legendary bob pascoe, always going to have a laugh with him nearby, anyway fed lines at 7 and 9 mtrs with groundbait with caster and a small.ammount of chopped worn, and loose fed caster on ny topkit line just to the left in 4 foot of water, again ive had a nice day catching good skimmers on all lines, trying to avoid the carp, which was nigh on impossible, the hook box certainly took a beating, ended with 47lb, which was enough to win, beating martin tizard whi had 43lb, tile lake.fished well, brick was a bit more difficult as the weigh sheet shows.

Monday, 5 September 2022

A busy four days

Friday and Saturday was the 2 dayer at shiplate, day one on the canals, day two on the main lake,, after a nice mark breakfast, it was draw time, peg 7 came out for me, witht he levels down the far bank was to shallow, the pegs to my left were the same but to the right everyone had at least 12 inches against the far bank, and my margins werent to good, to deep to the left and the right, well thats my excuses done then, limped home with 60+ pounds fourth in section so two dayer hopes gone then, Saturday.peg 12 on the main lake, not my favourite peg, really shallow for 5 mtrs, 6 to 10 inches before it dropped off, shouod have taken the offer of some wellies, again a no good day, 4 carp and 10lb of skimmers for 50lb, oh well always next year. Well.done john on winning , bob gullick second and paul faiers third, well done.
Sunday and it was baxk to the mayhem that is todber manor, the fishing is crazy, good to do from time to time, but to strenuous for me on a regular basis, as ive said before john and his fishery crew certainly do a good job, from cats and big carp to huge match weights, something for everyone.we had 35 fishing and there was 10,100 of fish caught, 288lb average, mad. Trig was first on the day with 618lb on peg 89, I,ll let the weigh sheets do the talking, i was on 85 and had 439lb, most ive ever caught, and it was a 5 hour match
Monday and sedges silver,s match, lovely fishery breakfast cooked by Denise, csnt beat a nice tinned tomatoe, (mark at Shiplate), 29 fishing today, so tile and one bank of brick, drew peg 32 so happy,
but its been a difficult, nit hard, just difficult, carp were a pain, but some days you just got to wade through them, ive caught at 5 and 11mtrs, all baits worked, worm, magggot and caster on the hook all caught me a few fish, ended hp with 37.12 which was good eniugh for 4th, rob parker did well with 54.14 mainly on bread and corn i think, well done mate, nice net of fish that. Ron stark on my left was second with 48lb, and on 27 was mr consistent martin tizard with 47lb, weigh sheet below.

Thursday, 1 September 2022


After being on top of the blogs recently ive fallen behind again, so a quickie report on the last three as the results have been posted elswhere already. Last Thursday and Shiplate for the nearly costcutter. (£20), nice breakfast cooked by mark in the hut, very tasty. Drew peg 13a with alan quantrill to my right and old friend jer Salisbury on my left, who was always going to find it tough after he showed me a pint of frozen hemp he had got out of his freezer that morning, shame it turned out to be a bag of frozen peeler crab. i intended to fish corn for the silvers today, but set up all the customery carp rigs aswell, started on corn for a few decent skimmers, alan had caught a few slapping a rig around, there were a few cruising around , and there body language had me thinking they may be muggable, alan had tried but failed, i had to give it a go, they were more difficukt than i had expected but managed 6 good fish in the next two hours before they stayed out if range, cute fish.they were good fish with the biggest going 17.8.
I had neglected.the skimmer line a bit during thus time, so it tooka while to start getting bites again, but they turned up towards the end, i ended with 32lb of skimmers and the 6 carp went 72lb, should have stuck with thesilvers as 40lb won the silvers by ron stark on peg 10, well done matey, the match was won by gary flinders on peg 9 with 179lb.
Sunday and a rare visit to viaduct fishery for a match on Campbell, drew well 112, so a decision was carp or silvers, decided on a silver approach as there had been a lot of the lakes skimmers in this area, so topset and two for corn again, a 13mtr line for pellet and a margin rig for down the left, ive had a nice day day catching some good skimmers on the short line, a few on pellet long , and even had a three in the margins, and of course a few carp thrown into the mix aswell, ended up with a level 60lb of skimmers and 87lb of carp for top silvers weight and also winning the section, cant moan about a bit of double bubble, ben hagg won of peg 132 with over 260lb, well done mate.
Monday and landsend for the gary wall memorial match, 21 fishing so gary let us use lakes two and three, so lots of room, i let tom thick draw for me, i shiukd have known better, peg 3 for me😕😕, then he pulls out peg 13 for himself, so a forgone conclusion really, tom won with 210lb of margin caught fish, i ended up with 155lb, catching on all rigs, meat short , either side in the margins, and some fish from across, ut as everyone who fishes this venue, those far bank fish a buggers to catch, top silvers went the usual way with dave(the night watchman)ings on peg 11 with just short of 50lb, well done all.