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Tuesday, 24 November 2009

some pics and shop bitz

for those of you with bird tables and moan about rats, mice and squirrels being a nuisance spare a thought for the hardings, this is what happens when you get a visit from a baboon lmao.
tony,tony judith and barbara on the coastal walk at tsitsikamma to the storms river mouth

tony harding with a 30lb hammerhead, i would have caught one aswell but he did me some dodgy rigs

me in fancy dress with a 45 lb spotted gulley shark

southern right whales at hermanus, totally awesome.

just a quick mention for the whitehall one , unfortunately he fell off the mortal perch last night and kicked the bucket. i may have to get a whitehall 2.

for those of you that know the shop , will know that it is a great place for stories and gossip, one of the best stories this week was from martin mcmahon recounting a day when he was young and nelson still had his eye, he had been given a job to shoot some rats in a shed , unfortunately the task was done quite quickly and all the rats were done in, sat there feeling bored they had a divvy up and martin was despatched to the pet shop to see if he could purchase some more rats, problem was all he could get was a hamster, letting it go in the shed martin nor his mates could bring themselves to shoot it so again martin went to the pet shop but this time he came back with a cage and took it home, so much for being a 6 ft 3 ex bouncing hard man lol.

1 comment:

  1. Is there an investigation into the mysterious death of the Whitehall one? Methinks FiFi done it!
