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Tuesday, 31 August 2010

teams of 4 info

round 1 to be fished at chilton trinity this sunday 5/9/2010
teams competing
dynamite baits
avon angling
avon angling select !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
charlies angels
timmy,s tarts
g b electrical
team keyford
matty,s maulers
draw 9am in the bottom carpark at wildmarsh
pools £100 compulsory team pools
£20 per match from each team pool goes towards the overall giving the top 3 teams payouts of
1st £540
2nd £440
3rd £340
payouts on the day are
1st £110
2nd £90
3rd £70
1st £85
2nd £65
8 sections ,4 sections of 5 worth 50 quid and 4 sections of 6 worth 60 quid all paid by befault, but you can win both overall and silvers.
i think thats right now

Monday, 30 August 2010

landsend monday rip Gary Wall (friend)

sad day today . gary wall lost his fight with cancer on sunday night and died peacefully at home. i dont ever think i have witnessed a man with so much mental and physical strength over the last few months, gary was still fishing up until 10 days ago and i dont now how he managed it , he never complained and he never asked for help with his kit till about 3 weeks ago , and even then he would try and do it himself often refuseing help, he will be sorely missed, especially his temper tantrums and swearing on the bank when things went wrong, but putting that asides he was a quiet man who was as honest as the day is long and and was always there if any one needed a hand. as i,ve said he will be sorely missed.
just the results today as it dont seem right to write to much
1st t rixon 121 lb peg 11 pellet over to the island
2nd rod wootten 108.10 peg 16
3rd bela bakos 104.9 pg36
4th c edmunds 84 lb peg 38
5th s seager peg 34
6th ryan summerhayes 72.12 peg 5
silvers c edmunds 22 lb skimmers

Sunday, 29 August 2010

float only last round

going into the last round i was leading by 1 point from freddy roberts and with tim clark and tim ford in with a chance of winning it could be close. dean malin drew for me today and handed me 59 which is the first usable peg up right hand side of lodge lake, its a good section peg so i wasnty to dissapointed, for company i had john(the gimp)bradford on 60 and glen bailey on 57 and on 53 which is normally the lake winning peg was mat dark and with trig edmonds on 62 and tim clark on 55 the stage was set.
i set up a pellet and a paste rig to fish at 14 mtrs but i didnt use them as the wind had picked up to a gale blowing into and left to right making it impossible to present(i can hear mike nicholls you should fish closer then).
i set up a 4x10 rig on .20 with a 14 xedion hook to fish meat down the left hand margin. and last of all a wag rig to fish at depth at about 20 mtrs with banded pellet.
at the start i cupped in 6 and 8,s at 14 mtrs , fired some 8,s to 20 mtrs and started throwing some meat into the margin, starting on the wag i had a 8lb carp 2nd chuck , then the day got more and more torrid , with foulers which all came off, hooks pulling out and wags ending up in the trees behind me , i caught the aerater cable about 5 times losing 2 floats, missing bites and generally having a bad day , oh yes and did i mention the foulers, i tried shallow , half depth , feeding more, then feeding less nothing seemed to work, i went down the edge with abouit 90 mins to go and had 6 reasonable fish on meat so i finished the match with 14 carp ,2 skimmers and a roach for what i thought would go about 90lb, time would tell.
mat dark on 53 was first to weigh and had 107lb which i thought would be enough to win the section, 2nd in section for me would be enough to seal the series, but in the end i neednt have worried as my net went 113lb meaning i couldnt be caught,
again the venue fished really well with chris davis on 127(cambell~)winning on the day with 197lb catching at 5mtrs on meat and 16 mtrs hallow on pellet
2nd was andy lloyd next door on 126 with 194.3 catching at 14 mtrs at depth on pellet
3rd alan oram 183.7 peg 114
4th fred roberts 162.10 peg 94
5th jamie parkhouse 154.13 peg 134
6th anto page 150.8 peg 135
silvers gary etheridge 35.4
league overall
tony rixon 35 points(£45o)
fred roberts 33 pts(350)
tim ford 32 pts (250)
tim clark 31 pts (150)
andy lloyd 30 pts (75)387.2 lb
brian shanks 30 pts (50) 255.7 lb
thats it till next year then.big thanks to steve evans for the help in doing the rtesults(actually he does it all).
next stop the teams of 4 starting next week with rnd 1 being down at chilton trinity

Thursday, 26 August 2010

landsend weds

no chance the weather men getting it wrong today ,and we werent dissapointed, it began raining as i picked dean up and never stopped, luckily the wind wasnt to strong the brollie could be used.
good to see dan tanner back to fishing after a recent back op, thats the good thing about being young ,you mend quickly.
i let dan draw for me and he gave me peg 7, its i peg i seem to draw quite often, and usually catch a few so i wasnt complaing, although i really wanted a draw on the speci lake, the men to beat would be pete sivell on 31 dean malin on 29 and nick duckett on 27 all of which were on the speci. on my lake the main threat would be mark leader on 15 and jamie dyte on 19.
3 rigs today 2x 4x8 rigs for over .one with a 16 b960 to .18 and another with a 18 b960 to .14 both for banded pellet, and a 4x12 rig with a 18 hook to .14 to fish at 5 mtrs for hopefully some skimmers.
at the start i began by kindering some 4,s at 5mtrs with a banded 6 on the hook and fired some 6,s to the far side, and as is the norm fish began showing nearly straight away on the island , but i like to leave that line for an hour or so just to let the fish settle, in the end it was 90 mins before i looked over there as i had 6 carp and 3 good skimmers at 5 mtrs and lost 5 foulers so after 90 mins all i was getting was the odd roach.
going over it was pretty clear there were plenty of fish in the peg but they were a bit skitty as i was fouling and spooking more than i was getting in the mouth, which is always a problem in 15 inches of water.
about 2 hours from the end i switched to the lighter rig and it seemed to make a bit of difference as i started to catch better with a banded 6 on the hook instead of an 8. by the end i think i had about 23 or 24 carp and a few silvers, jamie on 19 had caught well towards the end and mark on 15 had caught steadily throughout but had suffered with foulers also on the speci nick duckett was admitting to 150lb so that was first place taken care of , and it was as his net catch went 159.14 with all his fish being taken on the far bank on banded pellet peg 27
2nd was me with 134 lb peg 7
3rd mark leader 107.11 peg 15
4th jamie dyte 103.1 peg 19, you can tell he doesnt weigh in to often as he got in a right mess trying to get his fish out of his net
5th martin lenaghan 91.14 peg 13
6th steve tanner 91.11 peg 1 thats a rare one he actually beat his son dan
silvers went to dean malin on 29 with 27.4 of mainly skimmers on 8mm over 6,s fish down the shelf at 14 mtr,s

Monday, 23 August 2010

boat (another rip off) fishing

it was another day out with the park furnishers boys and the destination today was lyme regis out on the suzy b , we should have realised it was going to be bad as the skipper had pointed us to a sea front cafe he had asked to open up for us. now i dont mind being charged over 6 quid for a brekkie as we had a sea view but then it was another £2.30 for a coffee(ouch that hurt),fairplay to martin alexander he told them to stuff it and walked out asw did bob from parks, but the rest of us did pay but it deffo wasnt worth it.
we were on the boat by 8 and steaming out towards the first mark which was to be a wreck about 10 miles out in about 100 feet of water where we would be drifting with artificials like shads ,redgills, jellies and the like.
when we got there we ran over the wreck and there were plenty of fish showing on the sounder so we were fairly confident, 3 hours later and god knows how many drifts all we had to show was 2 small pollack and a few big pout. chatting to the skippers mate he told us that trawlers hed been working the wreck recently and the bass had been a bit scarce as even he had not had one this year!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so the skipper decided to knock that in the head, move inshore and try for some black bream on the rough ground, 2 hours on the anchor and all we had to show were some small wrasse. this was going from bad to worse. so it was another move back out to some rough ground in deeper water where we had 5 bream and some dogfish, after an hour of that it was up anchor and back into lyme regis and that was the day over.
i dont think we will be going there again, i found out that the skippers main job is that of a boiler maker, perhaps he should stick to that, we had a couple of novices on the boat who had hired gear on the boat so you would have expected the skipper or his mate to be on hand helping them , the mate did a bit but the skipper stayed mainly in his cabin looking out of the door, and what gives the mate the rights to fish . we paid a lot of money(360 quid)so i would expect the skipper and his mate to help a bit , no a lot mor
the especcially the novices . so anyone thinking of booking a boat give the suzy b a wide berth.

Thursday, 19 August 2010

viaduct pole only weds

27 booked in today so it goes to prove these pole only events arent losing any of there popularity with miles levy from farmborough and harry billing coming up from cornwall the news of the good sport is travelling. unfortunately miles had to pack up early as he had run out of top sets and harry didnt bother the scales as he drew 81 and that hasnt been the best of pegs all summer.
i drew for myself today and managed to pull 129 which is the carpark side of the spit on cambell, no complaints there as it is a good consistent peg, for company i had fishery boss paul greenwood on 128 whose watch seemed to gain 2 minutes during the match and steve denmead on my right who managed to bore me to death with his skiing holiday stories from the last 15 years.
i had intended to fish paste if i was on cary but as i wasnt i didnt set the messy rig up , in hindsight it may have given me a few extra fish but i will never know. so it was three pellet rigs one shallow , one deep 4x12 for 14 mtrs and a 4x10 to fish 2 foot deep about 2 foot off the spit . on the whistle i cupped some 6,s at 14 mtrs and some by the spit at 13 mtrs, straight out with the deep rig with a banded 8mm on the deep rig ,the float went under and i had a fish in the net before most had finished feeding there pegs, then the foulhookers turned up , i,m beginning to think there is a strain of carp in these lakes that have been bred without mouths cos you cant seem to hook them in it, looking round everyone was getting the same problem and with all the anglers feeding and fishing differently i dont think anyone has the answer really, and today it was worse as the fish didnt want to come up and feed shallow , that is not until the last hour or so as a few started to catch up in the water. i stopped trying to catch shallow pouched in 2 or 3 pouches of 6,s and left it until i had 2or 3 fish(or lost 2 or 3)then fed again, i moved all my shot up under the float except for 2 numder 10,s down the line and kept lifting and dropping, if i got a bite on the drop it was in the mouth and if i got a bite after it had settled it was fouled, i had tried the spit several times but it didnt really start showing signs of life until about an hour and a half from the end when again i began to get bites on the drop, i had another senior moment as it took me about 30 mins to realize what was going on , i cut down my shallow rig and went a bit closer to the spit and as the end drew near i couldnt get the rig in quick enough as i think i had 8 or 9 fish in the last 40 mins. the scales turned up and my 31 carp 1 tench and 2 goldfish went 158.4 and my net with the 16 carp in was 6lb over the fishery net limit of 80lb so its only 14 fish per net from now on.
first on the day was paul (speedy watch)greenwood on 128 with 199.6 whose catch was 159lb of carp and 40lb of tench and skimmers the carp coming from the spit and the silvers falling to meat fished at 6 mtrs
2nd was josh garrett on 111 with 173.15 he managed to catch shallow in the last hour and a half to end up with 32 carp.
3rd andy lloyd 173 3 on peg 125
4th tony rixon 158.4 peg 128
5th nick white 150.8 peg 86 for top weight on cary
6th tony witcomb 147.11 peg 90
the silvers were a close affair with chris davis on 127 taking 58.11 of mainly skimmers on meat and corn at 5mtrs. close behind in second was martin preston on 78 cary with 58.10(just a bounce of the scales)again skimmers on soft pellet over groundbait

Thursday, 12 August 2010

weds fortnightly landsend

again we had enough to use the match and half the speci and with the water levels slowly creeping up we might get a bit of depth on the far bank. stu foale drew for me and handed me peg 3 and then drew 13 for himself and i really wanted to draw on the speci, oh well.
two far bank rigs today ,one to fish tight to the island in 8 inches of water, and one to fish about 2 foot off in 12 inches both 4x8 with a 16 b960 to .18 for hard pellet, both rigs would do both lines(why didnt i just put one rig together), and a 4x12 rig with a 18 to .14 to fish banded 6,s over 4mm for skimmers at 5mtrs, cos the peg has been quite consistent for silvers in the last few matches.
at the start i cupped in some soaked 4,s at 5 mtrs and half a pot of 6,s up on the island shelf. starting at 5mtrs i soon had a couple of roach and a small skimmer in the net, then the westerley wind began blowing right to left making it all but impossible to hold the rig stiil long enough to get a bite, when the wind eased slightly and the rig stayed still you would get a bite, by the end of the first hour i had 3 good skimmers and some roach but had aLso lost 2 carp one was fouled but one was mouth hooked.
i had been feeding with a catty to the island and i could see the odd tail in between the waves, so over i went and i lost a fouler straight away then had a couple of quick ones but then the fish seemed to dissapear p[robably due to the shallowness of the swim, i also tried feeding to a bush 16.5 mtrs to my left but the wind stopped me fishing it to much but i did get 2 carp from there.
most of my match was spent between chasing tails on the far bank and trying to get skimmers down the middle but with the wind pushing all the rigs through it was difficult so i was pleased to finish the match with about 15 carp and 10 good skimmers, with the tree,s and bushes which surround the peg you cant see the rest of the lake ,the only person i could see was nick duckett on 5 but he had struggled a bit so the quid was safe , the match lake had been difficult with josh garrett admitting to 19 carp on peg 19 for an estimated 85 lb. my combined net went 86.7 with the net split of 18lb of skimmers and the balance 15 carp, by the time the scales got round to josh i was still top on the lake and luckily for me the 4 carp he had in his second net turned out to be 3 as one had jumped out (ha ha), so he ended up one fish short of me with 83.10.
first on the day was dean malin on 32 on the speci lake with 163.4 all his fish falling to pellet fished shallow at 14mtrs taking fish to 15lb
a close second was me with 86.7 peg 3
3rd josh garrett 83.10 peg 19
4th mike west 69.7 peg 11
5th adrian bishop 62.14 peg 21
6th jamie dyte 58 peg 31
silvers went to jamie dyte with 20.12 of f1,s taken at 13 mtrs on paste and soft pellet i think

Wednesday, 11 August 2010

shop bitz part?

les(the chub)williams came in on tues and was discussing how his match went on sunday at avalon , and couldnt really understand how come josh garrett opposite him managed to catch on the shallow wag and he struggled to get a bite, i didnt have the heart to tell him that josh is probably just better than him. anyway he still enjoyed himself as there appeared to be a buzzard,s nest somewhere in the tree,s behind him cos he could hear the chicks squaking(that aint how you spell it is it). i had to explain to him that he was next to paul(beaver)elmes who,s ringtone is the sound of chicks in the nest so the time he spent creeping around behind his peg was enough time for josh to steal his fish, it could only happen to the chub.
dean also came in and kept us ammused with stories of his past to how the world would be a better place with him in charge. also he found a way he might be able to improve his sex life with mrs m , he thought it would be a good idea to make her sit down and watch a sex aducation video he had borrowed off someone, then calmly explaining to her that he wanted her to behave like them dirty bitches(his words). i dont know if it worked as i,m to scared to ask. so if any of you people out there need some advice on how sort your lazy bitch(wife)out on ways to improve your marriage ,and parental control of your kids and other peoples aswell he is available free of charge via the avon angling helpline. he did come out with several more little gems but most were unprintable, i might have to start a members only blog lol

Sunday, 8 August 2010

float only league rnd 5 avalon

only 2 no shows today so 53 were there which is good. trig (craig edmunds)drew for me today, as the last 2 times he has drawn for me i have won, but not today as he handed me 21 on the top lake , no chance of a win so the best i could hope for was a section win , but with clint wojtyla in the corner ,lewis jones on the end of the island and anton page and gary etheridge in the section it was going to be tough.i really wanted to be on the other lake but shit happens and it wasnt to be.
2 pole rigs one for pellet on the deck and a paste rig both to fish at 14 mtrs, and a shallow and deep wags to fish to the island. beginnig on the pole i cupped half a pot of 6,s ang started with a banded 8 on the hook, 20 mins on that and only one missed bite it was out with the paste rig and by the end of ther first hour i had 3 skimmers in the net , but with no fizzing things werent looking to good so it was wag time, by now anton had 1 carp in the net taken on the wag , clint had one but that was it in the ssection (mint).
i missed a couple of bites then landed a fouler, then lost one that was hooked in the tail, and the match turned into a real slog with the wag looking like the only thing that you could expect a bite on .
by the end i had taken 4 carp on the shallow wag and 3 skimmers on the pole early for what i thought would go about 20lb and with the others in the section having 1 carp each except for anton who had 2 the section win was looking good and so it proved to be as my net went 19 lb with anton 2nd with 13 lb.
the match was won by dean malin on 38 with 9 carp and 10lb of silvers for 81.10 all the fish falling to paste at 14 mtrs
2nd josh garrett 72.11 on peg 7 with paste
3rd niel mercer(maver bathampton) 65.5 peg 11
4th mark leader 64.6 peg 33
5th brian shanks 60 peg 11 top lake
6th mike west 55.12 peg 30
there was a tie for silvers with steve evans and chris derrick both having 17.8
it was the final of the knockout today josh garrett was 1st with 72.11 for a pickup of £150, 2nd went to andy lloyd with 52.11 and £100, and last in the money was tim clarke with 52.5 £75
going in to the last match i am 1 point ahead of fred roberts i,ve got 32 and fred has 31 and with several anglers only 2 to 4 points adrift the last match at viaduct will be interesting and as usual the reults will be veery close

Friday, 6 August 2010

teams of 4 2010

this is your last call. if you aint paid your team entry by friday 13th august you aint fishing so pay the £144 by then or dont bother

Thursday, 5 August 2010

viaduct pole only

these pole only events are usually quite popular and today was no different as there was 27 booked in. i drew for myself today and ended up with 126 on cambell, a reasonable peg but not one thats shown any real form off late. for company i had the entire ginger population of somerset all around me, i was in the middle of trev senior,dan squires and andy power, i looked like a safety match in a box of swan vesta.
4 rigs today, one for paste,two for banded pellet both 4x14,s and a 4x12 shallow rig for splashing about if(when)they came up.
at the start i cupped in 1/4 of a pot of 6,s at 5mtr and 1/2 a pot at 14, with both lines fizzing almost immediatley, i didnt know where to start, but 5 mtrs was the plan so that was it.the first hour was reasonable with 2 carp and about 15lb of skimmers all falling to banded 6,s. i had been feeding the 14 mtr line all the while and it was fizzing proper, as were most others peoples pegs, so out with the deep rig and the foulers began, what i find annoying is that the float buries and you hook a fish instantly on the deck and it aint in the mouth, i did get some in the mouth and the best way seemed to be to fish the rig off to the right slightly off the feed area. i did keep trying the shallow rig but i could get 1 fish then nothing, but there was to much fizz for them not to be there. i came back to the 5 mtr line and had 2 more carp and a few more skimmers, but it wasnt good enough as people had begun to catch now, and trev on my right who had concentrated on the shallow rig had begun to catch regularly so with 90 mins to go i put in my 2nd carp net and decided to spend the rest of the match shallow, and they were there and i ended up putting 65 lb in the net in the last 90 mins, i think if i had gone out about 2 1/2 hours before the end i could have had more, but with fishing you never really know. i ended up with 145.2 for absolutley nothing in fact i was 6th in my section and 11 th overall.
the match was won by miles levy with 199.5 on peg 76 using paste
2nd alex murray on 131 with 195.4 again on paste
3rd a wherret on 85 with 172.4
4th josh garrett 171.15 peg 129
5th andy power 170.15 peg123
6th andy neale 170.2 peg 88
silvers were won by dan squires with 73.13 on peg 124 mainly skimmers down the edge on corn also congrats to dan aan his partner on the birth of there daughter.
it was another good match with the fish having to come to the pole line to be fed, and after a rough calculation i reckon the average weight was just over 100lb, even the gimp not weighing in didnt knock the average to much, when he learns to throw some bait in he might start to catch a few(leave the casters at home john)

Sunday, 1 August 2010

avalon practice match

with rnd 5 of the float only league next sunday there was a practice match this week. with 26 booked in and with 1 to 40 pegs being used we all had a bit of room. dean drew for me and handed me 12, great, same peg as last time and it is turning into one of those pegs you seem to draw on a regular basis , cos i had it last week aswell. two wag rods today ,one up and one down, and 3 pole rigs ,one for pellet shallow (never used)pellet on the deck and a paste rig(christ i will be buying a new lead rod at this rate).for company i had roger andoniou on 13 and glen welch on 11, and opposite i had to look at vic bush who has now bacome a method chucker, i can remember him being a fine exponent of float fishing but the years must be catching up with him as he seems to spend a lot of his time on the feeder now.
at the start i cupped in half a pot of 6,s at 16 mtrs and began firing 8,s to the island, it took 5 mins to get my first carp on banded 8 mill, then i had a run of skimmers on the pellet plus i lost a couple of foulers, so an hour in it was out wth the paste rig and a carp took it on the drop, i had 5 in the next hour before it went a bit quite , so i put in half a pot of 6,s and had a look on the shallow wag. it took about 15 mins to get a carp on that ,i kept altering the depth but the fish didnt really seem to interestd in that ,so it was back on the paste ,i did try the pellet from time to time but all i had to show were a few scales ,so it was a paste day then, i did end up catching 5 on the wag ,but the pole and paste was far more productive, i would like to say that the paste rig was vey technical but you cant say to much about a float 2 number 8,s and a big hook on the end i think the best way to describe it is float ledgering cos all you can do is drop it in and wait, but i got to say it is very effective, even phil groves of carpenters arms 2000 gets results on it so it cant be rocket the end i had 18 carp and afew skimmers which was looking ok that was until gary wall owned up to about 165 lb. and he wasnt to far out as his net went 165.10for a comfortable win , all his fish falling to paste fished at 14 mtrs on peg 30
2nd was me with 117.11
3rd vic bush with 86.2 on peg 38 half on thje feeder and half on the poile and paste
4th mike west 80.13 on peg 29
5th phil harding 79.3 peg 5
6th les (chub)williams 75.5 peg 40
silver went to chris derrick on 16 with 15.6 of roach shallow on caster at 13 mtrs