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Thursday, 17 February 2011

paul garrett

i first met paul sometime between 15 and 20 years ago at viaduct back in the robby winram days ,and i feel lucky to have been able to call him a friend ever since, he was always cheerful and never more so than when his son josh was giving us all a caning on the bank. all i do know is that it was a massive shock to me when i had a call to let me know that paul had passed away in his sleep, at 52 it is a cruel blow to his family, and i know he will be sorely missed by all his mates from the angling world, my thoughts are with his family at this sad time. rip mate


  1. I first met Paul 19 years ago when I was 15. He was one of the people that got me into match fishing and was always more than happy to show me hints and tips that after some practice helped me pick up some brown envelopes! He lived for the moment and would always help me out if I or anyone else needed it. I was shocked to hear the news this morning especially as I had been fishing with him on Sunday, sorry about the crap peg! My thoughts are with his family, wherever you are mate, tight lines, I will remember your bankside banter and ability to take the piss so very well! Martin preston

  2. it is a massive blow to the world to lose such a gentleman, him and is family are lovely people and we will miss him rip freind love from all the boys from landsend nc,ap,ao

  3. This is a shock & surprise. Only knew him over the last 4 years, but always very approachable and friendly bloke.
    very sad news - rest in peace & tight lines.

  4. My hart goes out to his family. I will always remember him as the loveable colourful character he always was and will cherish the old days we travelled and fished together. Rip friend.

  5. A true gent with a great sense of humour always willing to give advice and a real quality angler r.i.p paul my thoughts are with your family aaron britnell

  6. First i must say thoughts are with pauls family. First met Paul in the 1970s always remember our trips to watch bristol city and still today r city fans (and manu). Paul started match fishing in the 80s at windmill pond and on the sh......eppey. Paul will be rememberd for his pond fishing BUT in the days before carp ponds paul fished rivers and was a great stick float angler.Fishing division 3 nationals for windmill angleing club. Always remember him fishing for glaston manor in south west winter league on the bristol avon at bradford-on-avon and comeing 1st on the day with bream all on the float wot a great Atchevment. Still cant believe your gone. Like me and many others I will never every forget u paul and i feel lucky u were a part of my life. God bless u paul RIP
    from me butch and many m8s who new u.

  7. paul garretts funeral is 3rd march 2 oclock st jonhs church glastonbury and the wake at tor leisure after.

  8. If u come by car to pauls funeral park at tor leisure as the church is only 3min walk

  9. i havent fished now for a few years but i can remember all the times i fished with paul.
    he will be missed.
    tight lines mate were ever you are.

    Tim Hagg
