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Sunday, 30 October 2011

shiplate farm west and hawthorn pools

both lakes full today so a good turnout, i waited till the end of the draw today for thwe last peg but there was 2 tickets left as dean was sorting out jason bird,s pole which the gimp had managed to skillfully run over in the carpark ,so i got the legend that is andy bryant to pick me one so i ended up with 13 on hawthorn while dean had 1 on west pool(andy you gave me the wrong one).
for company i had ray cooper on 14 and bristol docks ace john macey on 12
so plenty of people to have a laugh with and not forgetting martin alexander on end peg 15.
i set up a 4x14 rig for the nearside margin but thats the last time thats mentioned as i was biteless there.
a .5g for 10 mtrs in the deeps(6ft) and a 4x12 for over in about 18 inches of water all rigs on .12 with a 18 6313 hook to fish maggot on all lines, after feeding all lines with maggot i started down the middle on double maggot and had 2 carp in the first 2 drops good start but it didnt last as the next fish was a small perch then a couple of small skimmers but by the end of the first hour i had 4 carp but no one that i could see was really catching much,
it was about now that martin alexander say,s to ray , your doing ok arent you to which ray replies i,ve only got 2 carp ,martin say so you,ve had a few then , rasy replies no only 2 martin asks again so you got a few, no just 2 ray say,s ,oh martin says so you got 6, ray now shouting say,s i only got 2 , short pause from martin then he say,s well thats on the way to 6 then, it was like a 2 ronnies sketch, all we needed was some fork handles.oh yes and martin had left his hearing aid at home.
back to the match and it was a case of feeding the 2 catching lines and nicking an odd fish from each one, they didnt seem to want to line up on iether line , by the end i had 16 carp and a few silvers for what i thought would go about 45lb but they went 53.3 which was good enough for third on the day.
1st on the day went to dean malin on peg 1 west pool(andy should have drawn that one for me)with 39 carp for 141.14 for a new venue record ,catching on soft pellet over to the far side and maggot down the edge
2nd went to andy france on peg 1 hawthorn pool with 87.8
3rd tony rixon 53.4 peg 13 hawthorn
4th chris fox 47.12 peg 10 west pool
5th pete sivell 44.14 peg 7 west pool
6th john dursely 40.10 peg 10 hawthorn
silver went to john bradford on west pool 6 with 14.7 of skimmersd at 3mtrs on maggot

Thursday, 27 October 2011

weds at avalon

only 13 turned out today so we spread out on the far bank so plenty of room, roger andoniou was here again today and he normally draws crap for me so i was going to get someone else to draw for me but he beat everyone else into the hat(its supriseing how fast a pensioner with a bad back can move when he chooses)and handed me a peg which i was a bit reluctant to open but i did and there was number 24 looking at me which to all who know the venue will recognise it as proper flier(cheers rog) and its got an added bonus of having a 10mtr walk from the top carpark, so after wheeling(not to lazy then lol)my kit to the peg i set about tackling up, there is a big tree in the corner which looks very inviting but it pays to ignore that as its a rig graveyard with the carp getting into the branches ussually before you can react, the safest option is to go 14-15mtrs to the reeds on the end bank so i set up a 4x14 rig with a 16 b960 for banded pellet there and a 4x16 for straight out at 14mtrs for corn over 3mm pellet with a 18 8313 hook on .14.
after feeding both lines at the start i began on corn straight out in front and hooked a skimmer first drop which fell off on the way back, oh well, 10 mins later i was slipping the net under a nice looking full linear of 8-9lb, i stuck with this line for 90 mins and added some more skimmers to the net, after that most of the match was spent fishing to the reeds with banded 8mm as there seemed to be plenty of fish in the area but they were on the small side, as far as the rest of the anglers were getting on , i didnt have a clue as the lake is probably over 250mtrs long with plenty of trees on the bank so apart from roger andoniou on 27 i didnt see much and roger was catching a few on the straight lead over to the island on hair rigged 10mm pellet.
by the end i had 22 carp and 9 skimmers for 80lb ish i was only 20lb out as my catch went 99.4 which was enough for first on the day
2nd went to roger andoniou with 73.7 on peg 27
3rd phil(lets go quick before liegh turns up)harding with 68.14 on peg 35 fishing pellet on the shallow wag
4th tom thick on peg 40 with 60.7 which included top silver of 46lb of skimmers all taken on soft pellet at 14mtrs
5th ray white 55lb peg 38
6th craig(chip shop sausage)edmunds 45.2 on peg 37

Sunday, 23 October 2011

round 1 landsend individual winter league

had 34 booked but with 2 no shows 32 would have to do then spread over three lakes. i let trig edmunds draw for me so i end up on peg 3 on the match lake and trig ends up on possibly the best peg in the northern hemisphere, 42 on lake 3 , johns water.
any way back to peg 3 , clayton drew it last weekend and had 80lb off it so after a phone call it looked lioke it may be a soft pellet at 6mtrs approach and chopped worm and caster over, so i set up a 4x12 for 6 mtrs on the soft pellet over micro,s and the same rig would do for my right hand margin by a bush, a 4x10 rig for w&c at 13 mtrs and a 4x12 for banded pellet at 10 o,clock at 14 mtrs but i wont mention that again as i never had a bite on it.
starting at 6 mtrs on soft pellet the first hour was dire with only 1 carp and 1 crucian to show for my efforts , i went over on the worm line but that was hard with only a couple of reasonable perch before they dissapeared , i decided to stop feeding worms and began firing casters over ,this bought me a couple more perch and a good ide
there were odd carp showing on the far side but as is normal on this lake they do a dissapearing act when the pole goes over there heads so most of the rest of the match was spent at 6mtrs and down the edge, i had some good skimmers and crucians at 6 mtrs along with 2 more carp and another carp from down the edge for what i thought would be about 45lb, with a section on each lake you really need to end up in the top 3 or 4 in each match to do well but with beany westcott on 19 and adrian jeffery on 21 both having 11 carp i thought 3 rd was going to be my best result and thats how it turned out with beany winning the lake with 66.4 and adrian jeffery next with 55.7 and my net went 50.3
overall tom thick continues to do well winning with 103.10 off peg 41 on lake 3
2nd went to mark poppleton on 68 with 75.5
3rd alan oram 70.2 on peg 36
4th dave westcott 66.4 peg 19
5th craig edmunds 66 peg 42
6th paul elmes 58lb peg 55
top silvers went to me with 24.8 on peg 3

Saturday, 22 October 2011

silvers final at viaduct

35 turned up today to fish for the 750 quid top prize, with cambell and cary being used i wasnt to sure as to where i fancied but i know i didnt want to be on 119 in the corner of cambell, but thats where i ended up. i had a quick chat with howard webb who was on it on wednesday just so i made sure i did the opposite as he had fxxx all, for company i had bobby gullick on 118 who was upset with an earlier blog when i called him the shepton mallet pixey he pointed out that he didnt live there as i should have known as he had the right number of fingers i now know he hails from midsomer(murders)norton,
so with the quid side bet struck it was into action. i would like to say i had a good day of catching skimmers over g bait lioke i did on weds but the lakes mood had changed with the skimmers being hard to tempt, and to be honest they were always going to be hard in my peg as it has more form for carp recently , any way i wont waste to much time telling you how or what i caught as i ended up with 14 lb for no good, well done nick collier for winning off peg 94 with a mixture of perch and skimmers for 34lb, i,m not sure who was second as both andy power and gary o,shea both had 28lb ish and as for DCI barnaby on 118 he was beaten like a stepchild as he only had 9lb, if he is the best midsomer norton has to offer then that town is right in the mire(sorry bob it had to be said lol),
oh well off to landsend tomorrow for the first round of the individual winter league, and its a double or quits on the pound with the DCI

Thursday, 20 October 2011

silvers only at viaduct

21 fishing today so with 14 on cambell and 7 on cary, so plenty of room, i fancied a draw on cambell and thats what i got , 126 which is a good peg with lots of silvers potentially. for company i had dick bull on 127 and the world famous wheel barrow collector, colin dyer on 125. dick was convinced that the 6mm meat approach in g bait was the way to go whilst colin was on bare hooks all day as he knocked all his bait in whilst tackleing up, but the gimp came to his rescue with 2 pints of last weekends which was probably fresher than the stuff he knocked in.
i decided on the caster and g bait approach which has always been ok for me , so i set up a .5g rig for 11mtrs and 14 with an 18 6313 on .10 .
a 4x14 for 3 mtrs with the same hook and line for the 3mtr line and loose fed caster and a 4x10 for each side margin on .12 with the same hook, slightly stronger line as some good perch have been coming out from the margins. at the start i cupped in 4 balls at 11 mtrs and 2 at 14, fed some caster at 3 mtrs and each side, starting at 3 mtrs first put in and i had a 1lb plus skimmer, next drop a small roach, then nothing so a switch to single maggot but that was rubbish as all i had was a couple of tiny whitebait roach, i stuck with this for an hour and did get another better skimmer but i was going nowhere fast so out to 11 mtrs and missed a couple of bites before i connected with a 4oz skimmer, right species but to small then i had a carp, its supriseing how hard you can pull without busting .10 so with the 6 pounder duly netted and released i decided tput another ball in on each line as well as the 3mtr line and picked up the margin rig as colin had taken some good perch but i just had small roach, not a good sign as i didnt excpect to see those if there were any good perch there, so that was the end of that line the rest of the match was spent on the g bait lines fishing single caster catching skimmers of various sizes , but i think the bright sunshine and colder temps put the fish off a bit and the violent hail storm halfway through might not have helped ,i was glad i had my back to the wind.
the bites on cambell slowed right up in the last hour whereas some of the people on cary started catching some quality skimmers during this period including mash on peg 100 who ended up winning with 38.5 of skimmers over g bait and micro,s
2nd went to roland lucas on 102 with 31.15
3rd was me with 31.10, i dropped of enough 4 oz skimmers trying to swing them, so the landing net will be used more on saturday
4th gary o,shea 29.10 peg 110
5th tim pallant 27.7
6th s woods 23.5 peg 129
carp were a bit of a problem but not to bad as i had 4 and lost 4 but others had more

Monday, 17 October 2011

landsend individual winter league

due to a double booking i have had to change one of the dates for the series, dates are as follows
the 13 nov had to be changed as it clashed with the carps silvers league at viaduct, if this date change causes anyone a problem please let me know asap as there are still a couple of dates i can look at if the dates change isnt ok for everyone ASSOCIATED WITH THE LEAGUE.

Sunday, 16 October 2011

teams of 4 rnd 4 landsend

to stand any chance of winning you really need to draw on any lake except for sydneys (no 4) so where does andy bryant go and draw for me , peg 81 on number 4 ,well done . for company i had trigger next to me on peg 83 and the gimp(mr bradford) on 78 , i could hear the roach shaking in there fins .and opposite the shepton pixy(bobby g)so the banter was going to be good.
this peg used to have a bush in the water which came out about a mtr but it was nowhere to be seen so i made up a pellet rig to fish in 2 ft of water a mtr off and swung a plummet about which revealed that the dead branches where now below the surface but i had found out where it was so i could fish around it, i set up a pellet rig to fish tight in in 8 inches of water just in case they came up on the shelf, a margin corn rig for each side at 5 mtrs tight in as i had 2 foot of water there, starting at 13 mtrs fishing banded 6,s over loose fed 4,s the first hour was bad , all i had to show for my efforts were 3 small carp which would probably go less than 2lb for the 3, trig next door had 3 aswell but his were bigger fish so i was behind already and trig was beginning to gloat as he was getting plenty of small skimmers on his soft pellet approach, the second hour was just as bad and to make matters worse bobby g opposite was nailing a few fish so things were looking bad , into the third hour and i looked down the edge and had 4 quick fish on corn before that went quiet, so iwent across into the shallow water and had one fish but it was difficult as the sun was behind me so the pole was casting a shadow and with only 6 to 8 inches of water to play with the fish were very spooky, the last couple of hours were my best as i kept knicking odd fish from my 2 margins and over as well so i ended the match with about the same number of fish as bob opposite (20 odd) but ours were on the small side whereas trigger and dean malin had less fish so it was hard to say who had won our lake ,as it turned out bobby gullick had 37.8 dean malin had 37lb and mine went 36.8 and as for trigger he got beat like a stepson again as he only managed 30.3 , he even got beaten by the gimp who had 32.4 so that was tight then
first overall on the day went to john grey on 41 with 88.4 taken on pellet from various parts of his peg
2nd lewis jones 86.10 peg 17
3rd clayton hudson 86.5 peg 3
4th ryan shipp 84.11 peg 22
5th paul elmes 79.12 peg 5
6th tom thick 74.12 peg 32
silvers went mat tomes on peg 11 with 27.7 which included a lot of skimmers
2nd was steve seager 23lb peg 27
avon angling 33
bristol moyor shop 33
mats maulers 31
thyers 27
aa select 25
somerset angling 24
westerliegh 23
charlies angels 21
tims tarts 20
dynamite baits 17
harriers 10
mats maulers 37
bristol motor shop 35
thyers 30
avon angling 29.5
westerliegh 25
somerset angling 23
avon angling select 23
dynamite baits 22.5
charlies angels 20.5
tims tarts 13
harriers 5.5

Thursday, 13 October 2011

weds costcutter at viaduct

there is a whole week of costcutters at viaduct this week with all matches being 15 quid except today it was 16 as its a qualifier, so as its a cheaper one a lot of people were going to treat it as a practice for the silvers final next saturday including me, so into the nescaffe draw tin and out comes 85 , probably one of the best carp pegs on the lake but as far as carp on this lake goes its turned into a lead chucking job (like i will be doing that), i left that to titch williams on 86 who is widely reputed to have been mat tomes,s mentor in his early years before he got his flip flops and became one of the new breed. mike nicholls drew my peg on sunday in the carps silvers league and really struggled a bit only having about 25lb so it was not really going to be easy. i decided to attack it a bit and fed mikes whole allowance of g bait at 13 mtrs (10 balls)laced with caster at the start, i fed 8mm pellets at 16 mtrs at about 1 o,clock and fired some 8,s 16 mtrs down the long margin to my right, also as mike had had and lost several good perch close down the right i fed some caster down there as well, the silver rig for the g bait line was a .5g affair with an 18 6313 on the the end on .10, the margin perch(hopefully)rig was 4x10 with the same hook and line, and both pellet rigs had size 16 b960 hooks on .18.
by the time i had fed all my lines the 16 mtr pellet line had a fizz on it so i went straight over it and was soon playing a carp of about 9lb which was duly netted, but that wasnt the plan for today so i kept feeding that line hopeing to keep the carp off my silver line , but that didnt work as the first two fish i hooked were carp, and they didnt stay attached for to long, once i,d lost those 2 the peg started to give up a few small skimmers and a tench but it wasnt going well, but tlike a fool i stuck with it trying to get a response and although i was getting small indications i struggled to get any proper bites, with there being no tow probably didnt help, i stuck with the silvers for nearly 4 hours even the perch line in the margin only gave me one of just about a pound then the tiny roach moved in and i dont do that.
it was about now that i heard trig edmunds on 88 shout i,m in then there was a big splash and he was in right up to his neck, but you will be all pleased to know that he was ok and luckily he managed to to keep his head dry so the expensive dust he puts on the bald spot to conceal it was still intact when emerged.
so with two hours to go i went down the edge with 8mm banded and never looked back catching another 10 carp up to about 15lb, this is where the hindsight word comes into play again as there were signs of fish down there quite early on but i ignored them and spent far to much time trying for the silvers, when paul arrived with the scales i ended up putting 15.13 of silvers on and and my 11 carp went 116.8 for a weight of 132.5 which was top on cary but onlt 6th on the day so only the section money.
first on the day was s thornton with 194.10 which included 36.11 on peg 110 all taken on maggot at 6mtrs to his left(thats a first)feeding about 4 pints throughout
2nd andy lloyd 157.14 peg 126
3rd r garner 145.7 peg 127
4th nick ewers 137.11 peg 116
5th tom thick 135.5 peg 128
6th tony rixon 132.5 peg 85
silvers went to the bridgwater model vince brown with 38lb on peg 90 which included some big perch down the edge on w&c

Sunday, 9 October 2011

avalon open sunday

this is one of my real favourite venues as it is impossible to predict as to where the winner will come from, and today was going to be no different
normally any sort of method feeder with a short hooklength isnt allowed on this venue but vic agreed to let us use 3 inch hooklength,s as an experiment shame he didnt tell leigh before the day, but then again at least it gave liegh something(else lol)to moan about, i let the oldest angler on the bank in the shape of mike west draw for me and he handed me 27 not a peg or area i really like as its the widest pegs on the lake making wag fishing hard especcially with the wind blowing in and across, its a good 40 mtr chuck and with the awkward wind even 8,s were going to be hard to get over, but i set up the shallow wag anyway, i had half an inkling to target the silvers so i set a .75grm rig for 13 mtrs to fish caster over g bait with an 18 6313 on .12. i also set up a 4x16 on .14 with a 16 8313 for corn over micro,s at 16 mtrs.
at the start i cupped in 6 balls at 13 mtrs , a decent ammount of micro,s and corn at 16 mtrs and began firing some 8,s towards the island, starting at 13 with single caster i had a few bites and a some small roach and 1 skimmer in the first hour , but there were some bubbles coming up on the 16 mtr line so i went out with a piece of corn on, and i was soon into a decent carp which i got to my topset where it swirled and came off, bugger , i refed a bit more and came back on the 13 mtr line but it was no better with only more small roach, by now the method slingers were catching with dean on 22 making a lot of noise casting the banjo method to the island and splashing carp into his net ,also tom mangnal on 14 was catching on a mixture of method,lead and wag, so i went out on the corn line again and in the next hour i had 2 carp and a skimmer , even though there were signs of fish on this line i wasnt getting a bite , in hindsight(there,s that word again)i think paste would have been the answer, but i never set a rig up for that so it wasnt.
i fished the wag for the remainder of the match(about 3 hours)and managed another 8 carp with fish to 10lb down to 3lb, i thought i had about 55lb but i thought i would be miles off the pace as tom had 16 carp, dean was admitting to 18 small ones (ye right) martin mcmahon had 16(all method chuckers)
as it turned out martin mcmahon on peg 38 won with 76.01 on the feeder
2nd dean malin 71.12 peg 22 on the feeder
3rd tom mangnal 70lb peg 14 on a variety of methods
4th t rixon 64.8 peg 27
5th steve seager 62.10 peg 32 paste
6th ray cooper 47.13 peg 29 feeder
silvers went to shane caswell with 17.3 of skimmers taken on worm on peg 9

Thursday, 6 October 2011

weds landsend match lake

only a dirty dozen turned out today so we only used the match lake, i let the youngest angler there in the shape of ryan summerhayes draw for me and he handed me peg 1, its a peg that i havnt been on for a long time and it can be a tad confusing as there are to many options ,with a end bank margin ,a right hand margin under a tree, an island and the open water. i had bought 2pts of casters with me just in case i fished for silvers but i made my mind up to chuck them all under the tree to my right in the last couple of hours so i set up a 4x10 rig with an 18 xedion on .18,
a 4x8 rig for tight in against the left hand margin and the same rig would do for towards the island in front of peg 2 and a deep rig for the bottom of the shelf to the right,
at the start i cupped in some 6,s to the left in the deeps and against the bank and to peg 2 and sprinkled a few casters under the tree, starting at 14 mtrs on the deck with a banded 8 i hooked a fish first drop which came off at the net, and the rig went up the tree above my head, then i lost two foulers next two put ins and that was the end of the sport at full depth, i stuck with this for over an hour whilst i kept feeding my other lines, and by now i was already 3 or 4 fish behind adrian clark on peg 22 who was catching against the island on hard pellet, it took me 80 mins to put mt first fish in the net, a carp against the feft hand bank of about 3lb, but even there bites were hard to come by, so after a couple more i swithched to in front of peg 2 and had 2 more, but it was turning into a real grueller with bites all but impossible to get , the only person catching was adrian on 22 who was getting odd carp but regularly, i could also see ryan summerhayes on 5 getting odd fish and the gimp on 3 catching silvers but even they seemed to not want to feed. 90 mins from the end and with nothing to show on the caster line under the tree apart from 2 roach and a perch i threw 1 1/2 pints of casters straight in , left it for 10 mins then went over it with triple caster not really expecting to catch the rig settled and i looked up to watch adrian net another missed the bite so that was under the tree before i looked back, i did manage 4 carp from under the tree by the end but i was never going to catch adrian as he ended up with 25 carp but they were on the small side but it was enough to win as he had 87.12 all taken against the island on hard pellet
my 13 fish went 67.12 for 2nd
3rd ryan summerhayes 58.9 peg 5
4th martin lenaghan 38.14 peg 15
5th mike duckett 26lb peg 7
6th ray white 25lb peg 24
silvers went to phil(fabio)harding with 19.10 on peg 13 fishing soft pellet at 11mtr with soft pellet

Sunday, 2 October 2011

teams of 4 rnd 3 acorn lakes

with 33 on paddock lake ,everyone fancied a draw on the dog bone lake(its all in the shape)as there was only a section of 11 on it and it had been fishing well and with avon angling very own captain marvellous drawing for the team i had no worries and thats how it worked out with me ending up on peg 9 on the bone, i had mr flip flop himself , mat tomes on 8 and the bristol bagger kev davis on 10, i set up a 4x10 rig for banded pellet down the middle and a 4x10 rig for over to the far bank and a shallow rig for against the far bank, and a 4x10 for caster down the margin but i only had 1 each side on that so not to much time talking about that.
starting on the banded rig at 13 mtrs at an angle whilst feeding 6,s across it was a bit of a slow start with only a couple of fish whilst mat had about 5 on meat at 7 mtrs so i was falling behind, i went across to the far side on the shallow rig and began getting odd fish ,trouble was the sun was behind us and the fish were spooking away from the shadow, but by switching between the shallow and deep rigs i was still getting the odd fish and i think it forced mat to go to the far bank whereas i think he may have done better if he had stayed on the meat down the middle, about 2 hours to go i fed 3 big handfulls of caster at 5 mtrs then went over it after 10 mins and it was solid with carp and i had 6 quick fish on double caster then the fish came off bottom and i fouled a few so i left it and went back to the far side on the shallow rig and had a couple defore that went quiet but by switching between the caster at 5 mtrs and the far side i had a reasonable last 90 mins ending up with over 30 carp for what i thought may go 80lb, i had to weigh in both lakes , starting on paddock i was surprised how well it had fished with lots of weights between 20 and 60lb which considering how bright and hot it was i think it fished well, i wasnt to far out as my fish went 76.10 for first
2nd went to andy neale with 63.12 on peg 33 paddock
3rd nick collins 57.1 peg 40 paddock
4th paul elmes 56.12 peg 1 dog bone
5th tom thick 55,4 peg 22 paddock
6th mike nicholls 55.1 peg 5 paddock
silver went to john bradford on 10 paddock with 12,12
2nd kev perry on 4 paddock with 9,9
teams on the day
bristol motor shop 32
sensas thyers 32
mats allstar maulers 30
westerliegh 29
avon angling 28
somerset angling 26
tims tarts 25
dynamite baits 19
charlies angels 18
avon angling select 15
harriers 9
mats maulers 28
bristol motor shop 24.5
thyers 22
westerliegh 22
avon angling 19
somerset angling 19
dynamite baits 18.5
charlies angels 16.5
avon angling select 16
tims tarts 10
harriers 4.5

Saturday, 1 October 2011

all winners final at viaduct

this was a winners match for all those that have won an open at the venue of ten pegs or more, with a thousand pounds up for grabs for the winner, but looking around at the draw there were a lot of good anglers to beat so a good draw on cambell would be nice but no , what do i go and draw peg 76 on cary, not one of my favourite pegs with it having more form as a lead chucking peg casting it towards the aerater on 78 meaning a cast past 77 is called for to reach the desired spot. so with the wind being not to bad i set up a wag to fish on the deck in that area, a pellet rig for the pole at 14 mtrs, a dapping rig and a meat rig for the tree to my right which would double up as a paste rig as it was the same depth at 14 mtrs, i wont waste to much time talking about meat as i only had one roach on that and i didnt have a bite on paste, i lost 2 foulers on the pole and pellet and had 1 skimmer and there didnt seem to be any fish in the swim so most of the last half of the match was spent on the wag i had 5 carp on that for 45lb and lost 7 more foulers all i could get was some liners and very few proper bites and i had the impression there wasnt that many fish in the area, perhaps the lead may have got me a few more but i will never know, opposite mat parsons had the right idea as he fished meat at 8 mtrs ending up with 9 carp for 104lb but that was only good enough for a section win ,as expected it was won off cambell 119 by my best mate dean malin(did i mention we were going halves) with 35 carp on pellet to the end bank margin for 174.3(mint)
2nd went to phil cardwell on 123 with 142.2 on popped up bread
3rd craig trigger edmunds 123.13 peg 126
4th martin preston 120.2 peg 85
5th mash 108.9 peg 131
6th jason mills 105.9 peg 118
so it was a good day and well done dean as he had to beat a class field to win
just another little gem from deans world . on the way to the match we got round to discussing emotions and that love and hate are said to be very close as emotions go, so after a few seconds lost in thought dean pipes up and say,s "well i must just dislike everyone then". he is a star