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Sunday, 2 October 2011

teams of 4 rnd 3 acorn lakes

with 33 on paddock lake ,everyone fancied a draw on the dog bone lake(its all in the shape)as there was only a section of 11 on it and it had been fishing well and with avon angling very own captain marvellous drawing for the team i had no worries and thats how it worked out with me ending up on peg 9 on the bone, i had mr flip flop himself , mat tomes on 8 and the bristol bagger kev davis on 10, i set up a 4x10 rig for banded pellet down the middle and a 4x10 rig for over to the far bank and a shallow rig for against the far bank, and a 4x10 for caster down the margin but i only had 1 each side on that so not to much time talking about that.
starting on the banded rig at 13 mtrs at an angle whilst feeding 6,s across it was a bit of a slow start with only a couple of fish whilst mat had about 5 on meat at 7 mtrs so i was falling behind, i went across to the far side on the shallow rig and began getting odd fish ,trouble was the sun was behind us and the fish were spooking away from the shadow, but by switching between the shallow and deep rigs i was still getting the odd fish and i think it forced mat to go to the far bank whereas i think he may have done better if he had stayed on the meat down the middle, about 2 hours to go i fed 3 big handfulls of caster at 5 mtrs then went over it after 10 mins and it was solid with carp and i had 6 quick fish on double caster then the fish came off bottom and i fouled a few so i left it and went back to the far side on the shallow rig and had a couple defore that went quiet but by switching between the caster at 5 mtrs and the far side i had a reasonable last 90 mins ending up with over 30 carp for what i thought may go 80lb, i had to weigh in both lakes , starting on paddock i was surprised how well it had fished with lots of weights between 20 and 60lb which considering how bright and hot it was i think it fished well, i wasnt to far out as my fish went 76.10 for first
2nd went to andy neale with 63.12 on peg 33 paddock
3rd nick collins 57.1 peg 40 paddock
4th paul elmes 56.12 peg 1 dog bone
5th tom thick 55,4 peg 22 paddock
6th mike nicholls 55.1 peg 5 paddock
silver went to john bradford on 10 paddock with 12,12
2nd kev perry on 4 paddock with 9,9
teams on the day
bristol motor shop 32
sensas thyers 32
mats allstar maulers 30
westerliegh 29
avon angling 28
somerset angling 26
tims tarts 25
dynamite baits 19
charlies angels 18
avon angling select 15
harriers 9
mats maulers 28
bristol motor shop 24.5
thyers 22
westerliegh 22
avon angling 19
somerset angling 19
dynamite baits 18.5
charlies angels 16.5
avon angling select 16
tims tarts 10
harriers 4.5

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