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Wednesday, 23 November 2011

weds at avalon

14 of us here today so we used a bank and a bit so plenty of room, i let roger andoniou draw for me again as he tends to draw fliers, its good to see some old boys out and about ,probably due to the nice weather innit rog. anyway his drawing arm was still ok as he drew 11 for me which is just on the gap in the second island, its a good wag peg aswell as pole so i set up 2 wag rods ,one for shallow and one for on the deck both with b960 size 16,s to .16 for banded 8mm, and with the weather still mild i fully excpected to get some shallow(wrong) and 1 pole rig which was a 4x14 impact 6 with an 18 b960 on .14 again for banded pellet but 6,s over hard 4,s, the islands do need a bit of a tidy up but then again with no one fishing tight in the fish seem to be coming off which makes it easier for everyone, but then again vic couldnt clean the islands as liegh must be applying for planning to turn the speci and syndicate lakes into marina,s as the boats are all on those 2 lakes(lol). for company i had tom thick on 9 so i had to put up with the sickly sweet smell of scopex mixed with the not quite so nice aroma of bullshit from him , and kev molton on 13 who didnt really speak all day, probably due to the fact that i couldnt see who it was there and i thought it was ray white so kev wasnt answering to the name ray.
starting at 16 mtrs with banded 6 over 4,s i hooked my first carp after a couple of minutes and i soon had a nice 9lb common in the net then next drop i had a 4lb bream, after the first hour i had 3 carp and the bream and i had missed a few bites , by now tom was catching skimmers on his soft pellet and micro approach and kev/ray had had 3 carp as well on banded pellet and i couldnt see anyone else due to the bankside growth, my swim seemed to be going quiet so i did my normal thing and upped the feed and things went from bad to worse with no bites , and when i did it was a fouler. about halfway through i left the pole swim and tried the shallow wag , i missed a bite first chuck then hooked one next put in which came adrift halfway back and that was the end of any bites on that , mainly due to the skimmy wind that started and was pushing the float through i tried the deep wag but that was hard to control so i shelved that for now and went back on the pole where i had a couplke more carp and skimmers but no where neat enough to worry tom as he was feeding skimmers and the odd carp into his net the whole time i did get three carp in the last hour on the deep wag rig but tit was to little to late as i ended up with 52.7 for 4th and no coin, first on the day went to craig(trig)edmunds on 19 with 90.6 with his fish being taken on both pole and shallow wag to the island
2nd was tom thick with 69.2 which included top silver weight of 39.15 on peg 9
3rd kev/ray molten 53.4 peg 13
4th tony (chip shop sausage)rixon 52.7
5th john(turkey)thompson 32.12 peg 3
6th martin(drive)lenaghan 24.9 peg 24
silver by default went to nigel bartlett on 27 with 24.4 of skimmers
hopefully we wil get a few more for the next weds in a couple of weeks as its a good venue where different pegs win each time and i dont think liegh will be succesful with the marina application


  1. fatty you are losing it rapidly your better off opening the shop on the wednesday and going with the coffin dodgers on a thursday you had a good run now let the young guns takeover

  2. vic clean islands i worked with vic 20 years ago unless he turned over a new leaf someone else will be doing it lol.

  3. I thought the same you never see Rixon picking up coin down the viaduct these days he resorts to mugging his mates look at today been batterd by quality anglers

  4. I am sure "fatty" will have the last laugh - make the most of it whilst you can.

  5. I absolutely love the banter can't beat it but all joking aside mate is it you getter older or the opposition getting better


  6. good to see at least one anon has the balls to sign his name well done shrimphead. as far as the opposition goes its always going to get better as is the older ones who will always learn from the new breed, thing is with new breeds unless they find there little niche in the grander scale they can become extinct whereas the older species have always learnt to weather the storms and pestilence that keep rolling in lol

  7. No it's you think your better than you are ok I agree you might be ok on carp puddles but you have not a clue on the other 70 percent you need to learn wind your neck in you have only been fishing two mins

  8. Anon why dont u wind ur neck in as u got nothing better to do than abuse a group of mates enjoying themselves on a week day FRIENDLY knock-up----trig (mint)
