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Wednesday, 14 March 2012

chilton trinity woodland lake weds open

a good turnout today with 16 booked in but there was three polish anglers wanting to fish, as they had been there the day before and one of them had caught 40 kilo on the shallow wag they fancied a go, so after shaking them down for disposable barbecues i let them pay there pools money so now we had 19 fishing , and to be honest they seemed like really nice people and they were certainly keen. it was good to see leyton palmer back out again after his winter hibernation so i let him draw for me and i ended up on 24 with adrian jeffery on 23 and one of our european mateys on 26.
after catching on hard pellet at the weekend at landsend i had decided on that approach for today , feeding 4,s and fishing a banded 6 at 14 mtrs on the deck and shallow so i set up a 4x16 and a 4x12 for that , both with a 18 b960 on .14, i set up aswell a 4x16 for meat at 6 mtrs with a 16 middy 8313 on .14 , and i could use it on the 13 mtr line aswell as its the same depth , and a 4x12 for meat and corn down the edge, at the start i cupped some feed on all lines and went out to 14 mtrs with a banded pellet on , it was a slow start with my polish mate on 26 catching a small carp on the wag straight away ,and steve preece getting one on his favoured catmeat on 17. also tom mangnal began to catch on the method on peg 11, sorry i should have said 27/28 , he nearly knocked leyton,s pot off the end of his pole(sour grapes lol), after the first hour my match was all but over as i had 2 carp a couple of skimmers and to many pellets missing from the bait box and there,s is no chance of taking them out from 9 foot of water is there, i did manage a tench from the margin on corn and a few more skimmers on corn at 14 mtrs over the pellet line, but i think i proper skrewed my peg by getting catty happy, a more tentative pole approach may have paid off, also i should have taken a rod and fished the pellet wag as tom was now catching on that and it was even in his own peg (still sour grapes), by the end it was clear tom had won easily as he was even catching shallow on the pole by the end, i did try shallow myself but all i had was roach
tom weighed in 100.10 for an easy win peg 11
2nd dean malin 58.9 peg 2
3rd leyton palmer 37.8 peg 29
4th steve preece 37.2 peg 17
5th tony rixon 20.2 peg 24
6th john thompson 20lb peg 14
leyton palmer 14.10 mainly skimmers on soft pellet
and tom was fishing in his own peg JUST HA HA HA

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