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Monday, 30 July 2012

sunday open stafford moor fishery

we havnt been here since the christmas match in december so a visit was long overdue, the journey down was enjoyable as tim clark and me were entertained with how life should be according to deans world, i will leave it all to your imagination as those of you that know dean will understand why i cant write the details on here LOL.
we stopped at exeter sevices for breakfast and i cant really put into words what it was like just to say it was probably the worst breakfast food i have ever had it was virtually inneadable and we all left some , the people at moto should be totally ashamed of the shit they are serving to travellers plus 3 meals with drinks cost nearly 35 quid, so we wont be going back there and i wont reccomend anyone else ,anglers or non anglers please do your best to give it a wide berth.
onto the fishery and by the time we got there i was feeling decidely sick and was looking a bit green, into the draw bag and out i come with 36 tanners, i still draw fliers for myself, dean was 0n tanners 13 and tim on woodpecker 8, all good draws.
plenty of advice for my peg with the general concencus being that you had to cast a shallow wag towards peg 1 and wait for the carp fest to begin, i was told to ignor chucking the wag down the end bank as the fish tended to be small. i set up a deep and shallow rig for the pole to fish at 16 mtrs at the end of the bridge and that was my lot. beginning on the wag i expected a bite first chuck so after 30 mins without a bite i was beginning to worry, but then again no one else was catching, andy seery walked round and told me to keep at it as they will turn up, but i think they were alreasdy there as carp were moving everywhere but seemed to not want to eat, then chris haines from frome who was on 32 wanderded down to see how i was doing as he had only had one bite but he gave me some indigestion tabs which started to work after a little while, i stayed on the wag for 2 hours but after 3 bites and 2 fish in the net a change was called for, so it was the small fish down the edge then. by now the wind had picked up and the line was blowing against the bridge so when i did get a bite there was to much bow to pick up and i missed the bites, perhaps the lead would have been a better option but even the lead slingers were struggling a lookon thepole produced 1 carp then some silvers so it was back on the wag and a couple more carp but it was fishing very hard, it wasnt till the last hour that the pole line began to give up a few carp but the wind was making life very hard, i was quite happy to end with 12 carp which went 85.6 for 7th on the day, nearly winning the section but that went to paul bamforth on peg 1 with 93.2.
1st on the day was paul(plumber)morris on 17 woody,s with 146.10 all caught shallow on the pole, he also went 10lb over the 75lb net limit
2nd frank hayhurst 36 woody,s 125.8
3rd mark hayman 28 woody,s 106.14
4th kev osbourne 3 woody,s 98.12
5th paul bamforth 1 tanners, 93.2
6th big ben 25 tanners 91lb


  1. What weight won the Silvers and how many were paid out?

  2. So what you're saying then is the breakfast wasn't that good! lol!
