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Thursday, 15 October 2020

Shiplate thursday costcutter

With the shooting season starting , gary flinders has stopped running the matches, but luckily, titch williams has taken over the running of them, well done matey. He got the draw underway and it came as no surprise to any one when alan quantrill drew peg 1 again, he,s getting relentless.
They have even taken the peg1 sign down and the swim is now known as plain AQ, i ended up on peg 3, so i coukd look back and see alan, im sure he was wandering around the peg measuring up to see if it was going to be worth trying to get planning for a house.
My swim looks nice, its got an island at 16mtrs, which i expected to catch some carp against, even though it was only 12 inches deep, i didnt think it was cold enough yet to force the fish into deeper water,
so i set up a pellet rig for over there, a meat rig for the short line, nothing on that, and a skimmer rig .5g for 11 mtrs. On titches referee whistle i cupped in 1 ball of groundbait on the two oclock line and a more positive 3 balls at 11 o,clock angle, and began feeding hard 4,s to the island. It turned outnto be an interesting day, although i put a bit of chopped worm in the groundbait, i never had a bite on a worm or piece of any size, all the skimmers i caught were iether on maggot or caster, with double being the best in either.also i had most fish over the more positively fed line, and they still needed regular topping up. It was a waiting game for a bite , but i didnt mind that as it was a lovely day sat in the sun, plus i had the added onus of watching alan catching steadily all day, firstly on a method which he occasionally cast in the same place, and later on the pole at 8 mtrs to his right on meat, i did get a few carp over towards the island towards the end of the match, but with the bright sunshine and a bit less colour in the water, the carp weren't happy staying in such shallow water, but i had some , so by the end i hoped i had at least 80lb, but i ended up with 97lb which included just short of 25lb of silvers which was top silver,s, so a return on my money, as expected with the ammount of practising alan has had on the peg, it finally came good today and he won the day with just over 200lb, well done . second went to john andres on 14b with 125lb, all on his favourite paste method. weigh sheet below.

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