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Thursday, 9 December 2021

Plantation silvers only

Back to the fortnightly silvers match on this normally prolific roach and skimmer venue. No breakfast on the way, just a bacon roll grabbed on the way through from a layby butty van. Got the draw started a bit early as we were all there, i let ron hardiman draw for me and wa s well happy with peg 8, best carp peg on the lake and also a good silvers area , peg 7, was taken up by kev winstone, so thats twice on the trot ina silvers match, could be close for the quid as 7 has lots of form for silvers, as far as rigs go, i always keep it simple, so a .3g float shotted with 9,s & 10,s so i could bulk it or spread the shot if needed, the other a ,4g bouble bulked, its pretty much the same depth all around most pegs on the lake making it simple. at the start i fed two lines with groundbait and caster, one at 11 mtrs at 2 o,clock angle and the same straight out, but i started topset and two loose feeding caster, as thus has been a bit of a banker in the last two matches, but i wasnt to sure as the colour had dropped right out, and aftwr 25 minutes and not a touch, my fears were recognised, and although i kept trying it throughout the day, i only had 4 smallish roach so no more on that, i went out over the groundbait line at 11 mtrs but nothing , so out to 13 mtrs, and i had a good start with several good skimmers, bait didnt seem to matter, caster, maggot ,pinkie, i was catchimg on all, but as soon as the skimmers were there, they drifted away, to be replaced by smaller samples and odd roach, by swithching between the two long lines ,fishing single.maggot or double pinkie, i had odd skimmers all through, but it was a waiting game.for a bite, i still needed to put some feed in, as if i left it i couldnt get a bite, but put a small ball of feed in and you could expect a response, but to much and no signs, but i cant help myself and probably tried to force it to much, the lake has difficult for most , especially those in the early pegs, where some anglers never had a bite for over two hours, but everyone started to catch towards the end, on the all out i new i had over 20lb, but hoped for 25, so not to far out as i had 25.15, i thought gary bowden on 16 had beaten me but he had smaller skimmers for 23lb, dave willmott on 31 was admitting to 18lb so i was fairly sure he would have enough as he hardly ever.tells the, and i was right as he had just over 26lb, he had lots of roach and a few skimmers, all on loosefed caster at about 11mtrs, so only one decent skimmer seperating the top 3, there were still lots of double figure weights but it had been a tough one,weigh sheet below, all on permanent peg numbers.

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