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Monday, 22 August 2022

Monday landsend silvers match

I really enjiys these silvers matches as its possible to win off a lot of pegs, and its rarely the same peg each match, so after.the normal lovely fishery breakfast it was draw time, only 12 fishing and i dont care where i draw, john dursley drew.for me and handed me 19, i had the fishery night watchman and in store professional, dave ings on 18, and andy wride on 21. out and out pellet fishing to be fair, well i think it is, so i had some soaked micros and fours for feeding, and a banded hard 6mm on an 18 hook to .13. all .2g slims, one for topset and one in front, another off toi the right and another at 14 mtrs in the slightly shallower water towards the island, had a nice day, catching short and towards my right, crucians, f1,s, skimmers and small tench, nice fishing, carp.were.a bit of a menace, but you just got to suck it up and crack on, last couple of hours were spent over to the island, where i had more of the lake,s f1,s, all quite small, less than a pound in weight. Not sure what i had by the end but i was hoping for 30lb, i reckoned on me and dave.having about the same, he had a better start than me but i finished stronger, started.weighing at peg one, best weight to me was 32lb, with dave ings beating john dursley on 11, then i put 38lb on the scales , which was enough to win,
Dave ings took the picture, and he also took a very fetching selfie, which will give a lot of people nightmares no doubt.
Weigh sheet below, also on monday its the gary wall memorial match at Landsend, get in touch with me or the fishery to book in ,9 draw and breakfast available.

Sunday, 21 August 2022

Penultimate float only match

Todber manor on homeground and hillview for this one, peg 81 on homeground lake for me. Trig on 82 on the end bank on his own , and travelling partner chris fox on my right on 80. Cant say to much really as haven't caught in to many things, , started.short as did everyone else on both lakes, but soon went into the margins as there were fish in there from the off, it was only 10 inches deep, but ive had a steady 3 1/2 hours catching fish i could see, always interesting and enjoyable, but for some reason known only to the fish, i couldnt get a bite hardly in the last 90 minutes, i think i only had 3 or 4 fish in that time, trig kept catchimg for a while, but his peg slowed towards the end, but he did enough to win the section and come second on the day with 445lb, but martin rayet showed tye way today with an excellent 482lb from peg 41 . Weigh sheets and top 25 league table below, mad fishing. Enjoyable to do occasionally,but i dont think the body could handle it every week, a couple of stats for you all, 10,082lb 15oz with an average.weight of 259lb per person, mad .fairplay to john and his team at the fishery.

Wednesday, 17 August 2022

A different three

Sunday and we were off down to plantation lakes for a match on the newly revamped horseshoe lake no known as jubilee lake, james has done a lot of work , flattening all the sunken islands and sorting out the swims, i expected a difficult day as we were going to have one of the hottest days of the year, and it was an unknown quantity, here is undoubtedly a good head of fish in there ,but with it not having any match pressure the fish may back off, had 18 fishing which to be fair maybe about three to many. Got the draw underway, and i did fancy peg 7(my numbers) mainly as it would be in the shade all day, luckily, james(the drawbag) travis was on hand to draw mine and he did me well , yep peg 7. The pegs i do well were 8and 9, mainly as they were the only swims which could reach the island, rod Wooten on 8 and steve.seager on 9,
The match went as expected to be fair, rod was first with over 60lb, Steve was.second with over 50lb, both catching all there fish to the island, apart from rod who had one margin fish, joe macmahon around the corner from steve had 49lb for third, sorry I've lost the weigh sheet, silvers went to martin McMahon 5 with 18lb, and i was second with 16lb, i also had four carp for 19lb which was fourth overall, idont thunk for one minute we saw the true potential of the lake, mainly due to the weather. still.striving to improve the lakes, and all support from club bookings aswell as.pleasure anglers can only help him to achieve his goals, so well done mate . Monday and me.and judith were heading down to watchet for a days boat fishing aboard the lorna doone skippered by tommo from heritage charters. we were joined by dan shipp and his brother jamie, shaun tanner and dan (pesky) normal the bristol channel rarely dissapoints, with plenty of fish, with boats going out from minehad as well as watchet, its normally possible to get out , especially if weekdays are possible, most boats do 4 and 8 hiur trips, with individuals also catered for, back to today, and to be fair judith managed more species than the otheres with baby tope,hounds, dogs, conger, huss and a nice bass, i had the same apart from no huss for me, but i did get three bass up to 7.5, so no complaints from me,
I was off tuesday thus week so i booked into the bitterwell silvers match, now i got to admit i haven't been here for at least 25years, latest and best fishery boss the lake has ever had is paul Isaacs, and he had really turned the lake around, working tirelessly to improve all aspects of the fishery, and it seems to be paying off, brilliant matey. Drew peg 19, which even i now as a flyer, Had matt challenger on my left and mark cook on my right, i had been told it as either meat or corn to do well, so i had two tins of 6mm meat and a tin of corn, i did feed a short groundbait line just in case, but few small perch was all i had there, i fed two lines at 11 mtrs with meat And kept dripping a bit of meat on both lines to keep the skimmers coming, it went strangely quiet when the aerator went off , but i did have a few more towards the end, carp were a pain for most, with some good fish caught, mark on my right had some proper lumps.i ended up with 45.14 to win but it was close with ali gibbs coming second with 41.2. Plenty of quality skimmers caught today, with all but two having double figures, not to sure when i will be back as i usually work Tuesday's but had to change this week to help out.

Tuesday, 9 August 2022

A late 3

Shiplate on Thursday, mark still cooking a good breakfast, so nice start to the day. Into the ping pong bucket of doom, peg 12 for me, sometbing and nothing peg recently, but with the fishery being a bit moody of late and no one really running away with it you never know
, so pellet rig up and down at 14 mtrs, a wag for pellet on the deck at 25mtrs, a meat rig for the tree to my right and a margin rig for each side in the shallow water(10 inches)as the fish nkrmally turn up towards the end, not to much to report, the peg was still indifferent today, had a couple on the wag , a few skimmers on the pole and a carp and 4 late fish down the edge, where they did turn up but are as cagey as you like, spooking off at the mearest hint of a rig in the water, ended with 82lb and no good, well done to steve on peg one winning with 145lb.
And top silvers going to roger the brummie exile on peg 3 with 38lb.
Sunday and todber bound for the last in the short pole series, like you woukd fish anything else here 😁😂😂.Breakfast at the old cannards well now just the well, and it was nice. ash and homeground being used today, homeground woukd be the preferred lake to win. bUt ash would be more sensible, there were huge weights in the week leading up to this , but with every peg in it was not going to be the same, so peg 74 for me
, one off the end peg which was occupied by gordon canning, and i had mike west on my left on 73, good company . Nothing to much to report, had a nice easy(steady) day by todber standards 172lb and a section win, catching fish short on the deck, a couple shallow and some in the margins, ryan shipp doing what he does best and not wasting his peg and winning with over 300lb, and mike(pulled the lone silvers)angler catching 24lb of whitebait. Martin rayet came.second on the day with 250lb and that sealed the leafue for him.
Monday and sedges silvers match, well not to much to say , what an absolutely brilliant fishery, good breakfast and excellent fishing, it was on brick today with an overflow onto tile, drew 33 on tile, happy days, caught 49.13 of skimmers, which was 5th on the day, robert parker on 17 won with 71lb , just goes to show brick can compete with tile, and there were three other 50,s, one more on brick and two on tile, weigh sheet below.

Monday, 1 August 2022


Didnt fish on Thursday, had to work as we had three out on a 2 day boat trip around lundy, and it was a good trip , well.done lads. Sunday and a change.for chris fox and me, we windmill fishery , but not before a stop in the wessex flyer for breakfast, all good and the sausages are very nice, a good sausage makes a good breakfast, Got to the fishery to find 17 fishing so not to bad, dave haines was in charge of proceedings today, got the draw underway and i pulled out peg 12, i drew this peg in the last match i fished here, which was about 5 years ago, its the shallow end of the lake, about 5 foot, with an island in front which is shallow , so a better lead chuck than waggler attack, so i set up the wag(😕😕), a short meat rig, pellet on the deck and shallow at 13 mtrs, a margin rig for 4mtrs, and the same rig for 13mtrs down by the reed bed to my left,
Not to much to mention about the day, i had to wait an hour and 50 minutes for my first carp, and it didnt get much better, i ended up with 6carp for 37lb, and no good, chris only had 2 carp off.peg 7, shaun townsend today with 116lb from peg 16, narrowly beating lionel legge on 14 who had 113lb, i jad a nice day watchimg them both, at least i could park behind my.peg.
Without a doubt i should have done better. Monday and landsend for a silver match(well green, gold or silver) nice breakfast cooked by Rachael, only a dozen of us so room a plenty. I had one from last in the draw and opened up ticket 7, about the shallowest peg on the lake, also one of the narrowest,
i set up two rigs to fish to hand, one in front and another for each side of the pallet, target fish today are crucians, f1s, small tench and odd bonus skimmers up to 2lb, also a rig for the margins, and the same rig would do for a couple mtrs.across in 12 inches of water, i didnt.go to far.across as it quickly shallowed up to less.the 6 inches deep, loads of carp about, and they would prove a problem for everyone. At the start I fed all lines, and started.straight out, but it was slow, i had a couple of small tench, but carp soon moved onto the line, so i went to the left to hand rig and started catching small tench, and f1,s, also i had bonus skimmers, but the carp moved in there aswell, each side and in front, so i went across and had a run of small, tench, f1,s and crucians before the carp made the presence felt, wherever i fed, even tiny bits of soaked micros and 4,s the carp were on it like a rash, so what work was wait till the carp had eaten the thimble full of feed i had put in, then go in and catch a few, i think the carp polished everything off, but the small fish seemed to move in to grub around on the mess the carp left behind, Didnt have a clue what i had as i had totally lost traxk of things due to the carp tearing up my peg, so was.happy to weigh 33lb which was enough to win,
just edging out nigel bartlett up on 11 who had 32lb, then john dursley on 2 with 26lb and jeff(chip shop sausage) with 25lb on peg 5, considering the carp carnage its fished well , quite a tight match as the sheet below shows.