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Monday, 1 August 2022


Didnt fish on Thursday, had to work as we had three out on a 2 day boat trip around lundy, and it was a good trip , well.done lads. Sunday and a change.for chris fox and me, we windmill fishery , but not before a stop in the wessex flyer for breakfast, all good and the sausages are very nice, a good sausage makes a good breakfast, Got to the fishery to find 17 fishing so not to bad, dave haines was in charge of proceedings today, got the draw underway and i pulled out peg 12, i drew this peg in the last match i fished here, which was about 5 years ago, its the shallow end of the lake, about 5 foot, with an island in front which is shallow , so a better lead chuck than waggler attack, so i set up the wag(😕😕), a short meat rig, pellet on the deck and shallow at 13 mtrs, a margin rig for 4mtrs, and the same rig for 13mtrs down by the reed bed to my left,
Not to much to mention about the day, i had to wait an hour and 50 minutes for my first carp, and it didnt get much better, i ended up with 6carp for 37lb, and no good, chris only had 2 carp off.peg 7, shaun townsend today with 116lb from peg 16, narrowly beating lionel legge on 14 who had 113lb, i jad a nice day watchimg them both, at least i could park behind my.peg.
Without a doubt i should have done better. Monday and landsend for a silver match(well green, gold or silver) nice breakfast cooked by Rachael, only a dozen of us so room a plenty. I had one from last in the draw and opened up ticket 7, about the shallowest peg on the lake, also one of the narrowest,
i set up two rigs to fish to hand, one in front and another for each side of the pallet, target fish today are crucians, f1s, small tench and odd bonus skimmers up to 2lb, also a rig for the margins, and the same rig would do for a couple mtrs.across in 12 inches of water, i didnt.go to far.across as it quickly shallowed up to less.the 6 inches deep, loads of carp about, and they would prove a problem for everyone. At the start I fed all lines, and started.straight out, but it was slow, i had a couple of small tench, but carp soon moved onto the line, so i went to the left to hand rig and started catching small tench, and f1,s, also i had bonus skimmers, but the carp moved in there aswell, each side and in front, so i went across and had a run of small, tench, f1,s and crucians before the carp made the presence felt, wherever i fed, even tiny bits of soaked micros and 4,s the carp were on it like a rash, so what work was wait till the carp had eaten the thimble full of feed i had put in, then go in and catch a few, i think the carp polished everything off, but the small fish seemed to move in to grub around on the mess the carp left behind, Didnt have a clue what i had as i had totally lost traxk of things due to the carp tearing up my peg, so was.happy to weigh 33lb which was enough to win,
just edging out nigel bartlett up on 11 who had 32lb, then john dursley on 2 with 26lb and jeff(chip shop sausage) with 25lb on peg 5, considering the carp carnage its fished well , quite a tight match as the sheet below shows.

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