Friday, 25 November 2022
Oh dear, never mind, its only a game.
Sunday and rnd 5 of the shiplate 4,s, west pool was my destination for today, oit team needed.a good result today to stand any chance of getting in the team overalls, into the draw and peg 11 for me, not ideal, its been the bad area of late, but you never know. For company today was two fishery regulars each side, on the right was fishery chef mark jones , and on my left was Steve warren. A dobbing rig for across, a maggot on the deck topset and one, and a margin rig, at the start i did give bread a quick go but it was to coloured , so a switch to maggot, and to be fait there were some fish there, started half depth and lost one straight away, then another, so shallowed up a bit, still fouling, kept shallowing till i was only fishing 6 inches deep, and i still foul hooked a couple, end of the first hour and i reckon i had lost 8, all fouled, unusual for me to lose so many, as people who know me i do land more.than my share of wronguns, LOL 😂.
From a bad start my.match spiralled into misery, most people began catching a few, apart from me, i ended up with 5 carp, three from across and two on the short maggot line, 31lb for last in the section(lake), to make matters.worse steve.won the section to my left with 74lb, and mark to right was second with 57lb, so do i think i got it wrong, hell yes 😲😲😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂. Well.done steve.and mark, its taken me nearly a week to write this, the Samaritans talked me round to doing it though. As for the team, i think me , bob and chris all were last in section, hero alan quantrill did the business (again) coming second in the section, but we are out of it now, ah well always hard being in a one man team isnt it alan.
Monday and i was intending to go to the sedges for the monday silvers match, but the forecast was horrendous, strong winds and torrential rain, i left home intending to go to bridgwater, but got as far as my local cafe, with the wind and rain doing its best to hamper things, i binned the idea , went and had a breakfast and went home, gave it and hour and dexided to go to huntstrete, as i would be able to get out of the worst of the weather on the far side of bridge pool, and thats what happened, sat under my Brolly as i was protected from the gale, but not the rain, heavy rain most of the day, but i haf a bite a chuck, roach up to 8oz, skimmers and bream up to 3lb and plenty of f1,s up to and over 2lb, excellent sport but i was the only person mad.enough to sit there, 😄.
Thursday and back to huntstrete for the coffin dodgers and short walk match, hoped for a drwa on the far side as again there would have been some protection from the gales and rain that were forecast again, but due to a pegging error thise swims didnt even go in the hat, 😯😯😆😆. Peg 8 was my home, wind and rain straight in the face, fed groundbait and caster on two lines, 5 and 11 mtrs.and caster.down the edge to my left, it took about thirty mo to get a bite, ut after that i haf an indication or bite most put ins, mainly.small roach, but indidnhave a few better ones from the left , also i had 6 f1,s, ended up with 10lb of silvers and my.6 f1,s went 12.14 for a 22.14 total which was.good enough for fourth on the day, first went to chris ollis on peg 4 with 30lb of mainly f1,s, well.done matey, second was paul barnfield on peg 19 with 26lb, half. And half f1,s and silvers,and third was dave wride on 34 with 23lb, which was an excellent weight from there with lots of pegs in in that area. most anglers today had plenty if bites which was good to see as the lake has had a difficult couple of months, but there seems to be plenty of fish still in there.
Thursday, 17 November 2022
Plantations main lake silvers only
Back to Kingston Seymour and plantation main lake again, these matches are really popular, so if you miss a match from now on, there is no guaranteed place, someone has to drop out before a place comes up, all names carried forward to the next one.
So i let mat tomes draw for me today, 31, not the best but a is expected from any peg, and mat tomes was next to me on 32, arguably the better peg, but every day is different.
i set up a.25 slim for topset and two, a..3 slim for 9 and 11 mtrs, and another .25 for the edges for maybe a perch ot two.
Fed the two longer lines at the start with groundbait with a few casters in, started feeding a few casters.each side in the edge, then started.on the topset and two line with caster , caught straightaway , roach mainly, indid have a decent hybrid and a pound perch, but bites slowed after an hour, so i cupped in some groundbait.on the short line and tried the long line, 9 mtrs first and a pound skimmer first drop, then Nothing, so 11 mtrs, same.result, strange, onto the edge rig for a few roach and one small perch, the short line was definitely the place to fish today, lots of small roach with odd skimmers, enjoyable fishing as fishing see everything going on with the rig, and easy to feed, plus the banter.was.pretty relentless with mat, so a good day. Ended up with just over 26lb, beating mat by just over 1lb, a good day, i ended up third, dave willmott won on peg 23 with 37lb, well done dave, ever consistent.
Kev winstone on 27 was second with 30lb, me third with 26 and paul faiers on 8 4th with 25, weigh sheet below.
Tuesday, 15 November 2022
1 out of three was ok
Todber last Thursday for a silvers match on wadmill again, only 16 fishing due to lots being away at whiteacres for the drennan silvers.festival, well more like an f1 festival to be fair.
Well baxk to tidber and the draw was a bit cruel to me , peg in the middle of the bank at the far end, this was the third match on here and it has been a tough area, and tiday it got even tougher, it took me 30 minutes to get my first, and it didnt really improve, ended up with 3 1\2lb of small.roach, the action improved in the last 90 minutes, but with the wrong species, i hooked 7 carp in that time and not a single silver, all the weights of skimmers came from the normal.area , just past halfway up the lake, vince brown won with 39lb of mainly feeder caught skimmers, followed by steve kedge.with 26lb then dave Wilmot with 25, well dome to all, i was that bad even roy worth beat me, i very nearly bought some golf clubs, 😬😬.
Sunday and john darby was running a match at shiplate on the canals, it was runas a xharity match with proceeds goimg to the poppy appeal, john worked hard getting some prizes so well done to him a big thanks to all the companies and shops which contributed.
Draw.for me peg 6 on hawthorn, happy.enough, easy fishing, only maggots required, a bit frustrating to be fair, fish cruising up along the far bank, but i couldn't get one in the mouth, i had a couple across and one short , bit most of my weight came.down by empty peg 5, ended up with 52lb, a bitnof a days fishing but not enough , uncle ju was top on the day with 80lb+ from peg 3, followed by nephew john on 11 with 70+, it wasnt all about the fishing (luckily) and nearly £500 was.raised for the charity, so a big well done to john, weigh sheet below.
Monday and back to the sedges for the weekly silvers match, this week it was on the canal lake. Lovely fishery breakfast it was draw time, into the ping pong bucket oit comes ball 43, well happy with that one, chris rolf to my right and mark leahay on my left, also i could keep an eye on the in form roy worth over on flyer 64 in the corner, definitely the man to beat. I fed three lines in front at the start, one at 5 mtrs, and two at 9 mtrs , all with a bit of groundbait with a few pinkies and casters in, also started feedimg a few maggots and casters under the trees to my right, its normally good for some barbel . Owner jamie had a few there the last match on here, so definitely worth a go, first 40minutes on the short line for a couple of small roach and a small skimmer, so out to 9 mtrs, it was ok for a coupke of hours, a couple of better skimmers, a nice hybrid and two nice crucians, along with some roach, then the carp turned up and it all became a bit torrid, so a look under the trees , had three big gudgeon sized barbel and sev3ral small chub up to 8oz, but that never lasted to long but it was worth about 3lb, so more than welcome on this tough venue, the linger lines were now iver run with carp, so the end was good to here , my fish went 12lb, which was enough today to win, 2nd went to allen mills on peg 54 down the other end where no one ever does well from with 10lb of mainly small chub, so well done to him, roy was very quiet on 64, nuff said. 😂😂. Sheet below.
Wednesday, 9 November 2022
Shiplate and sedges
Sunday and it was shiplate for the teams of 4,s, chris fox and me stopped at the wessex flyer.for breakfast, all good, mark jones was cooking at the fishery, but i like a bit of warmth when eating, a bit to cold for open air eating, which is a shame as mark does do a really good breakfast. My turn on west pool, so first section to draw, first in the tub hoping for peg 13, nearly got it but peg 11 would have to do, dave romain had the pleasure of 13 , so would be the one to beat, and with the ever consistent mark wynne on 15, third was going to be a realistic result but you never know. I had tom thick to my right on 10, always hard to beat , at.least it wasnt going to be quiet as those who know tom will testify. It was an interesting day, both myself and tom had a couple of early fish from the far side, but that soon stopped and all.we had was occasional small roach bites or liners, dave and mark were catching a few, but our pegs in the middle seemed fishless, but it seemed as thiugh a few carp moved upnas far as me in the last 60minutes, catching on maggot against the far side, ended upnwith 57lb , beaten by dave and mark to my left who had 87lb each with 4 oz seperating them with dave just edging it, john hawkins on 5 had 62lb, luckily for him he had a nonshow on 6 which helped him, the team is still being held up by alan quantrill, well done matey, so we are hanging on to 4th spot,
Monday and down to the sedges for the silvers match, really nice matches with a nice set of regular anglers, nice breakfast aswell, tile lake today, not to fussed as to where i drew, but a bit of shelter.from the wind and rain would be nice, well that didnt happen, peg 32 with the wind and rain blowing in and across from the left, set up to fish three lines, topset and two in front of the bush to my right, straight out at topset and three, and 11mtrs straight out, fed.a.small.ball of groundbait on the two short lines and three balls at 11 mtrs, by now the wind was picking up, i coukdnt have fished further than 11 mtrs if i wanted due to the wind, i caught a few roach and tiny skimmers in front of the bush, but that died quite quickly, topset and three never gave me.a.bite, most of the action 11 mtrs,.i had to wait over two hours for my first skimmer over 1lb, phil dodd on ny left had had a few on the tip, ut i couldnt see much going on, i just kept plugging away on the longer line for occasional fish, while i was struggling to hold the pole roy worth was turning on the style opposite on 29 putting a steady stream of skimmers into his net, fish down towards empty peg 30, and he ran out and easy winner with iver 30lb, well done the bomb. Tom rat was.second with 14lb and steve.jackson third with 13lb, i had 12.10 for a default section win, I'll take that.
Weigh sheet below being held up by the winner on the day, showing his best side.
Thursday, 3 November 2022
Sunday and a rare trip to Viaduct for chris and me, stopped off in the brewers fayre in street for breakfast , very tasty, bumped into clint wojtyla and leon hubbard who were also there for breakfast, clint had 2 or 3 of everything on his plate, not really to healthy but he felt it would be ok as he was going to deposit two natural yoghurts on top of the fry up, obviously working for clint😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂.
Got to the fishery and drew 112 for myself, decided to fish corn short for silvers and pellet at 13 mtrs, shoukd have set up a wag aswell but didnt(mistake), at the start i began on the short line with corn, 1 hour later and one skimmer, that wasnt going to work then, so 13 mtrs on pellet, a couole more skimmers and a carp but that wasnt cutting it either, just over halfway through and i was off the box, putting some new line on a reel and setting the wag up for pellet on the deck, i had 6 more carp on that, i really ought to start listening to myself , finished with 78lb for nowhere, sam Williams won off 131 with 136lb, well done. And nigel easton on my left won the silvers with 39lb, mainly on caster.
Monday and a day boat fishing out of watchet on the lorna doone, skippered by tom(tommo)Wright, only 5 of us on there, dan and jamie shipp, long time good friend dean malin, and judith and me. Only an inshore trip, nust as well as the wind was going to be strong but mainly off the shore, we have a mix of fish to be sure, thornback ray, spotted and blond, the biggest being a 13lb blond caught by dan on a micky mouse tiny poachers rod.
Judith had a nice huss just short of 12lb and i haf a decent 11lb+ cod, it also poured down for over three hours, and with no waterproof trousers, to say i was damp was an understatment, but it was still enjoyable and makes a nice change,
Dean seems very pleased fo me, LOL 😂😂😂.
Thursday and back to plantation main lake for another silvers match, 19 fishing, only had 18 tickets in the draw, so redraw it was then, everyone took it well, peg 5 for me , mark broomsgrove on 4 to my right and phil Morgan on 7 to my left, i fed three lines, topset and one, 9 mtrs and 11 mtrs, caught fish on all lines, but the short line was by far and away the most productive, skimmers of all sizes , some roach and perch aswell, a lot harder than the last match, but we have had a lot of rain which may have upset the fish, it was a close match, Kev winstone won off of 26 with 35lb, nice one kev and about time 👍👍😉😉. There were 8 weights over 30lb with the fish well spread out all round the lake, a brilliant venue.oh yes and it rained again,
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