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Tuesday, 15 November 2022

1 out of three was ok

Todber last Thursday for a silvers match on wadmill again, only 16 fishing due to lots being away at whiteacres for the drennan silvers.festival, well more like an f1 festival to be fair. Well baxk to tidber and the draw was a bit cruel to me , peg in the middle of the bank at the far end, this was the third match on here and it has been a tough area, and tiday it got even tougher, it took me 30 minutes to get my first, and it didnt really improve, ended up with 3 1\2lb of small.roach, the action improved in the last 90 minutes, but with the wrong species, i hooked 7 carp in that time and not a single silver, all the weights of skimmers came from the normal.area , just past halfway up the lake, vince brown won with 39lb of mainly feeder caught skimmers, followed by steve kedge.with 26lb then dave Wilmot with 25, well dome to all, i was that bad even roy worth beat me, i very nearly bought some golf clubs, 😬😬. Sunday and john darby was running a match at shiplate on the canals, it was runas a xharity match with proceeds goimg to the poppy appeal, john worked hard getting some prizes so well done to him a big thanks to all the companies and shops which contributed. Draw.for me peg 6 on hawthorn, happy.enough, easy fishing, only maggots required, a bit frustrating to be fair, fish cruising up along the far bank, but i couldn't get one in the mouth, i had a couple across and one short , bit most of my weight came.down by empty peg 5, ended up with 52lb, a bitnof a days fishing but not enough , uncle ju was top on the day with 80lb+ from peg 3, followed by nephew john on 11 with 70+, it wasnt all about the fishing (luckily) and nearly £500 was.raised for the charity, so a big well done to john, weigh sheet below.
Monday and back to the sedges for the weekly silvers match, this week it was on the canal lake. Lovely fishery breakfast it was draw time, into the ping pong bucket oit comes ball 43, well happy with that one, chris rolf to my right and mark leahay on my left, also i could keep an eye on the in form roy worth over on flyer 64 in the corner, definitely the man to beat. I fed three lines in front at the start, one at 5 mtrs, and two at 9 mtrs , all with a bit of groundbait with a few pinkies and casters in, also started feedimg a few maggots and casters under the trees to my right, its normally good for some barbel . Owner jamie had a few there the last match on here, so definitely worth a go, first 40minutes on the short line for a couple of small roach and a small skimmer, so out to 9 mtrs, it was ok for a coupke of hours, a couple of better skimmers, a nice hybrid and two nice crucians, along with some roach, then the carp turned up and it all became a bit torrid, so a look under the trees , had three big gudgeon sized barbel and sev3ral small chub up to 8oz, but that never lasted to long but it was worth about 3lb, so more than welcome on this tough venue, the linger lines were now iver run with carp, so the end was good to here , my fish went 12lb, which was enough today to win, 2nd went to allen mills on peg 54 down the other end where no one ever does well from with 10lb of mainly small chub, so well done to him, roy was very quiet on 64, nuff said. 😂😂. Sheet below.

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