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Sunday, 2 August 2009

johns and sydney,s

a hastily arranged knockup turned into a 22 peg sweep using john,s water and sydney,s at landsend fishery. i let the tango man and bruno look a like draw for me , and out came 70.a corner peg and as the wind had been blowing in i quite fancied it.i set up a paste rig for the right hand margin, up and down rigs at 14mtr towards the arat ,aer,air ,spray thing which was to be left off as an experiment, and an up and down rig for the island. started off with a full pot of 6mm pellets spread between the 14mtr line the island and the weed bed in front of 69 which was the same depth as the 14 mtr line and started loose feeding 6mm down the right for paste. starting at 14 mtr and firing a few 6,s over the top i started to get some liners so a quick change to the shallow rig and nothing,1 missed bite and that was it, there were some fish showing on the island so i went in on the 6 inch rig and a 12oz carp was soon in the net quickly followed by another one of a similar size (great). to be honest i really struggled for bites all day and i didnt even have a bite down the edge on the paste. all i could get a bite on in the end was the shallow rig against the island and only then when i could some fish activity,ending up with 34 lb and no coin except for the usual quid off phil harding which i had to give to andy bryant plus one to anton.the match was won by
dave(beany)westcott 87.01 peg 71 sydney,s
gary wall 62.04 peg 72
bela bakos 58.04 peg 81 (with his personel cheerleader)
andy bryant 43.07 peg79
tony page 37 peg 51
phil harding 4,15
top 4 all caught on paste
highlight of my day was when stu foale opposite me hooked a good carp which he played like a faggot letting it get into my peg and tangeling up with me when i was fishing 14 mtr .needless to say the fish came off and we were tied together under the spray thing rope .we had to pull for a break ,i lost a hook stu lost a rig he really must buy some proper lin and he can do his own elastics lol
stuart foale 35.14 peg 41


  1. My love child framed again on paste - more to it than meets the eye then Rip off!!

  2. how come bela and andy both fished peg 81? and they both framed too!!!

  3. Spot on with your water knot matey- see :
