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Wednesday, 29 July 2009

viaduct 29 july

after looking at the forcast i decided i couldnt be assed to sit in the avalon wind tunnel again so i booked into the viaduct match for a change. i thought i would have a change and draw nearly last and i wasnt to dissapointed when 125 came out of the bag. there was a lot of fish there at the weekend, but they have a nasty knack of moving, oh and did i mention that it had started to rain and blow into our bank. good job i got gore tex clothing !!!!!!!!!! ,for a change i thought i would continue to dabble in the dark side and start on paste at 4 mtr(if mike nicholls can do it it aint that hard) ,so i cupped soaked up micro,s there and 6mm at 13mtr, starting at 4 mtr i lost a carp straight away then got one a few minutes later,followed quickly by a couple of good skimmers of about 2lb, then the little skimmers found the bait and even fishing hard pellet over it didnt help as they just nibbled at it until they could get it in there mouth. a change to 13 mtr with the usual 8mm on a hair and i started to get indications , feeding with a catty i thought they might come up but i got the impression that they were enjoying the weather as much as me, and the didnt want to leave the safety of the lake bed as all i could get shallow was small roach urgh. i had been fishing a 4x14 rig but the fish seem to want it on the last foot of the drop so when a fouled fish totally trashed me under the pallet it was a good time to change to a 4x12 rig with spread shot which seemed better. i was still getting a few foulhookers but it seems you got to put up with that wheen pellet fishing on the deck . by feeding 3 pouches of pellet then lifting and dropping over the top you could get a few bites catching some decent skimmers and odd carp, and as far as i could tell i was doing batter than the people around me and as well as the anglers opposite. i stayed on this to the end of the match catching odd fish and getting enough bites to keep me more than interested . the all out sounded at 6 and as the scales came along, roger young the purple man was winning our section with 112.5, i new i wouldnt beat that, but i was surprised to weigh in 96.8 of which 32.3 was silvers giving me 2nd in the silvers losing out to dick bull on 81 with 54.3 of skimmers on worm om the pole. the match was won by lee wherret on peg 74 with 175.11 on corn
2nd r young 112.5 (i got the section by default plus 2nd silvers 80 quid loverly)
3rd i dunlop 108.14
4th t senior 105.8
5th a n gler 98.10(cant read his name)
6th paul(beever) elmes 97.4
and it rained for the whole match and the gore tex aint water proof anymore(vic) .i cant believe the weather men got it right
those of you going to viaduct please note you are only allowed 80 lb in a net . get it wrong 3 times and according to paul you face a 1 month ban! i see anonymous has put a comment on, saying about my spelling ,obviously tim clark has trouble spelling his name.


  1. your spelling getting better perhaps rather than going large every week you should buy some clothing i am still waiting for my fleece promised 4yrs ago

  2. I note the new net limit of 80lb. Why not make it easier for the Anglers and set a maximum number of fish per net (no controversy this way). Both Steve and Paul know the average fish weight per Lake and could easily set a number that is unlikely to exceed 80lb.

    PS: Does the Gimp know you are targeting the Silvers?

  3. the trouble with that mike is that if your on cary lake 4 fish could wiegh 80lb but on cambell 20lb

  4. craig 'trigger' edmunds30 July 2009 at 18:45

    im going bold

  5. Anonymous your fleece has been in the shop for 4 years but Tony doesn't know who to give to it.

  6. It takes a couple of weeks to work out how to use this computer Judith now hurry up and get the kettle on

  7. Can I have your fleece please Tony. Your best tennant.
