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Sunday, 19 July 2009

pole only at viaduct campbell lake

With dean still pushing dummies and teddies around his garden i had phil harding and jason radford for company today. After the usual brekkie stop at shipham and it was on to viaduct .As i do the draw i dont draw my own peg ,so andy bryant drew mine and handed me peg 112,which i was quite happy with. Arriving at the peg i realised the wind was going to make presentation very hard as the wind was blowing in and across making the trip go with the wind. I set up a shallow rig (dibber) on the deck pellet(4x12) paste rig(it dont matter) and down the edge(4x10) into the bay to my right. On the all in i potted pellet at 13mtrstraight out, and down the edge, i also put some at 13mtr to my right .I started out in front and had a 5 pounder virtually straight away, quickly followed by a small tench. I had another 3or4 in the next hour but with the wind gettin stronger presentation was getting more difficult,and i was starting to miss bites (liners) and foulhook fish. Moving all the shot up under the float except for a couple of number 10,s down the line.It did help a bit as i started getting a few on the drop but the wind was screwing it right up. I decided to look down the edge, and to be honest there was a few fish down there but snags were proving to be a ,bit costly in lost fish and rigs i had a few fish but looking around the lake i could see phil harding on 125,brian shanks on 128 and martin pettifer on 135all catching steadily as they had been from the start. i tied to catch shallow as they were but conditions made it impossible, so back to the beep rig,and to be fair by feeding and lifting and dropping i was getting a few fish so i decided to stay with it . about a hour and a half from the stu foale to my left went out shallow and had a couple of fish and as the wind was easing slightly i followed suit ,and started to catch really well but it was a case of to late to catch up .On the all out i thought Phil Harding had won and he did with his best match weight 177.7 all shallow bri shanks was next with 167.12 then Martin Pettifer 148.9 then me with 136.2 Martin Mcmahon 127.8 Martin Lenaghan 114.4 .top silvers Dan Squires 25.2 peg123 followed by the old blogging leg end himself Mike Nicholls 24.14. best laugh was Jason Radford jumping in to retrieve his 6 and 7 sections which had blown in, he dropped his top set in, which had a fish attached. After getting the big sections back he has had to swim out to get his top set with the fish still attached ,and it was touch and go as to who was going to land who.When he eventually got back to dry land all he said was that it was a bit worrying that he was unable to touch bottom. To be honest i thought someone was practicing there dwarf throwing lol


  1. craig 'trigger' edmunds20 July 2009 at 21:14

    spell check might come in handy

  2. I assume there is a sound reason Craig has got the nick name "Trigger", keep your blog just as it is, when I read it I hear you saying it - great stuff.
