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Monday, 27 July 2009

avalon sunday 26 july

i tried to get the grammer and the speelling write but i cant be assed, so bollox to it i am going to say it how it is!
so off to avalon for another go after the usual brekkie at shipham. 1 scrambled egg on 2 dry toast, as my body is a temple
as the wind was going to be a southerly i thought we would use the right hand bank as this would give us the wind off the left shoulder giving us a bit of shelter, but as a couple of extras turned up i put 3 pegs at the top on the left, and where did i let gary wall draw for me,peg 21 thanx mate ,you draw shit i think i will let joe thompson draw for me again next time.
getting to the peg there was a gale 8 blowing right to left and slightly in, but at least it wasnt raining yet! setting up the usual rigs , up in the water, on the deck 1 for pellet and 1 for urgh paste, i am finding myself being drawn more and more to the dark side (resisdence is futile).
a paste rig for the margins and a 2 ssg pellet wag for over. starting at 14 mtrs with a struggle firing in 6,s with an 8 on the hook, all i had in the first hour was a small dip on the float which rusulted in jack shit on the end. so i pat in half a pot of pellet out at 14mtr and decided to look down the edge on the paste,as i had been trickling pellet into both margins and also firing 8,s across to the island where the usual couple of ghosties could be seen mooching about and as long as you keep givin a bit they tend to stay giving you chance to nail them a bit later.
1 bite and and 1x 6 pounder from the left margin and no bites on the right. back out on the paste at 16 mtr 4 bites 1 carp 3lb 1 skimmer 1 lost carp and a missed bite,this is really bad and it dont help when leigh turns up and tells me that peaple(lol) on the other bank had between 4 and 10 fish meaning i was falling behind .by now it was pissing down and if we had had a early draw we would have missed it.4 th hour and a look an the wag and not a bite, even though the onnoying ghosties were still climding up the bank,back on the long pole and not a bite on that either,last hour and i spent most of it in the right hand margin where i had 2 more carp and and lost 2 more when they tied me round the reeds. cos they are quicker than us aint they
when leigh turned (up on his own) to do the weigh in it had been raining for about 3 hours and the gore tex aint very warterproof any more. my 4 carp and a skimmer went 29 lb so it looked like no money today.
the match was won by mike nicholls adopted love child(bela bakos) on peg 38 with 75.2 carp caught on the slider and paste and his peg looked very nice with all those red dots up in the tree,s(good job avon angling got plenty in stock)
mike west was 2 nd off 24 with 73.7 of paste caught fish from the margin
3 rd vince brown 61.10
4 th colin dyer 52.8
5 th
clint wojtyla
6 th tim(thatchers river ace)ford
martin lenaghan 1.8
jim jenner and me 1.7 12.50 each ha ha
special mention to tim clark who leigh is considering asking not to go to avalon any more as he thinks the fish cant stand to lose any more scales


  1. yep you was CRAP!!!!

  2. I wasn't sure which of my love children you were talking about - until I seen the waggler and paste and all the lost floats - well done Bela!!

  3. It wasn't me that called you a tosser, who ever it was beat me to it!
