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Sunday, 29 August 2010

float only last round

going into the last round i was leading by 1 point from freddy roberts and with tim clark and tim ford in with a chance of winning it could be close. dean malin drew for me today and handed me 59 which is the first usable peg up right hand side of lodge lake, its a good section peg so i wasnty to dissapointed, for company i had john(the gimp)bradford on 60 and glen bailey on 57 and on 53 which is normally the lake winning peg was mat dark and with trig edmonds on 62 and tim clark on 55 the stage was set.
i set up a pellet and a paste rig to fish at 14 mtrs but i didnt use them as the wind had picked up to a gale blowing into and left to right making it impossible to present(i can hear mike nicholls you should fish closer then).
i set up a 4x10 rig on .20 with a 14 xedion hook to fish meat down the left hand margin. and last of all a wag rig to fish at depth at about 20 mtrs with banded pellet.
at the start i cupped in 6 and 8,s at 14 mtrs , fired some 8,s to 20 mtrs and started throwing some meat into the margin, starting on the wag i had a 8lb carp 2nd chuck , then the day got more and more torrid , with foulers which all came off, hooks pulling out and wags ending up in the trees behind me , i caught the aerater cable about 5 times losing 2 floats, missing bites and generally having a bad day , oh yes and did i mention the foulers, i tried shallow , half depth , feeding more, then feeding less nothing seemed to work, i went down the edge with abouit 90 mins to go and had 6 reasonable fish on meat so i finished the match with 14 carp ,2 skimmers and a roach for what i thought would go about 90lb, time would tell.
mat dark on 53 was first to weigh and had 107lb which i thought would be enough to win the section, 2nd in section for me would be enough to seal the series, but in the end i neednt have worried as my net went 113lb meaning i couldnt be caught,
again the venue fished really well with chris davis on 127(cambell~)winning on the day with 197lb catching at 5mtrs on meat and 16 mtrs hallow on pellet
2nd was andy lloyd next door on 126 with 194.3 catching at 14 mtrs at depth on pellet
3rd alan oram 183.7 peg 114
4th fred roberts 162.10 peg 94
5th jamie parkhouse 154.13 peg 134
6th anto page 150.8 peg 135
silvers gary etheridge 35.4
league overall
tony rixon 35 points(£45o)
fred roberts 33 pts(350)
tim ford 32 pts (250)
tim clark 31 pts (150)
andy lloyd 30 pts (75)387.2 lb
brian shanks 30 pts (50) 255.7 lb
thats it till next year then.big thanks to steve evans for the help in doing the rtesults(actually he does it all).
next stop the teams of 4 starting next week with rnd 1 being down at chilton trinity