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Wednesday, 29 September 2010

avalon weds

i dont understand why people dont want to go to this venue as its probably one of the fairest commercials in the area as its impossible to predict where the winner is likely to come from , perhaps its the thought of having to think about it to much, and the people who moan the most are the ones who never go there , any way thats the moaning out the way .
after a redraw cos i miss counted i ended up on 13 which is at the end of the second island, for company i had dean malin on my right who was going to fish the feeder to the island , but i cant do thast so i set up a margin rig for corn , a banded pellet rig(4x16) and a paste(yes paste)rig to fish at 14 mtrs , and a wag rig to fish at depth to the island with banded pellet.
at the start i cupped in some corn and 4mm down the margin , some 4,s at 14 mtrs and began firing 6,s to the island, starting on a banded 6 at 14 mtrs the first 30 mins nearly went to plan i had 2 skimmers and hooked 3 carp , one was fouled and came off , one fought like a bream and came off at the net and the other went under the platform and broke me, i did mamage another couple of carp in the next 30 mins , but by now i think dean had 6 carp on the feeder so i was falling behind, a quick look on the p[aste over the same line resulted in about 6 unmissable bites in about as many put ins but i missed them all, a quick look back on the pellet resulted in 2 more carp and a couple of lost foulers, so i refed the pole line and picked up the wag rod, and i soon started getting bites and catching the odd carp and i slowly started to claw back deans early lead apart from a look down the edge which resulted in a 2lb skimmer and a couple of late fish on paste , i stuck with the wag for most of the match and to be honest i was probably beating dean with 20 mins to go , then he went and caught 6 in as many put ins with a 9lb fish last chuck which is what he ended up beating me by , as he was first on the day with 131.14 on peg 11
2nd tony rixon 122.14 peg 13
3rd jamie dyte 104.9 peg 1
4th phil harding 96.3 p[eg 5
5th tim(i,ve lost 30 again)clark 94.13 peg 20
6th nick(plip plop)davidson 78.14 peg 9
silvers went to kev(bagger)davies with 26lb on peg 19 mainly skimmers on corn over micro,s

1 comment:

  1. still fishing well then tony!!!
    are matches here every wednesday then???
    cheers j withers
