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Sunday, 19 September 2010

teams of 4,s rnd 2 cider farm

after 3 matches on the bounce and not getting off yarlington i hoped for a draw on another lake , and luckily the team draw put me on 20 dabinet which is just off the gap on the far side, for company i had mike nicholls on 20 which was handy as he has the silvers bug ,so i hoped it would leave the carp for me.
i set up pellet rigs to fish to the island ,one on the deck at 11 mtrs , a shallow one and a corn rig for the margins.
at the start i cupped in some 6,s at 11 mtrs and some to the island at 14 mtrs and began throwing corn and 4mm into the margin, and as expected mike started at 5mtrs and stayed there all match, i dont think he will ever wear out the big sections on his pole.
the first 30 mins werent to bad as i had a couple of carp and some nuisance skimmers, and mike had pretty much the same, then i missed a few bites so it was out with the shallow rig and i had 5 more carp in the next 30 mins and that was the end of the shallow stuff , i couldnt get another bite on it , very strange.
back on the deck and i was getting the odd fish ,so i was quite happy.
2 hours in and i decided to have a go on the island, i hooked one straight away but it went right and went into a bramble and managed to to tie itself with my rig and elastic to the thorns , so that was the end of that, and after the expected mickey taking from mike i decided to leave the island to the fish ,
into the margin and 2 carp and a good skimmwer before that went quiet, so back out to 11 mtrs and i cupped some 6,s at 14 mtrs to the right by some reeds by the island, so the last couple of hours were spent between the 3 areas, that was until a fish stole my 11 mtr rig with the help of a weed bed, so i was going to fish just the 2 lines now then, by the end i had taken 30 carp but they average about 2 1/2 lb so 70lb ish looked good.
the match was won by des shipp on 41 yarlington with 103.15 on pellet fished shallow and 10 carp in the last hour on caster shallow
2nd was the ever consistent rod wootten with 98.1 on peg 1 dabinett
3rd dean malin 89.4 peg 7 dabinett
4th paul elmes 77.13 peg 16 dabinett
5th tony rixon 70.14 peg 20 dabinett
6th mark broomsgrove 69 lb peg 6 dabinett
silvers were won by steve seager with 21.6 on peg 15 on shepherds lake, he beat mike by 6 oz, serves him right as he laughed when i lost rigs
teams on the day
dynamite 34
westerliegh 33
mats maulers 33
g b electrical 31
team keyford 27 1/2
philtone printers 25
thyers 21
avon angling 17
tims tarts 14
charlies angels 13 1/2
avon angling select13
westerliegh 20 1/2
dynamite 19
gb electrical 17
philtone printers 16
team keyford 14
thyers 11
mats maulers 10 1/2
avon angling 7 1/2
charlies angels 7
tims tarts 6 1/2
avon angling select 3
open at avalon next sunday , ring me at the shop to book in and the next round is in a fortnight at avalon.


  1. Tony,

    Read Silverfox review of the match....and reviewed the picture he posted...

    How many chins do you possess....

    At least 2 or 3 I see

