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Sunday, 31 October 2010

bullocks farm

this was a bit of a practice match for next sundays teams of 4,s and with 22 of us on the match lake the pegging would be the same as next week, after a brerakfast at the venue, which has to be said was very good and with the draw being at 8.30 next week week the cafe will be open from about 7.30.
into the draw bag went paul elmes and pulled out 2 tickets so i took one and ended up on 12 whilst paul managed to keep hold of 17, which is the best peg on the whole venue, but then again he needs to draw well cos it makes up for his lack of talent.
for company i had team fry,s very own slipper wearing legend known as steve (the beast)preece, and if his catmeat approach worked i would be in for some serious mickey taking,and i had martin rich the other side.
the worrying thing today was the clarity of the water, all the colur seems to have gone, so i opted for light lines and rigs , so it was a couple of 4x10 rigs ,one to use straight out at 13 mtrs and one to fish by the island to my left on .10 with an 18 6313 , and a 4x10 to fish the margins each side again with a 18 6313 but on ,12.
at the start i cupped in some dusty g bait at 13 and by the island and fed some casters each side in the margins.
starting at 13 mtrs with soft pellet i had a small hybrid straight away then a crucian then nothing, on with a maggot and a small roach took it but that was it . over to the island and i had a 2lb fantail then nothing again, so it was a case of catching a fish , feed again and look some where else(by the island)but it was crap, the only people i could see getting any sport was paul elmes on 17(no suprise there then)and gary bebford on 8 was also catching a few, i did have 2 bites down the right hand margin and had 2 small carp but that was the only bites i had down the margins. no one seemed to upset when the all out was called as most had struggled, the beast nextdoor had taken 4 carp on catmeat so it was looking dodgy, the scales would tell.
as expected even paul elmes couldnt cock peg 17 up and won with 35.1 on mainly soft pellet fished at 11 mtrs, he also had top silvers weight with 19.9
2nd gary bedford 24.2 peg 8
3rd glen calvert 22.7 peg 30
4th dave roper 21.14 peg 25
5th rod (i aint got 10lb lol)wooten 19.2 peg 31
6th john grey and me with 12.12 john was on 2
john grey was first in the silvers by default with 12.2 giving me second in the silvers with 8.4
i hope the water colours up a bit by next week or we will be in for another tough day


  1. Other than the winner those weights wouldn't have framed on the river today, it was brilliant!

  2. By 2 o'clock I was wishing I was on the river.....
