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Wednesday, 3 November 2010

leafy landsend

after the strong winds of the last couple of days ,it was no suprise to see the surface of the match lake covered in leaves, i let the gimp draw for me today as he always seems to draw himself a carp peg to waste, today was no different as he handed me 11, which on its day can be good for both carp and silvers.
i set up a 4x12 rig on .10 with an 18 6313 to fish caster at 3 and 11 mtrs, a 4x14 on .14 for banded pellet at 14 mtrs at the bottom of the of the island shelf, a 4x12 on .12 to fish soft pellet at 14 mtrs over 3mm at 10 o,clockand a 4x12 rig for the empty pallet to my left(never had a bite there after severasl attempts)
beginning at 3 mtrs after feeding all areas i caught small roach and perch from the off, then 20 mins in it went quiet on that line ,then first carp on which i played carefully but it came off, but the small fish had returned, i even managed to catch on my topset for a while , but a fouled carp on that upset that, so a quick look out at 11 mtrs on caster produced much of the same, but i did get some better perch with one going 2lb, i refed the caster lines and went to the 14 mtr line with banded pellet over 4mm but no bites, i oput a piece of corn on and missed a bite, next drop and i connected with a carp shame it was hooked next to its bum but they all count and after 5 mins in which time the carp visited every part of the swim before i netted it, back out over the same line and 10 mins later i hooked another but this one was in the mouth and netted quickly, then the wind shifted direction slightly and with the ripple set against a backdrop of semi naked tree,s i couldnt see the float so that was the end for that line. on to the 10 o,clock where during the next hour i had 4 good skimmers and 2 more carp, with 2 hours to go i was thinking i was behind both adrian clark and fabio who were on 7 and 5 and had begun to catch carp against the island, and as it turned out i should probably spent the 2 hours fishing caster as i think i may have beaten them both but i spent an hour of the last 2 trying to get more carp, i should have stayed on the 11mtr line as i had some 4 to 10 oz perch and a couple of chub and some more small roach(as always hindsight is a wonderful thing, shame i aint got it).
the match was won by kev molten on 22 with 68.8 on corn at 13 mtrs
2nd adrian clark 45.13 peg 7
3rd phil(fabio)harding 45.4 pegh 5
4th tony rixon 41.2 peg 11
5th nick duckett 32.8 peg 15
6th jason radford 31.4 peg 19
silvers were won by me with 23.10 just ouncing out the gimp who had 23.3
off to bullocks on sunday for the 5nd round of the teams of 4,s


  1. Had a look in Bullocks today, match lake still clear and three anglers there were all struggling.

  2. What happened to the planned sea fishing trip? Did you forget?
