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Wednesday, 24 November 2010

more antics at acorn

with the colour dropping out of the water due to the cold weather i thought it may be hard today, but i wasnt to dissapointed with the draw as i ended up on peg 3 which is permanent peg 4 and as most who know the lake will recognise as possibly the best peg as its wide but with nick plip plop davidson opposite at 11 o,clock angle it would cut down my chances of catching straight in front so i set up a 4x12 on .12 with a 16 6313 to fish at 12 and one in 4 ft of water and a 4x12 with the same hook and line for down the edge to my right in 3 ft of water at 4.5 and 6 mtrs. all i had for bait today was 1 pint of red and white maggots aas there are no rubbish fish to worry about, for company i had the hartcliffe escapee who now lives at the posh end of stockwood, known as the cootes on the next peg, (mat genghis tomes)who was brimming with confidence and explained to me that he was going to beat me into oblivian, so it probably aint worth mentioning the 2 carp and 1 perch he managed to snare in 5 1/2 hours .i,ve just had a txt at 8.40 pm from mat to inform me that he only had 1 carp, no margin even though there was an empty peg between me and him and no far bank as plip plop was opposite, hmm he sounds bitter.
at the start i cupped about 10 mags on each line i intended to fish and went straight out at 11mtrs in front, first drop in and i had a perch , then i never had another indication for 40 mins then i missed what must have been a liner, a look at the 1 o,clock line produced 1 carp then no bites, i kept feeding about 10 mags on each line every 15 to 20 mins but after 2 hours i still hadnt had another fish, i did get occasional tiny movements on the float but i think it was just fish mooching about and not feeding cos the water was very clear, time for the margin, first drop in at 4.5 mtrs and i bumped one next drop and i got one then nothing so i fed again and went back out at 11mtrs nothing at 12 but i did get one at 1 o.clock, going back down the edge i had 2 more so i fed again and went out in front, not that i was expecting to catch there as i thought the fish would prefer the cover of the margins due to the clarity of the water, by nicking an odd fish from the margins then resting it i kept getting an odd fish right to the end and ending up with 15 carp and 1 perch, by the sound of things the person to beat would be martin lenaghan on peg 9 who was admitting to about 20 carp, the scales would tell, i couldnt lay my hands on any pound shillings and pence scales today so we had to go metric which i must admit to likeing as its easier to add up which is a real bonus when jason radford is helping as he thinks there is only 14 oz,s in a pound, luckily for me my fish were of a better stamp than martins as my net went 23kg 5oo grm for first on the day and my first win on the venue
2nd martin lenaghan 17 400 peg 9(14)
3rd dean malin 15 400 peg 5(7)
4th pete sivell 13 900 peg 10(15)
5th andy france 9 800 peg 12(17)
6th nick davidson 9 4oo peg 1(1)
no silvers today as they seem to have done a dissapearing act. there arent to many venues where the owners deliver a cup of tea to your peg foc are there, most welcome on a cold day.
anyone interested there is a silvers mastch at landsend this sunday, book in with me at the shop on 01179517250 or with mike at the fishery on 07977545882 draw at 9 fish 10 till 3.30


  1. Do I read this correct, the peg where the Gimp was last time was not in? So you had that margin to yourself?

    Bitter and twisted Tim lol!

  2. I think you will find during the forth coming winter leagues there is no such thing as a rubbish fish.
