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Sunday, 14 November 2010

landsend individual lge rnd 2

i was on john,s water today(lake 3)so i let andy france draw for me and he handed me 45(bugger). we normally only have 13 on each lake but with 40 fishing i needed to put an extra peg in a section so i thought it would cause less grief if it was in my section, any way 45 aint in on a 13 peg section and 46 had been doing well when with it out ,so it would be interesting to see how it would be today. i had jamie(monkey boy)brown fof company on 46 and venue ace dave(beany)westcott on 42, so that gave me a big magin to my right and after a quick chat with rod wootten he thought i would be in for a few out of the margin, so i set up a 4x8 rig for banded 6mm for that line. a 4x12 pellet rig for the island at 13 mtrs and 16 to my right and a 4x14 caster rig for 10 mtrs.
at the start i cupped some casters at 10 mtrs and began firing 4mm,s to the island in both spots and down the edge at 10 mtrs to the empty swim, it took 10 mins to get a bite on caster and that turned out to be a small roach,. by this time jamie(kong boy)had managed to snare a trailing carp rig in a 4pounder so he was in the lead for the quid but that was the end of his action for the day apart from a few small roach and a lost fouler(and he sloped off with my quid). an hour in and there was some movement down the edge, but as i had had a couple carp on the caster line it was another 30 mins before i went down there, i had a bite straight away but i was attached to a root so i spooked the fish that was there, so i refed and went back on the caster line, i had 1 more carp on that but there were signs down the edge again so i went down there again but couldnt get a bite, so i switched to feeding caster down the edge. i had a look on the pellet lines but only had 1 bite on that which resulted in a 8oz carp, i fed some more casters against the island and went back down the edge on double caster and had one staight away, i fired a few more casters in and had another 10 mins later, i then shallowed my caster rig up and pushed it to the far bank over the casters i had cupped in earlier and had a carp, so i fed again and went back to the margin and had another carp so i fed that again and went back to the island and hooked a 10lb plus fish which i played on the roach gear for about 10 mins in which time i had touched it a coupl;e of times with the net but it came off, and you know when it happens that it will probably cost you, i had 1 more down the edge and that was my lot for the day ending up with 8 carp and a few bits. as this series is decided on section points you need to be first or second in section, but mike west on 41 had a good run late on using meat to the aerater, and wagbo,s non identical twin clint wojtyla on 55 had some fish and thats how the section finished with mike having 44lb ,clint had 34 and i had 32 and as i will miss the last match as i,m on holiday that lost fishj may cost me dear.
first on the day was landsend very own corner specialist adrian clark on 70(john,s)with 73.13 on corn and pellet to the end bank margin
2nd was martin lenaghan(reserve)with 67.10 on peg33
3rd niel(never seen a bad peg)mercer on 68 with 50.01
4th pete sivell(reserve)46.12 peg 21
5th mike west 44lb peg 41
6th alan(stalker)oram 38.11 peg 1
silver went to craig(the maggot rustler) edmunds 20.01 on peg 7 using jamie browns maggot over caster
a full list of the overalls will be on the wall at landsend on weds for all to see


  1. i was thinking that also,we found it hard on spec i got to say lost a few meself on 39 ended up with not alot to show with 2 leaving my bank helped points wise tho!
    cheers see ya next one jw

  2. So we have to guess who the winner is, hmmm?

  3. What are the overall league standings now after 2 rounds, there were some big blow outs today.

  4. yes there was fella,big ones me being one for sure : - (
    I don t know who was 1st today neither all over!!!!!

  5. adrian clark was nt it tony!!!
    see if i can get that quid back off gayboy too
