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Wednesday, 17 November 2010

wedneaday landsend open

17 booked in today so the match was split between the match and speci lake, i let the gimp draw for me as he always seems to draw a carp peg, if i had to choose i would have picked 31, 32 or 33 at the left hand end of the speci lake ,but no he gave peg 17 on the far side of the match lake, not a bad swim and at least the wind and rain was coming from behind, trouble with this time of yaer the lake tends to go a bit clear possibly due to the ammount of leaves falling into the lake and rotting and the 3 frosts we have had wouldnt have helped either. as it was so clear i decided on an out and out caster day, so i set up a 4x12 rig with an 18 6313 on .10 to fish 3 and 8 mtrs, another 4x12 also with an 18 6313 on .12 fo 14 mtrs and a 4x10 rig with a 16 on .12 for against the island just in case.
at the start i cupped in casters at 8, 14 and against the island and began feeding at 3 mtrs in the style of mike nicholls , which usually entails picking up 8 casters to throw in , having second thoughts, putting 5 back in the box and throwing 3 in.
stating at 8 mtrs i started catching small roach straight away, i must admit that i thought i may have made a mistake as martin lenaghan had 2 carp in the first 30 mins on corn. i came in to the 3 mtr line and had some more roach and some good perch, i even came in to 2 mtrs and had a 2lb perch plus some smaller ones but i think the water is to clear for them to stay there, i did get a few roach at 14 mtrs and up against the island , but the most productive place was the 8 mtr line, by kindering a few casters in every couple of fish i had bites there for most of the match, mainly roach but a fair smattering of decent perch showed plus i had 1 chub and a good ide, i thought i had about 16lb which i wasnt to upset about as the match lake had fished very hard with kev molten doing the best with 7 carp on peg 24, and martin next door only ending up with 4 carp so i had a good day as i had bites all day
the match was won by chris davis on 31 with 48.4 on corn against the island
2nd was adrian(in a corner again)clarke with 35.14 PEG 32
3rd kev molten 30.02
4th alvin jones 29 lb p[eg 33
5th martin lenaghan 26.5 peg 19
6th tim ford 25.12 all silvers peg 35 mainly chub on caster against the island (i,ll be glad when he goes back to work)
and 2nd in the silvers was me with 23lb

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