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Wednesday, 10 November 2010

acorn antics

only 13 of us today so we were on the small lake, which is a long narrow lake with a bowl at each end. i let dean draw for me so i ended up on peg 3 which today was the third peg from the far end , a good draw with a lot of form, for company i had martin (arkwright)alexander on 4 and phil(fabio)harding on 2.
i set up a 4x12 rig on .12 with a 16 6313 to fish 11 mtrs which was the deepest part of the peg at about a metre, same rig but on .14 to fish the far bank reeds and a 4x10 rig to use at half depth against the reeds and with an absence of small nuisance fish i would be using maggot on all lines. on the all in i cupped some maggots with a few micros at 11 and against the far side, then dropped the rig in with double maggot at 11 mtrs, it was a slower start than i expected with only 5 smallish carp in the first hour, that was more than the people each side, but martin lenaghan on peg 1 was catching regularly anywhere he cared to put his rig. after 90 mins i pushed out to 13 mtrs and got another couple of carp but it was turning into a proper grind, by now fabio was casting a feeder to the far bank and begun to catch a few but matin on 1 was still catching well, so that looked like first place taken care of, i did begin to catch a few towards the far bank reeds in the last couple of hours on the half depth rig but fabio had started catching well on the pole by now on maggot at 14 mtrs so that was another 2 quid going his way ,thats 3 on the trot now and i,ve banned him from the shop.
as expected martin lenaghan won on peg 1 with 89.3 catching on maggot at 13 and 16 mtrs
2nd was tim ford on 11 with 80.6
3rd phil harding 55 lb peg 2
4th tony rixon 44.12 peg 3
5th pete sivell 40 10 peg 8 inc top silvers with 1.9
6th john (the gimp)bradford 33.12 peg 12


  1. El Gimpo had a right royal twatting off the next peg then.. Hmmmm

  2. The gimp also managed to snap a top set when landing a carp, snag and lose a whole rig in the middle of the lake, and of course weigh 10oz in the silvers. As always it was a pleasure to be pegged next to him, a top bloke.
