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Wednesday, 21 December 2011

avalon silvers match weds 21st

i was suprised how popular this turned out to be as 16 booked in , with this venue it is nearly impossible to predict where its going to be won from especially in a silvers match. basically we used every other peg so we were on pegs 1 to 32, i didnt fancy any of the the three pegs on the right as the wind would be into you ,so i was pleased when fabio drew peg 9 for me and its a peg with some good silvers form, but then again all the swims seem able to throw up silvers, for company i had john(the gimp)bradford on 7 and ex bank manager and now bristols finest rock guitar pensioner and karaoke star jim baines on 9, after sundays match i decided on a mainly groundbait attack and fish dead maggotes over it , so i set up the .5grm rig with an 18 middy 6313 hook and a 4x14 rig for the margins to fish caster with the same hook but on .12 but i only had 1 bite on that which came from a small roach so that was a waste of time and wont be mentioned again, at the start i cupped in 3 balls of g bait at 13 nand 16 mtrs and some softened micro,s at 16 mtrs at 11 o,clock angle whilst the g bait was towards 1 o,clock.
starting at 13 mtrs over g bait with double maggot it took about 15 mins to get a bite which came from a small skimmer which i dropped off trying to swing, a few small roach followed in the next 45 mins but that line seemed to be going nowhere fast so i swiched to the 16 mtr line and had 3 good skimmers in 3 put ins before that line died so i refed both lines with another ball of g bait with a few dead mags and casters and had a look over the micro line but never had a bite so it was back over the g bait , jim was really struggleing only getting the odd bite , but he was only fishing at 13 mtrs and for some reason the fish dont seem to like coming to close so 16 mtrs seems to produce more fish, the gimp had started well but again only fishing at 13 mtrs gave him an early burst but his swim died after a couple of hours , it wasnt hectic sport but by switching between the 13 and 16 mtr line i had small roach and od goob skimmers up until the end and i thought i had about 16lb but it wasnt going to be enough as alan oram on peg 17 weighed in 24.01 of silvers mainly skimmers and one tench on maggot over micro,s(why couldnt i get a bite on that)he also had 35.2 of carp but they didnt count as it was silvers only
2nd was me with 18.4 on peg 9
3rd was nigel bartlell on 13 with 13.6
4th chris davis 10.11 on peg 30
5th stu foale 9.7 peg 26
6th ken rayner 9.3 peg 12
the token carp payout went to mike west with 13.5 on peg 20

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