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Wednesday, 14 December 2011

landsend weds

only enough to use the match lake today but that wasnt a bad thing as the forcast was for very strong winds and heavy showers possibly wintry, they got the showers right as we had hail,rain and snow but luckily the tree,s around the lake gave us a lot of protection from the wind so we even managed to get brollies up so we stayed dry aswell. into the draw bag and out comes peg 10, not a peg thats usually in so no real form to go by , but steve seager did manage to to lassoo 45lb off it at the weekend but he did have to fish to the end bank on peg 12 but peg 12 was in today and the gimp was happily setting up for his 7 mtr silvers attack so the carp that live at 14 mtrs in this peg were going to be safe today, even though he did manage to lose 4 during the match.
i only set up two rigs today , a 4x12 impact 6 with an 18 middy 6313(hens teeth)on .12 for caster across at the bottom of the shelf and a micro pellet down the middle at 13 mtrs and a 4x12 rig on .14 with a middy 8313 on the end for corn down to the empty pallet(9),i cupped in some casters straight out at 11mtrs and to the right at 13 mtrs , some soaked micro,s to the left at 13 mtrs down the middle and some micro,s and corn to the empty pallet, starting on caster at 11 mtrs i was soon catching small roach and perch on single caster the first hour was ok even if the fish were on the small side, at the end of the first hour i did foul a carp which luckily was hooked in the side in the skin(mirror carp).that was safely netted and then it was back to the small fish, a look to my right on caster only produced two perch even though i tried it several times, by now the gimp had given up trying to catch carp from his end bank margin and had come down the shelf and was begginning to catch a few quality silvers, also kev molten had the odd carp off 13 but they were small fish,as far as i could see no one was setting it alight, although i could see mat tomes on peg 1 netting odd fish but i wasnt to sure as to what they were as he was to far away to tell and i couldnt hear to much splashing from the far side either .so what to do, will i go for silvers or try and get in the main money, as the latter was worth more, that was the choice then a llok over the micro line to my left down the middle with corn gave me a couple of funny wobbles so a switch to double maggot as i thought it was roach nibbling ended up with me attached to a 6 pound carp and it was fairly hooked in the mouth, i went down the edge with corn but never had a bite so i put in a good helping of corn and went back to the caster line where the small fish were still biting, going into the last 90 mins i needed more carp as kev on 13 had 7 in the net ,even though they were on the small side i went down to the empty pallet again for a last try as i hadnt had a bite yet down there even though i had tried a couple of times , and bugger me if the float didnt go under and a nice 8lb common graced the landing net, back over on the caster line and i did get another carp plus some silvers so by the end i had 4 carp for possibly 20lb and 10lb of silvers, i wasnt to sure as to what mat the shrimp tomes had , but he was first to weigh and his net went 24.3, my 4 carp went 24lb and my silvers went exactly 10lb for a total of 34lb for first on the day
2nd went to kev molten on 13 with 30.9
3rd alan oram 29.1 on peg 21
4th mat(new breed)tomes 24.3 peg 1
5th phil(fabio)harding 23.6 peg 17
6th martin(blakey)lenaghan 16lb peg 5
silvers went the way of john(the gimp)bradford 11.5 peg 12 on maggot over caster at 7 mtrs

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