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Thursday, 25 October 2012

practice silvers match for the silvers final on sat

back down to viaduct again and with only 12 fishing we would have plenty of room as we were spread over cary lake. weds matches have been poorly attended all summer whereas the thursday cost cutters have been really popular ,says it all really, people aint got the money.
back to the draw tin and aaron britnell insisted on drawing for me and he handed me peg 77 which was an end peg today and on the way down i said i really fancied 78 so one peg away would have to do. still keeping it simple on this lake (well all lakes really) just 2 rigs , a .3g for caster down the edge with an 18 6313 on .10 and that would do for a lighter rig on the long pole as it was only 6 inches deeper out at 13 mtrs,
the other rig was a .5 affair with the same hook and line for 13 mtrs straight out and at 11 o,clock angle at 9 mtrs, i only chose these 2 areas as it was the same depth so i could get away with the same rig for both.
at the start i cupped in 3 balls on the 9 and 13 mtr line and started feeding some casters down the right hand margin at 5 mtrs.
starting at 9 mtrs i started with a carp on first drop in as did several other anglers, then i bumped off a good skimmer and the small raoch arrived next. a switch to double caster did get me some small skimmers but it was a bit slow, no noe seemed to be catching to much, as far as i could see aaron on 80 and trigger on 101 were catching but it was mainly small skimmers, most of my match was spent at 9 mtrs with skimmers drifting in and out of the feed, there were fish on the 13 mtr line aswell but the 9mtr line was just as productive so i reckon 75% of my weight came from there, the margin gave me a couple of perch with one of about 1 1/2lb and some roach but the carp arrived so i binned that line, i was still catching fish at the end of the match and i nearly put in my qouta of 2kg of g bait with the fish responding to it really well , as to whether it will be the same on saturday ,i dont know as we are possibly going to have 2 frosts and the days are going to be bright so it will be harder me thinks.
i had a look in my net at the end and it felt like i had 40lb plus in it so i new that would be there or there abouts as far as i could see, scott russell on 97 had been catching well at 5mtrs in the last half of the match on caster but a slow first half would be the difference. i was first to weigh and my net went 42.5 for first on the day
2nd scott russell 35.1 on peg 97, the slow start did cost him
3rd craig edmunds 31.3 peg 101
4th nick ewers 28.11 peg 85
5th aaron britnell 28.6 peg 80
6th tim pallant 27.11 peg 88
today i was next to mike west who was on 78 , normally being next to mike means that you have to put up with his endless phone calls about work . but not today ,he as discovered that the samsung galaxy111 my be an all singing all dancing piece of wonderfull technology but he forgot to download the app that makes it float as it fell out of his pocket and went straight in, but at least he had a quiet day.
there is an open at landsend on sunday 9am draw book in with me at the shop or with mike at the fishery on 07977545882

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