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Sunday, 7 October 2012

silvers league , viaduct fishery, round 2

into the draw bag early and out pops peg 100 on cary, a good peg for skimmers. for company i had mike(silverfox)nicholls on 101 and bob(chattyman)gullick on 99.
i set up 3 rigs today. a .5grm and a .3 grm for caster, dead red maggots or small pieces of worm both rigs had an 18 6313 on .10, the lighter of the 2 was on a slightly longer piece of line so as i could start by fishing caster to hand at the start of the match, i also set up a 4x14 with a 16 6313 for chopped worm at 6 mtrs or bigger pieces over the groundait at 11 and 14 mtrs.
at the start i fed 2 baqlls of grounbait wit a few casters and some well chopped worms at 11 mtrs and 3 more at 14 mtrs, i cupped a reasonable pot of chopped worm and caster at 6mtrs then began on the topset to hand with caster, but after 20 mins and only 4 small roach that line was binned. out to 6 mtrs with a piece of worm, after a couple more roach a carp was hooked and duly lost, by now bob gulliick was out at 14 mtrs and was getting some skimers with some better samples amongst them, on my other side mike was struggling with the roach not wanting to play ball at this stage also his g bait line at 11 mtrs wasnt yielding any thing of note except for carp, i went out to my 11 mtr line and was soon catching skimmers , mainly on the small side , between 3 and 5 to the pound, whereas bob,s fish were of a better stamp but less of them so by my reckoning as well as bobs i was falling behind, i started on caster but soon changed to single dead red as it seemed the fish preferred it , i did try small pieces of worm but it wasnt as good as the maggot, i spent most of the match on the 11 mtr line only occasionally going out to 14 mtrs , i fed quite a bit of g bait feeding a ball everytime i had a couple of roach on the bounce, i even ran out towards the end and i had to scrounge some off mike to see me through to the end of the match, the last 90 mins of the match went a bit strange with the fish going as bit wierd, the skimmers were in the swim but not on the deck, but if you came off the deck you couldnt get a bite, mike by now was catching really well down his margin on caster , getting big skimmers and hybrids , by the end i thought bob had beaten me but i had beaten mike , but i nearly got that wrong as bob weighed 36.14, i new i had beaten that and i weighed 48.10 ,what i didnt expect was for mike to put 46lb on the scales, that was close, i new he had caught well but his catch was a suprise even to him.
as it turned out cambell had fished hard with carp being a real problem so i won on the day with 48.10 on peg 100
2nd mike nicholls 46lb on peg 101
3rd anton page 43.4 peg 70
4th bobby gullick 36.14 peg 99, less time chatting and more time fishing may help you bob, but it was funny to have you believing you had beaten me right up to the end, but i did think he had over 45lb, you really need to make less of a meal about the fish you are catching lol
5th steve kedge 36.5 peg 121
6th andy neale 35.10 peg 77
i got to mention the 2 foulers i landed a 2 pounder hooked in the anal fin and a 3lb fish hooked in the gill plate, plus the 5 fish i landed on mikes groundbait in the last 30 mins that probably went 10lb, thanks mike

1 comment:

  1. Yea right oh tony. You thought i was ahead but i knew different. P.s you failed to mention the 17 carp i hooked to your 4 :-P
    All said and done though....well done i like the banter!.
