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Monday, 11 January 2021

Safe lockdown fishing

Just for a change today i decided to have a little go in keynsham park on the little river chew, normally good for some dace with the occasional surprise, its thrown up a few barbel this year with the biggest about 5lb, but most in the 2 to 3lb bracket, also there have been some decent perch , chub roach and trout to be had, plus there a some rogue carp which sometimes turn up. I parked right by the footbridge in the carpark , went over the bridhe and dropped into the second fishable spot below the bridge, i could have fished right behind the van but the far side gave me more room to ship the pole back. only set up one rig, a .4g drennan bodied float, as?. Plumbed up , and was shocked to find 7 ft of water down the middle, shallowing up to 4ft at 11mtrs, i did change the float to a .6g same (?)pattern, i decided to just past middle in about 5 1/2 ft of water. Running through it soon became apparent that there were lots of snags, mainly branches, of which i had several pieces, so i had to fish about 12 inches off the deck to avoid the subterranean stickups, not ideal but no choice, I expected to catch some dace quite quickly, but the onky bites i could get were from minnows, they would even mange to get a caster down there necks.
I had a visit from tim Clark and his sone Elliot, who i havent seen for months, so we had a good catchup , i must say i was quite impressed with the floral patterned folding chair he turned up with, vey nice. I eventually had a decent dace while he was there, followed by another about 10 minutes later.
I went further across as tim was driving out of the carpark, and i began catching quite well, single caster for some more dace of all sizes.
And as quick as they showed up the dace disappeared to be replaced by the pesky minnows again, so i gave it another 30minutes in case the dace came.back or something else had arrived, but no, it just seemed to be back to minnow heaven, i packed up just before 1 ending up with a few pounds of quality dace, ok for a few hours, i havnt fished here in probably 35 years, but i will give it another go as long we are allowed, but that will depend on everyone being sensible with the social distancing and sticking to the guidelines set out for us.

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