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Sunday, 31 January 2021

Thursday,s lockdown escape

Decided on the short drive along the ring road today fo a go at windmill fishery, we had a few knockups here before lockdown and matches were not allowed, i didnt rush to get there and was a bit suprised to find i was the only angler there on the match lake, The last match we had here was won by dave Wilmott on peg 10, with this being the shallow end of the lake (6ft), i thought it would be still ok, i dont really think the deepest water is necessarily the best in the coldest weather. Also it has a long left hand margin with a big reedbed running around the edge, and an end of an island to fish to if required.
So i set up a rig to dob bread along the reeds, and another .5g for .aggot over maggot at 11 mtrs, no need to go to far as apart from a carp angler who turned up on the end bank on peg 12 , it remained empty all day, bailiff brad turned up before i started, and he has increased the price of a day ticket from 8 to 10 pounds, saves him having to handle change incase the money has covid on it, my ten pound note was obviously a clean one then LOL 😂. But to be fair what else can you do for a day which only costs a tenner, fishing is still a cheap day out. I began by dobbing bread against the reeds, gave it 30 minutes but had nothing to show for it, so i cupped in some corn and micros against the reeds and picked up the maggot rig, i had cupped in some maggots at the start of the session so hoped for a bite fairly quickly, first put in and 15 seconds the floats gone and i get my first carp of the day, and it turns out it will be the biggest of the session aswell at about 9lb, good start.
That was the beginning of a good day, ive caught fairly well at 11 mtrs for most of the day, but did go out to 13 mtrs towards the end as the fish definitely backed off a bit, i ended up with over 20 carp between 3 and 9lb , also i had 8 bream between 2 and 3lb,
Ive had all the fish on treble maggot on a 16 hook to .15 line, a bit worrying was the lack of small fish, i didnt have one plippy roach or blade skimmer, but i must say the big black birds up on the pylons looked fairly content, and the carpnangler also had a reasonable day, he probably had about 10 carp aswell, so anyone fancying a day for some good local fishing, windmill fishery is definitely worth a look, it sounds as though its busy on the weekends but quiet during the week,

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