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Sunday, 11 April 2021

A bit of pleasure

I had a few hours to kill on friday, i had something to do first thing so match fishing was out of the window, i decided on a visit to bullock farm, i hadn't been here for a couple of years and i know phil has had a bit of work done and restocked the lakes this year, so an ideal time to check it out, didnt take more than 35 minutes to get there, deciding on rushcombe lake i pulled onto the lake and the first person i bumped into was owner phil, we had a good natter, paid my dues and went and found a swim, last time here was on a match and as we all half expected with 30 anglers sat around it it was never going to be that good, it was probably a right fright for the residents, i parked up went across the bridge and fished two to the left, always good area, last time here there were some nice roach, so i set up a caster rig for down the middle, and a hard pellet rig for across in 18inches of water. As for the casters and roach, not a touch, but the far side was a different story, plenty of bites from some really pretty carp between 2&4lb,
I was sat opposite the tables where people sit after getting an onsite cafe snack, there was a never ending procession of, cyclists, pensioners ,walkers and housewifes, all moaning about relations friends and work collegues, nearly forgot covid and brexit LOL, all very entertaining.i fished for carp for a few hours ending up with over 40lb, enjoyable to say the least,
so with a couple of hours till i had to leave i dropped onto the arm behind me, giving my nets chance to dry out, pretty much the same result plenty of carp with a couple of the originals with the biggest maybe 5lb, still no roach though. The other lakes have had more fish introduced, with lots of tench up to 2 1/2 lb,into the old match lake with some extra fish going into north pool and the carp lake, definitely worth a visit, phil has no interest in restarting matches again so a pleasure anglers delight, i must say anglers living not to far from Kingston Seymour are a bit spoilt, acorn fishery has a specimen lake with lots of fish up to and over 30lb, paddock lake which is the match lake, holds plenty of carp to low doubles aswell as plenty of skimmers roach and tench up to 5lb. Also in the village is plantation lakes, which has a speci lake with fish to 30lb, the main lake boasts probably the best skimmer and roach fishing in the area especially in the colder months, but it also boasts carp to mid doubles, also the horsehoe lake is nice with good bream and some nice carp, so with three good fisheries in abiut a square mile, there are lots of options.

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