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Monday, 28 March 2022

Monday plantation silvers match

Back to this brilliant silver fish lake today, but equally there is a huge head of carp well into double figures aswell, but not before a stop off in the bridge for breakfast with mark Broomsgrove and dave willmott, nice breakfast which dave tried to ruin by covering it with vinegar, really, but he did confess that his favourite breakfast dish is boiled egg with toast soldiers to dip in it, but horror, he puts vinegar in the egg, it just dont sound right. 16 booked in, but one no show, he forgot. I let chris ollis draw for me and he handed peg 7 to me, oooh, dont mind if i do. On my right was shaun(ferris)kittridge, and on my left was long time friend nick collins, so a good day reminiscing, and a bot of a slagging off for todays social problems and any thing else we felt the need to moan about, all very enjoyable, good company. three rigs today, a double bulk rig for 11 mtrs, aswell as a standard rig, and a 4x12 for topset and two. Groundbait today was my normal skimmer mix, equal ammounts of sensas lake, thatchers original and brown crumb. On the whistle i cupped in one ball on the short line, and 2 balls on one line at 11mtrs straight out, and three balls at 10 o'clock angle, all with a few casters in. it was a.slow slow start to be honest, only a few roach short, so i went out to the 11 mtr lines and began to get a few smallish skimmers, i never felt as though i was catching well , but by swapping between the three lines i kept catching , with the biggest skimmers again coming from the short line, but i had to keep topping up all lines to keep the fish interested, again the fish seemed to be happy sat above the feed, but hard to catch, but i had a good day, not sure what i had but new i had over 40lb. The only person i could see doing really well was mat Tomes on peg 19, and by the time i got to him with the scales dave (vinegar) willmott was winning with 38lb of mainly roach again, he certainly has the roach sorted out in this lake, but mat took the lead with 51.3 of mainly skimmers, didnt think i had that.
When the to my peg i lifted my net out and i new it was going to be close, but fortunately for me, my mainly skimmer net went 51.9 sorry Mat.
The lake has fished brilliantly with the bottom weight being 24lb, weigh sheet below.

Thursday, 24 March 2022

Plantation main lake, silvers only open.

Normal stop off in the bridge for brekkje, really good today , good value for money at £6.70, just not the sausages though, go for extra bacon, trust me. anyway 18 fishing today and i had last but one ticket and ended up on 25, well happy.with that , its a consistent area. On my right was chris rolf, and bob teakle on my left, the weather was meant to be warm and sunny with little or no wind, and thats how it panned out, a of a breeze would have been nice, but it wasnt to be, flat calm and hot all day.
Three rigs today, a .3g lifter.float , as the na!e implies its for lift bites double bulked, a 4x12 for topset and two, options to spread the shot or bulk as normal, the other was a .3g slim bulked with one dropper.on the all in i fed one ball of groundbait at topset and two, two balls at 11 mtrs, and three balls at 13 mtrs, all.with some caster.and a small bit of chopped worm. Starting short i had a 1lb skimmer first drop, followed by a couple of roach, then it went quiet so i put another small ball in, and the bites.returned, thus ensued a nice 4 1/2 hours fishing, the 13 mtr line was not good, just a couple of skimmers, 4 and 11 mtrs were.the most productive, nice skimmers and bream up to 3lb and some quality roach and hybrids, most people were catching, which is the real beauty of this lake, obviously there are some swims you want to avoid, but there re more good than bad pegs, and whichever peg you draw , generally you get a days fishing. best hookbait today was single red maggot, for me but others caught on caster and worm, i ended up with a couple of ounces over 50lb, brilliant considering the weather,
2nd was mr consistent, dave willmott on peg 7 with 42lb, with probably 35lb of that being roach, caught mainly short.
Todays weigh sheet below shows its fished well all round, also i have a silvers match there again on monday, got a few.spaces.left so get in touch if you want to fish.

Wednesday, 23 March 2022

Three matches, a bit short but also a bit sweet.

Really must try and do these blogs a bit quicker, these matches have already been reported on FB or with other blogs so thus will be short. Thursday and the last round of the huntstrete silvers pairs league, well run by dave gillard, even with the constant heckling,😂😂, well done, my pairs partner , pete turner couldn't make it today so i had super sub brian Derrick standing in again, best was going to be third in the pairs to be fair, we drew ok, myself on 51 behind the island , its been ok for reasonable silvers with a good chance of a carp or two, my partner was the next peg to my left on 51, been a good peg so far, well i have had plenty of bites from small fish including my most detested fish, micro rudd, but ive had bites all day to end up with 11lb, plus two carp on meat to the island for 22lb for a total weight of 33lb, but the emphasis is on silvers, which paul barnfield on 57 moaned and talked 11.4 into his net, my partner struggled for just under 4lb, but it was still good enough to keep us in third, so a bit of a pickup, top pairs was mike nicholls with tony ponting, beating long time leaders kev(where's me quid) and hughie (eggo)evens on on the day was the Weston super mare journey man dave wride with 14.3. Weigh sheets below.
sunday and the Landsend winter league, which i was leading going into this match, my turn on match lake and i really needed to avoid one of the pegs of doom, but no i end up on what has been one of the worst pegs on the lake apart from on the first match when mike duckett was top on the lake off it,yep peg 9, much merriment at the draw 😂😂😂😂. First three hours and with a 1lb skimmer all i had for my efforts, i was concerned, but not suprised, ive had to look across at leon hubbard on 15 and jason radford on 13 catching carp, also to my right dave(pole breaker)mealing on 11 catching silvers and odd carp, and silvers expert dave ings on my left doing what he does best battering the f1,s and small silver,s. Ive ended up fishing 14 and 16 mtrs to my right, on hard pellet, ending up with 6lb of f1,s and the loan skimmer, but did get 5 carp aswell for 32lb total, 7th on the lake so better than expected, i think it may be tight at the top now, but ive not seen the overall results yet as the man whi does the working out has gone down with covid, but daily sheets below.
Monday and a bit of a knockup at acorn , only 11 of us for this first one , hopefully i will try and do them fortnightly, next one on 4th of april so book in with me or at the fishery with zoe. peg one today, fished hard 8mm pellet on all far bank areas to weigh 109lb to win, luckily Gary Bowden to my lefy on three started catching late on his favourite paste bait towards the end, ending with 78lb ror second, shaun (ferris)kittridge won the silvers off 17 with 17lb, weigh sheet below.

Tuesday, 15 March 2022

Ivy sunday, sedges monday

Sunday and it was up the m4 to ivy house for the last round of the winter league, both chris and me have had a torrid time of it, with niether of us picking up a penny so far, hopefully that would change today, the draw got underway and we both drew well to be fair, chris on peg 8 on the old match lake, and me on peg 11 heron, a nice peg with a nice island chuck and a long corner margin to my left.
Well i dont think i did the peg justice to be fair, made the mistake of trying to catch on maggot on the pole when i think pellet may have been the answer, had a few fish on the pole at 11 to 14 mtrs, only really when i switched to pellet, three small carp down the edge, most action came from fishing the wag towards the island, but unless i got a bite quickly the wind pulled the float away to quickly, another mistake was not chucking the lead out, so consequently i only ended up with 21lb for no good, but to be fair i think the fish were a couple of pegs to the right where jamie dixey on 9 and chris(shipp) davis on 8 were moaning about liners all the time.on the pole, chris faired much better winning his lake with over 40lb, well done to steve walters for winning the league with a perfect 5 point score, well done to the lloyds for a well run league, always.difficult. A quick product thing now, if you are looking for a quality line for making rigs this Berkeley line available at premier angling is well worth a try, only 6.99 for 300mtrs and ive been using it since last summer with no issues at. all.
Monday and back down the a38to the sedges for the silvers match, on brick lake today, i like to draw in the middle.of these lakes for silvers, and i wasnt disappointed when i pulled out peg 5, especially with an empty peg to my left, two rigs a .5g slim and a .75 open water.wire, ive had a nice days fishing today, catching skimmers over.groundbait off three lines, 4/11&13 mtrs, mainly.on maggot, with both rigs working well, the short line was probably the best, except for and hour between 1 & 2 oclock when the wind had a change of direction and my bites completely stopped but a few came.back for the last hour, i ended up with 36lb for the win, jon andres was second off peg 2 with 19lb, it. Was nice to be sat there in some nice spring sunshine with very little wind for a change.

Monday, 7 March 2022

Sun mon

Sunday and it was the 4th round of the Landsend winter league, picked jason up and got to the fishery in plenty of time for one of Rachel's lovely breakfast,s, always tastes better when someone else pays for it.(4.75). It was a random draw today and i managed to get into the draw early and was really happy to see peg 33 looking back at me, its in the corner of the speci lake(lak 1), right behind the cafe.and as it turned out the peg opposite hadnt been drawn as one person never turned up, its not hard to text ring or email the organiser so a replacement can be sorted, and the angler in question knows better aswell. baxk to the peg, 3 rigs a bread dobbing rig for along the bank, a meat rig for short or just off the end bank as its the same depth, and a rig to fish banded pellet out by the aerator at 16 mtrs, biggest problem witht he peg is that the platform is a long way off the water, over three foot, but i cant complain as i helped put it in several years ago, 😁😁.
i had dave(foggy swamper) on my right and adrian (alan carr) opposite on 31.
Not to much to right about it to be honest, started on the bread dobbing rig along the end bank between 14 and 16 mtrs, had a good couple of hours, landing some nice carp up to 15lb, roach were a nuisance so i gave the aerator pellet line a go , also caught a few there, back onto the dobbing rig for a few more then towards the end of the match, i had some on the meat along the end bank even managing one short aswell, on the all out i new i at least 150lb but hoped for a bit more, russ peck on 37 had also caught well in the last half of the match, fishing meat against the nets went an ounce under 186lb, a nice day, russ was second with 120lb so the lake fished ok in places but there were some difficult pegs, weigh sheets below.
Monday and i haf another silvers match on plantation main lake at Kingston Seymour. 16 fishing, a nice number giving all a bit of room, my match ended at the draw, i let shawn(ferris)kittridge draw my peg , 38 was my home for the day, a peg that hasn't featured at all in the matches this winter, but fish have fins and can move, but not today, i fed and fished 4 areas in my swim but struggled to get more than one or two fish from any area before swithching to another spot, i ended up with 17.12 for no where, des up on 19 had a stella day ending up with 53lb for an easy win well done matey. with steve rolfe on 8 coming second with 35lb, good weights all round as the weigh sheet below shows, cant fault the quality of the silvers in this lake.

Thursday, 3 March 2022


Sunday and me and Chris fox headed along the m4 and on to ivy house for round four of the individual winter league. My turn to be on the old match lake and chis on kingfisher(old canal) Into the table tip draw and picked up ticket 12, would have preferred 8 , 10 or 18, but hopefully there would be a few carp about, bait was really simple today, just a tin of corn and a few micros, only.two rigs, one for 13 mtrs, and another 16 mtrs whuch is the fishery limit, agonisingly short of where i wanted to be, in the slightly shallower water closer to the island. I had jamie dixey to my left on ten, and he was able to get into the shallower water closer to the island, i couldn't see him making a mistake today, on the whistle i cupped in corn at 13 mtrs, and 16 mtrs. By the time i had finished feeding jamie was.playing a carp, writing on the wall then. I started at 13 mtrs and had a small.skimmer, stuck with it for a while, and had a couple more skimmers, jamie was flying by now, soft pellet in abiut 2 foot of water just short of the island, it took me a while to catch when i went across, and the peg got a bit stronger towards the end, and i ended up with 9 carp and a few skimmers, jamie had easily.won the lake with 92 lb , with stu foale on 18 having 46lb to my 45, so a few bites and i enjoyed it, well done to jamie who was top weight on the day. Sheets below.
monday and down the a38 to bridgwater and the sedges for the silvers match which today was on tile lake, nice fishery breakfast (4.8) excellent value for money. I fancied a peg between 31 and 35, draw and ended up.with 33, happy with that. It turned out to be a hard match, rained most of the day but the wind waśnt to bad, rob birch to my left and john dursley on my right, i fed three lines with the usual groundbait and caster, but its been a grind, odd skimmers from all lines but no patttern to it, i think the fish just didnt want to feed . Ending up with 13lb, top on the day was rob dodd on 27 with 21lb, and mr.dursley came second with 20lb, well done to them.
Lastly and huntstrete on withy pool for dave gillards silvers pairs league, 5th round. Pegs to avoid if possible today were pegs 67 and 68, bugger.pulled out peg 67, i think its been last in the section every match so far, i had john(i didnt think I had that) thompson to my right on 66, different section luckily as its a very consistent silvers peg, and to my left was Chris ollis, Again its been tough as expected, i fished 4 lines, 5 mtrs for a caster line( not a bite there all day), 13 mtrs in front with some groundbait with some caster and dead maggots in, 14 mtrs to my right with the same, and a caster line at 16mtrs straight out in front. I have had a bonus at 13 mtrs in the shape of a 2lb perch, and a 1lb skimmer on the 16mtr caster line, other than that it was a case of moving round the two groundbait lines picking up the odd small fish from each one, my. Bonus 2lb perch won me the section as i had 7lb dead of silvers, jeff francis on 69 had 5lb, so a tough section, end peg 71 had 4 carp and a few silvers for 45lb which was top overall weight, but top silver weight went to kev winstone on peg 45 with 13lb, well done, poor chris to my left had a tough one, probably not helped with the peg being shallower than those around it. sheets below.