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Monday, 7 March 2022

Sun mon

Sunday and it was the 4th round of the Landsend winter league, picked jason up and got to the fishery in plenty of time for one of Rachel's lovely breakfast,s, always tastes better when someone else pays for it.(4.75). It was a random draw today and i managed to get into the draw early and was really happy to see peg 33 looking back at me, its in the corner of the speci lake(lak 1), right behind the cafe.and as it turned out the peg opposite hadnt been drawn as one person never turned up, its not hard to text ring or email the organiser so a replacement can be sorted, and the angler in question knows better aswell. baxk to the peg, 3 rigs a bread dobbing rig for along the bank, a meat rig for short or just off the end bank as its the same depth, and a rig to fish banded pellet out by the aerator at 16 mtrs, biggest problem witht he peg is that the platform is a long way off the water, over three foot, but i cant complain as i helped put it in several years ago, 😁😁.
i had dave(foggy swamper) on my right and adrian (alan carr) opposite on 31.
Not to much to right about it to be honest, started on the bread dobbing rig along the end bank between 14 and 16 mtrs, had a good couple of hours, landing some nice carp up to 15lb, roach were a nuisance so i gave the aerator pellet line a go , also caught a few there, back onto the dobbing rig for a few more then towards the end of the match, i had some on the meat along the end bank even managing one short aswell, on the all out i new i at least 150lb but hoped for a bit more, russ peck on 37 had also caught well in the last half of the match, fishing meat against the nets went an ounce under 186lb, a nice day, russ was second with 120lb so the lake fished ok in places but there were some difficult pegs, weigh sheets below.
Monday and i haf another silvers match on plantation main lake at Kingston Seymour. 16 fishing, a nice number giving all a bit of room, my match ended at the draw, i let shawn(ferris)kittridge draw my peg , 38 was my home for the day, a peg that hasn't featured at all in the matches this winter, but fish have fins and can move, but not today, i fed and fished 4 areas in my swim but struggled to get more than one or two fish from any area before swithching to another spot, i ended up with 17.12 for no where, des up on 19 had a stella day ending up with 53lb for an easy win well done matey. with steve rolfe on 8 coming second with 35lb, good weights all round as the weigh sheet below shows, cant fault the quality of the silvers in this lake.

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