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Monday, 28 March 2022

Monday plantation silvers match

Back to this brilliant silver fish lake today, but equally there is a huge head of carp well into double figures aswell, but not before a stop off in the bridge for breakfast with mark Broomsgrove and dave willmott, nice breakfast which dave tried to ruin by covering it with vinegar, really, but he did confess that his favourite breakfast dish is boiled egg with toast soldiers to dip in it, but horror, he puts vinegar in the egg, it just dont sound right. 16 booked in, but one no show, he forgot. I let chris ollis draw for me and he handed peg 7 to me, oooh, dont mind if i do. On my right was shaun(ferris)kittridge, and on my left was long time friend nick collins, so a good day reminiscing, and a bot of a slagging off for todays social problems and any thing else we felt the need to moan about, all very enjoyable, good company. three rigs today, a double bulk rig for 11 mtrs, aswell as a standard rig, and a 4x12 for topset and two. Groundbait today was my normal skimmer mix, equal ammounts of sensas lake, thatchers original and brown crumb. On the whistle i cupped in one ball on the short line, and 2 balls on one line at 11mtrs straight out, and three balls at 10 o'clock angle, all with a few casters in. it was a.slow slow start to be honest, only a few roach short, so i went out to the 11 mtr lines and began to get a few smallish skimmers, i never felt as though i was catching well , but by swapping between the three lines i kept catching , with the biggest skimmers again coming from the short line, but i had to keep topping up all lines to keep the fish interested, again the fish seemed to be happy sat above the feed, but hard to catch, but i had a good day, not sure what i had but new i had over 40lb. The only person i could see doing really well was mat Tomes on peg 19, and by the time i got to him with the scales dave (vinegar) willmott was winning with 38lb of mainly roach again, he certainly has the roach sorted out in this lake, but mat took the lead with 51.3 of mainly skimmers, didnt think i had that.
When the to my peg i lifted my net out and i new it was going to be close, but fortunately for me, my mainly skimmer net went 51.9 sorry Mat.
The lake has fished brilliantly with the bottom weight being 24lb, weigh sheet below.

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