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Friday, 14 October 2022

Plantations silvers only

Looking forward to these matches, a proper quality silver,s venue, good roach and skimmers, plus a few decent perch, these matches are starting a bit earlier than normal thus year, hopefully the lakes plentiful carp stocks wouldn't be to muxh of a problem. 18 fishing which is a nice number on the lake, so I didnt mind where i drew, i let ryan jordan draw for me, he handed me peg 5, a nice peg on the left hand bank, paul faiers to my right and reborn match angler , hot from his triumph on the river kenn, jerry salisbury on my left, i like to start short on this lake, trying to catch roach, so a 4x12 slim to fish to hand on a topkit, then a couple of .3g slims for skimmers at 6 and 11mtrs. So at the start i cupped in two balls at 6 mtrs and 4 balls at 11 mtrs all with a few caster and and chopped worm in, Starting on the short line with caster, it was slow, 2 roach and a lonely 2oz skimmer in 20 minutes, and i was going out on the longer lines, i had plenty of fish on the longer lines judging by the bubbles, but getting them to take the bait was hard, the fished seemed to be above the feed, not showing to much interest in feeding properly on the deck, best tactic seemed to be was sit there with a big piece of worm and wait, when i did get a fish, they were of a good size, i couldnt really see to much of what was going on as the bankside vegetation was still to high, the only person i could see catching well was mark broomsgrove on peg 38, he was having a good day, but judging by the banter, dave willmot on 2 and ryan jordan on 1 were both catching, paul faiers was catching quite steadily, although he was moaning he had not a lot, but he always does , ive learnt over the years which people i can believe, and to be honest no one to my right would be capable of lying straight in bed. On the all out i reckoned i had 35lb+, but realistically i never had a clue, started on 1 and ryan had 42lb,dave on 2 had 55lb of mainly.roach, a lovely net of fish,
paul had a large 20lb , well 37lb to be precise 😂😂😂😂😂😂. I had 44.12, so i undersold my weigh aswell, i stayed 2nd all round to mark broomsgrove on 38 who had 51lb, i think the fish have followed the southerly wind to our end of the lake, but there were still good weights all round, i thunk these matches are going to be really popular this winter, the next one is already sold out with a waiting list, dead mans shoes it is then.

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