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Thursday, 27 October 2022

This week

Sunday and it was shiplate teams of 4, my turn on the far side of the main lake. Into the draw and 13 for me today, its been a good peg recently so not to upset, russ(the legend) peck to my right and roy ede on my left, i didnt bother with a sbort meat rig today as the water is really shallow out to 7/8 mtrs, so meat at 14mtrs and in the margin, and wag and pellet on the deck at 25mtrs, not to muxh to report, 16lb of skimmers, and 8 carp for 104lb, russ won the section with 124lb, largely helped by a late run on worm over groundbait, including a beast of a carp on the pole of over 23lb, i ended up 4th in the section, there was a 108 and. 104.12. Dan squire.was top weight on the day with 145lb from Hawthorn 15, as normal alan quantrill held the team up with a second in section, sheets etc below.
Monday and off to the canal lake at the sedges, generally you need to draw at the left hand end of the lake, my drawing arm never deserted me and 61 ball came out of the bucket of doom. Had an interesting day, had a few.crucians , skimmers and tench of various colours, had 15lb for second, ron stark won with 17lb from peg 58, well.done, 18 fished so not to bad.
Thursday and plantations main lake for a silvers match, always popular and it very rarely dissapoints, 18 of us which is just right on this lake, i let ryan jordan draw for and was not to happy to have him hand me peg 23, up in the top right hand corner of the lake, a hard peg made even more so when you have des shipp next door on 24. Well ive had a bit of a lesson today, ive caught ok on topset and one, and 7 and 11 mtrs, mainly.skimmers with several going up to 3lb, but i was always trying to catch up with des, he had a very good spell about 2 hiurs from the end on his short line, that was until the carp moved in, but everyone had carp problems today, des battered me and the rest today with over 72lb, a brilliant weight, dave wilmott was 2nd off peg 2 with 47lb, i was third with 44.15 with ryan jordan 6oz behind me, brilliant.weights all round.

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