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Wednesday, 29 July 2009

viaduct 29 july

after looking at the forcast i decided i couldnt be assed to sit in the avalon wind tunnel again so i booked into the viaduct match for a change. i thought i would have a change and draw nearly last and i wasnt to dissapointed when 125 came out of the bag. there was a lot of fish there at the weekend, but they have a nasty knack of moving, oh and did i mention that it had started to rain and blow into our bank. good job i got gore tex clothing !!!!!!!!!! ,for a change i thought i would continue to dabble in the dark side and start on paste at 4 mtr(if mike nicholls can do it it aint that hard) ,so i cupped soaked up micro,s there and 6mm at 13mtr, starting at 4 mtr i lost a carp straight away then got one a few minutes later,followed quickly by a couple of good skimmers of about 2lb, then the little skimmers found the bait and even fishing hard pellet over it didnt help as they just nibbled at it until they could get it in there mouth. a change to 13 mtr with the usual 8mm on a hair and i started to get indications , feeding with a catty i thought they might come up but i got the impression that they were enjoying the weather as much as me, and the didnt want to leave the safety of the lake bed as all i could get shallow was small roach urgh. i had been fishing a 4x14 rig but the fish seem to want it on the last foot of the drop so when a fouled fish totally trashed me under the pallet it was a good time to change to a 4x12 rig with spread shot which seemed better. i was still getting a few foulhookers but it seems you got to put up with that wheen pellet fishing on the deck . by feeding 3 pouches of pellet then lifting and dropping over the top you could get a few bites catching some decent skimmers and odd carp, and as far as i could tell i was doing batter than the people around me and as well as the anglers opposite. i stayed on this to the end of the match catching odd fish and getting enough bites to keep me more than interested . the all out sounded at 6 and as the scales came along, roger young the purple man was winning our section with 112.5, i new i wouldnt beat that, but i was surprised to weigh in 96.8 of which 32.3 was silvers giving me 2nd in the silvers losing out to dick bull on 81 with 54.3 of skimmers on worm om the pole. the match was won by lee wherret on peg 74 with 175.11 on corn
2nd r young 112.5 (i got the section by default plus 2nd silvers 80 quid loverly)
3rd i dunlop 108.14
4th t senior 105.8
5th a n gler 98.10(cant read his name)
6th paul(beever) elmes 97.4
and it rained for the whole match and the gore tex aint water proof anymore(vic) .i cant believe the weather men got it right
those of you going to viaduct please note you are only allowed 80 lb in a net . get it wrong 3 times and according to paul you face a 1 month ban! i see anonymous has put a comment on, saying about my spelling ,obviously tim clark has trouble spelling his name.

Monday, 27 July 2009

avalon sunday 26 july

i tried to get the grammer and the speelling write but i cant be assed, so bollox to it i am going to say it how it is!
so off to avalon for another go after the usual brekkie at shipham. 1 scrambled egg on 2 dry toast, as my body is a temple
as the wind was going to be a southerly i thought we would use the right hand bank as this would give us the wind off the left shoulder giving us a bit of shelter, but as a couple of extras turned up i put 3 pegs at the top on the left, and where did i let gary wall draw for me,peg 21 thanx mate ,you draw shit i think i will let joe thompson draw for me again next time.
getting to the peg there was a gale 8 blowing right to left and slightly in, but at least it wasnt raining yet! setting up the usual rigs , up in the water, on the deck 1 for pellet and 1 for urgh paste, i am finding myself being drawn more and more to the dark side (resisdence is futile).
a paste rig for the margins and a 2 ssg pellet wag for over. starting at 14 mtrs with a struggle firing in 6,s with an 8 on the hook, all i had in the first hour was a small dip on the float which rusulted in jack shit on the end. so i pat in half a pot of pellet out at 14mtr and decided to look down the edge on the paste,as i had been trickling pellet into both margins and also firing 8,s across to the island where the usual couple of ghosties could be seen mooching about and as long as you keep givin a bit they tend to stay giving you chance to nail them a bit later.
1 bite and and 1x 6 pounder from the left margin and no bites on the right. back out on the paste at 16 mtr 4 bites 1 carp 3lb 1 skimmer 1 lost carp and a missed bite,this is really bad and it dont help when leigh turns up and tells me that peaple(lol) on the other bank had between 4 and 10 fish meaning i was falling behind .by now it was pissing down and if we had had a early draw we would have missed it.4 th hour and a look an the wag and not a bite, even though the onnoying ghosties were still climding up the bank,back on the long pole and not a bite on that either,last hour and i spent most of it in the right hand margin where i had 2 more carp and and lost 2 more when they tied me round the reeds. cos they are quicker than us aint they
when leigh turned (up on his own) to do the weigh in it had been raining for about 3 hours and the gore tex aint very warterproof any more. my 4 carp and a skimmer went 29 lb so it looked like no money today.
the match was won by mike nicholls adopted love child(bela bakos) on peg 38 with 75.2 carp caught on the slider and paste and his peg looked very nice with all those red dots up in the tree,s(good job avon angling got plenty in stock)
mike west was 2 nd off 24 with 73.7 of paste caught fish from the margin
3 rd vince brown 61.10
4 th colin dyer 52.8
5 th
clint wojtyla
6 th tim(thatchers river ace)ford
martin lenaghan 1.8
jim jenner and me 1.7 12.50 each ha ha
special mention to tim clark who leigh is considering asking not to go to avalon any more as he thinks the fish cant stand to lose any more scales

Wednesday, 22 July 2009

Landsend weds

As they say good things come in three's, England beat the aussies,Phil Harding won a match and it looks as though trigger has got some growth on his bald spot ,or is it just a bit of residue from his hair thickening fairy dust.
Back to the match and joe thompson drew peg 19 for me ,how good is that.It has to be said it is the form peg of the moment ,even beany won off it.
Four rigs to make,one for the right hand margin,4x10 on 0.18 and a 14 xedion hook for corn over smelly caster that have been in my bag since sunday.One 4x14 for 8mtrs to fish hard pellet on the deck, and 2 rigs for ovar to fish hard pellet one with a bristle for on the bottom on top of the shelf and one for up in the water which is all balsa as it needs to support a pellet.
On the all in i potted in half a pot of 6mm pellets at 8mtrs and half on the far shelf, and 2 full pots of caster and corn at 4 mtrs in the right hand margin.starting at 8 mtrs with a hair rigged 6 mm pellet, and i was getting indications straight away ,and i had my first carp in the net after about 5 mins.Staying on this for the first hour and a half i had a few more carp plus a couple of skimmers and a tench, all the while i was firing a few pellets to the far bank where the usual sight of carp climbing the far bank was to tempting.
Pushing my shallow rig in to the far bank a couple of quick carp and then nothing. these fish are getting cute now ,when you feed they climb the bank ,you may get one straight away then they bugger off till you take your pole away then they come back.Out with the on the deck rig over and lots of bites trouble is it was a lot of liners which means foulers, so come about 2 foot off, and less foulers (just)and more in the net.2 hours to go and time to look down the edge on double corn, 4 put ins and 4 fish, time to feed again and go over and fish shallow.lots of bites now and catching steady .
at the end i thought i had about 110lb, i heard gary wall had about 16 fish on speci 32 and nick collier was admitting to 90 to 100 lb on peg 15. i need'nt have worried though.
t rixon 133.2
gary wall 104
n collier 91.7
j dyte 86.1
a jeffrey 82.5
m toombs 57.2
trigger 20.6
j thompson 18.5
ps i have tried getting the grammer and spelling right but it dont help when the wife is looking over my shoulder taking the piss.

Sunday, 19 July 2009

pole only at viaduct campbell lake

With dean still pushing dummies and teddies around his garden i had phil harding and jason radford for company today. After the usual brekkie stop at shipham and it was on to viaduct .As i do the draw i dont draw my own peg ,so andy bryant drew mine and handed me peg 112,which i was quite happy with. Arriving at the peg i realised the wind was going to make presentation very hard as the wind was blowing in and across making the trip go with the wind. I set up a shallow rig (dibber) on the deck pellet(4x12) paste rig(it dont matter) and down the edge(4x10) into the bay to my right. On the all in i potted pellet at 13mtrstraight out, and down the edge, i also put some at 13mtr to my right .I started out in front and had a 5 pounder virtually straight away, quickly followed by a small tench. I had another 3or4 in the next hour but with the wind gettin stronger presentation was getting more difficult,and i was starting to miss bites (liners) and foulhook fish. Moving all the shot up under the float except for a couple of number 10,s down the line.It did help a bit as i started getting a few on the drop but the wind was screwing it right up. I decided to look down the edge, and to be honest there was a few fish down there but snags were proving to be a ,bit costly in lost fish and rigs i had a few fish but looking around the lake i could see phil harding on 125,brian shanks on 128 and martin pettifer on 135all catching steadily as they had been from the start. i tied to catch shallow as they were but conditions made it impossible, so back to the beep rig,and to be fair by feeding and lifting and dropping i was getting a few fish so i decided to stay with it . about a hour and a half from the stu foale to my left went out shallow and had a couple of fish and as the wind was easing slightly i followed suit ,and started to catch really well but it was a case of to late to catch up .On the all out i thought Phil Harding had won and he did with his best match weight 177.7 all shallow bri shanks was next with 167.12 then Martin Pettifer 148.9 then me with 136.2 Martin Mcmahon 127.8 Martin Lenaghan 114.4 .top silvers Dan Squires 25.2 peg123 followed by the old blogging leg end himself Mike Nicholls 24.14. best laugh was Jason Radford jumping in to retrieve his 6 and 7 sections which had blown in, he dropped his top set in, which had a fish attached. After getting the big sections back he has had to swim out to get his top set with the fish still attached ,and it was touch and go as to who was going to land who.When he eventually got back to dry land all he said was that it was a bit worrying that he was unable to touch bottom. To be honest i thought someone was practicing there dwarf throwing lol

Wednesday, 15 July 2009

avalon weds 15 aug no love it's july (judith)

with a dodgy weather forcast avalon can be quite tricky. the wind was supposed to be a southwesterly blowing 20 mph, making proper fishing difficult as it blows up the lake making everything but lead slinging very awkward, but when i arrived at the lake the wind was blowing off the left hand bank which is a westerly, making all styles and methods easy ,the only problem now was the water colour. due to the strong winds and heavy rain of the previous days the water had turned a very cloudy grey which i new from previous years it can make it fish hard.
as i organise the draw i never draw my own peg so that dubious pleasure was left to roger andoniou who some of you may remember from the river and the bristol match group days ,but then again you may not cos he is really old, some say he may even be older than mike nicholls!
anyway back to the draw and pag 12 was mine. getting to the peg i set up the usual 3ssg dumpy wag with a 8 inch 0.18 xedion hook length with a 16 b960 with a hair rig and band for the 8mm pallet. on to the pole and the shallow rig for stalking which proved to be o no no due to the water colour. a 4 x 14 rig for banded pellet on the deck and a paste rig urgh
all in at 1,15 and half a large pot of 6mm pellets were spread around at 14 mtr,apouch of 8mm fired to the island and a pot of 6mm under the tree to my left. starting on the deck with a 8mm banded pellet at 14 mtr i never had an indication for 30 mins when i missed a bite,bugger.
i was a little concerned as there was no fizzing in the peg anywhere very strange, mike west next door had had 1 bite at half depth and a 5 pound carp was the result. all the time i had been firing 8mm pellets to the island where carp seemed to be feeding quite happily,but i stuck with the pole as i couldnt believe i coulbnt catch on it .it took me 1 hour and 40 mins to get my first fish that was about 7lb next put in and a lost fish then nothing again.
2 hours in and onto the wag,first chuk had a bite and the line snapped somewhere above the float,very strange.apart from 3 fish on the pole during the rain i stayed on the wag for the rest of the match ending up with 15 carp for 89.6 and second, the match was won by gary wall on peg5 with 11 fish for 93.11, third place was taken by jim baines with 50.1 on peg16 and then alan oram with 46lb. a quick mention for phil harding who has now caught his first 20 pounder 2 weeks ago and his first ghost carp today,where has he been.
back to avalon and to be honest it fished better than i expected with that colour in the water,given a few days of fine settled weather the colour will drop out and it will fish ok again.if anyone is interested i am running a match there on the 26 july with a 12 draw ,give me a ring at the shop if interested. well thats the end of my first blog and to be honest i think i have waffled on a tad to much. judith thought i was re righting war and peace lol

Tuesday, 14 July 2009

i,ve done this on my own

those of you that know me will be shocked that i have managed to do this lol.i havnt got time to wright to much now cos i got to go to work,thats if you can call it work standing behind a counter all day talking about fishing and trying to get the country back on its feet,but those of you that know me will know my views on that.the things i hope to cover on this blog will be not just be about my days on the bank ,but also the lighter moments that occur on the bank and in the shop. of which there are quite a few.anyway must go now and prop up a counter, its avalon tomorrow, a venue which has single handedly quadrupled the sales of pellet wags in the southwest lol,but joking aside a different peg wins everey time making it about as fair a venue as you can get.was that ok vic.also the hard work liegh is putting in is really starting to show