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Sunday, 27 December 2009

2 day silvers match day 1

well i never expected that, after a few days of milder temps i thought the dreaded ice might be all but gone, wrong there was still an inch of the hard stuff still covering cambell and cary, and with my 2 breakers having gone to the great ice house in the sky, (actually i lost them both the previous weds at landsend when the chains on both snapped)so i was in trouble. drawing peg 118 i was informed by steve long that it had been broken out quite recently, so after scrounging paul greenwoods breaker ,off i went to do a bit of clearing , it couldnt be to bad as longy had told me that it had been done recently, i think by recently he must have meant last january as it was still an inch thick, so after 20 mins of slinging pauls breaker about i managed to clear to about 9 mtrs which was about as far as most and a bit more than others ,aint that so mr nicholls.
again it was a 1 rig job 4x16 with 20 808 to .10, i did set up an identical rig but with a 20 to .12 just in case some quality showed up . the plan was to put a ball af g bait to the ice at 9 mtr and cup casters on the edge of the ice at 6 mtrs , so on the whistle thats what i did, i did expect a bite quite quickly , but no , 1 1/2 hours the float finally crept under and a 2 oz skimmer was in the net. as the winner over the 2 days was to be done on section points i was already behindas stu foale and and bobby gullick on the opposite bank had been catching small fish from the off, but at least i was catching blips quite steadily and by switching from maggot to caster hook bait the size of the fish doubled with most going nearly an ounce now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. if i could keep them going there was a chance i could beat stu , but bob was catching small skimmers i knew that without a couple of bonus,s i wouldnt catch him, i did hook a good fish about 3 hours in which felt like a big perch but i wll never know as with the elastic under the ice the hook pulled, towards the end i new i was beating stu but about 10 mins from the end he went and spawned a 2lb perch(i hope i sound bitter and twisted), which was to put him back in front as he weighed 4.14 to my 4.3 so that big fish if it was a perch cost me being second in the section, bob gullick won our section with 7lb but they did have the wind off there backs making presentation a lot better, i was the only one one the windy bank in the section(yep still bitter and twisted). luckily with stu foale being opposite his generous bulk did afford me a bit of shelter from the cold wind lol, i didnt hang around long after the match but i think mash was top weight off peg 102 with 17 lb of small skimmers, any way back for round 2 tomorrow but i will have e breaker of sorts with me , as it looks like another frost tonite.

1 comment:

  1. The penny has dropped - I have just realised that you don't know how long a metre is, my peg was cleared to 10 metres by ANO! It's a good job you don't sell bait by the metre! Although I think the Gimp is trying to!!
