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Wednesday, 2 December 2009

landsend weds

we should have been going to avalon, but as the lakes were being netted and electro fished on tuesday we re-arranged for landsend.
fabio drew for me so off to 21 it was , whilst he kept peg 1 for himself. it was a lazy day on rigs today , just 2 rigs, both 4x14 one with a 18 808 to .12 for soft pellet and caster over, and one with an 808 18 to .10 for caster at 4 mtr,s.
ot the start i cupped in some softened micro,s at 10 and 2 , some caster,s straight across. i started at 4 mtr,s loose feeding a few casters , but 45 minutes later i was still biteless, unusual as you normally get a few bits if nothing else, i couldnt even get a small perch on maggot.
on with a 4mm pellet and out to 10 o,clock and a good skimmer straight away, soon followed by a second and a f1 type thing, then it went quiet, so some more micro,s went in and a switch to 2 o,clock with pretty much the same result, so switching and feeding between the two lines it was possible to keep a few bites going .bites on the caster lines ,over and at 4 mtr,s were none existent until the last hour and a half , when i had a couple of reasonable perch and a chub but it was really hard going. i did get 2 carp on the soft pellet on the 2 o, clock line, so by the end i reckon i had 17 or 18 lb of silvers and 2 carp for 12 lb which i thought might just sneak me into 2nd spot , only the scales would tell.
the match was predictably won by nick duckett on peg 11 with 53.5 taken on corn and caster
2nd was dale(boy)howsen on 13 with 34.12 on caster
3rd was me with 34.5 which included 23.8 of silvers , mainly skimmers
4th martin alexander 32.12 peg 16
5th 23.8 mike duckett peg 19
6th mark lehay 21.9 peg 5
and what about fabio well he didnt weigh , i think he did probably have lots of bites but the poor fish must have trouble pulling his float under , its bad enough with just a big yellow bristle catching your eye , but when part of the body is in view as well its most off putting, i am going to put a collection box on the counter for him so he can buy some shot.


  1. Do I detect a move from the Dark side to the Silver side?

  2. needs must when the devil drives

  3. yes he is losing his hair colour
