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Wednesday, 9 December 2009

landsend wednesday xmas

mike duckett does 2 xmas matches one on wednesday and 1 on sunday but this will be the last year for 2 matches. its good prizes and good food after courtesy of di , she always does to much.
the draw wasnt particularly kind with peg 3 being mine for the day. not a very good carp peg at this time of year so i thought a day just fishing for bites off anything would be in order with the emphasis on silvers, two rigs was all i set up, one for caster at 12 mtrs straight across which was a 4x12 float with .10 to an 18 808 and it would do for iether side down the edge as it was the same depth, and a 4x14 rig with also an 18 808 to .12 for the soft pellet at 10 and 2 o,clock at 14.5 mtrs.
at the start i cupped in some casters with a few micro,s at 12 mtrs , and just micro,s on both 14.5 mtr lines , and started loose feeding some iether side at 4 mtrs. starting on the caster i started getting small roach straight away then i had a decent perch(12 oz) then i lost a series of good perch , i dont know why but they just seem to come off half way back for no reason, so after i scared them off it was back to mr nicholl,s ronnies , but i did get a 5lb carp about an hour in on the caster line .
after about an hour and a half i refed the pellet lines with a small ammount of micro,s on each , and do or die i put in about half a large pot of caster with a few micro,s in on the 12 mtr line in an attempt to feed off the small roach and attract some quality.
going to the right hand pellet line i sat there tweeking a 4mm soft pellet around but with no response,, so a look to the left, the float settled and went under and a 1 1/2 lb skimmer was duly netted, next drop and a 3lb carp found its way into the old onion sack, then as expected it went quiet so some more micro,s went into the left and a switch to the right , this time after a couple of missed bites and another skimmer was netted , then next put in and another one netted, then the same as the other side and it went quiet again so more feed and back to the left , with 2 good skimmers and a nice crucian were had , back to the right but no bites so i fed both lines with a reasonable ammount of pellet and then back to the caster line, and the big dump of caster seemed to have done the trick as i had a good spell on the single caster with several good skimmers a 3 lb perch and a nice ide all finding there way into the net, that good spell probably went on for about 50 minutes in which time i put about 10 lb in the net , i now thought i had made the right decision to go for silvers especially as i could see and hear vic bush on 11 and dean malin on 16 catching carp, both as it turned out were catching on caster. i couldnt see what was going on on the speci lake but judging by the banter it wasnt fishing that well, so i stuck to what i was doing picking off the odd fish from all lines . i even had small roach and perch down the edge but they were a bit to small to spend to much time on.
by the end i thought i might have 18 lb of silvers and 3 small carp for a total of 28 to 30 lb(wrong) i weighed in 29.2 of silvers and the three carp went 11.2 for a total of 40.10 , for first in the silvers and 4 th overall.
the match was won by vic bush on 11 with 87.4 taken on caster at 12 mtrs (he dont go for months and then draws the most consistent peg in somerset ha ha )
2 nd dean (i,ve only got 13 x 2 pounders)malin on peg 16 with 73.2 again mostly taken on caster by a bush to his left.
3 rd adrian clarke peg36 (how did he avoid the corners) with 64.15
4 th me 40.10 peg 3
5 th alan oram 32.2 on peg 25
6th andy bryant 29 on peg 13 and its rumoured he had them all in the mouth
back there again on sunday and theer are already over 30 booked in so it will be on 3 lakes with plenty of room.
i must mention fabio cos he is moaning i didnt say that he won a quid off me at the weekend its just a shame i got to offer him 10 to 1 on our weights in his favour just to get a bet.
also last weekend martin mcmahon was off to viaduct with the carpenters arms 2000 , he loves to be prepared does martin and artificial corn was going to play a part in his day so where do sort your rigs out , well its obvious innit , you do it whilst having your monthly bath , but i dont think it was quite what tracy had in mind when martin gave her a call to come and have a look at his pop up in the bath.


  1. The "Silver Badger" appears to write more about the Silvers fishing than he does for the Crap fishing (not mis-spelt).

  2. i think the silver badger has just realised you cant win the match off every peg but the silvers are more possible as less peeps do it
