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Monday, 22 February 2010

post landsend

i had a phone call today from ben (fisk) at angling times asking for more information about the 2 perch for 12 lb that mat tomes caught at landsend on saturday to see if it was legit, i very nearly gave him shrimp heads number but i,m beginning to think old shrimpy is starting to believe those perch were all of 6 lb each, i reckon if ben would have phoned him mats name would be scratched on the drennan cup in no time at all , ilmfaro.
most of you will know how much i hate the four letter word that is ebay, its putting the nails in the coffin of all retail not just the tackle trade, you sad computer people need to get back out on the high street and keep retail where it belongs, and deont even start me on about x box live and psp,s how sad have you got to be to sit in a darkened room pretending to stab and shoot people in other towns and even countries, i cant think where our social problems are coming from can you(it aint real you saddo,s). thats the soap box done and dusted so back to the swear box, its a pound every time the E word is mentioned, when we get enough we are going to send mr mat tomes to to get more hair extensions , only this time due to the fact the eye brow ones failed they are going to attach them to the hairs on his ass and drag them up his back and over the top, and it should also help keep his back warm in the cold


  1. good read again riko,the master.i told him not to speak to soon and what well and truly opened a can of whoop ass.dont worry shrimp you will learn the hard way like i did any way the only thing i order .of the internet is masterbation kits and porno mags ha ha sorry mrs rixon if your watching.i would also like to say sorry to fabio for nicking all his fish it is a dog eat dog world out there mate

  2. I think Ebay isn't as popular as it was. This is due to the crap return policies. I don't think it's really impacting shops like yours to any significant extent. I think mail order is the much biger threat.

  3. The internet has put pay to small local shops trying to make a days pay not only angling but all aspects of in Sussex there are few tackle shops and to purchase something specific I may have to travel 30-35 miles round trip to get what I want..and thats if they stock it.....but shops like Matchmans Supplies do free delivery and hold most items..therefore after a little browsing you get what you want for less money than it takes to get to the shops and delivered within 2 days....BUT YOU MISS THE COMERADERY AND ATMOSPHERE YOU GET WHEN VISITING A LOCAL TACKLE SHOP......Long live the local tackle shops....

    Woody...West Sussex

  4. i can understand where you are coming from martin. and to be fair shops like matchmans supplies aint really the problem as they are bona fidi shops . its the individuals buying and selling on auction sites like the one that begins with E , lots of theses people are sat at home buyinmg and selling probably paying no tax on there profits not paying business rates or business rates on there gas and electric. and what i find more daft is the fact that people seem more than happy enough to pay the same or in some cases more when they "win" the item . more often than not if you go to your local shop you can normally get the same items at the same price or in some cases even cheaper, so give your local shops the chance, not just tackle shops but all local retail outlets. christ i,m going to have to get a bigger soap box at this rate.

  5. Tony, it´s fair to say the local shop is under pressure from the e world. However, perhaps it´s time that Avon Angling entered this world, after all you can sell to the world then!

    Tim Ford (Germany)

  6. Wow a Tim Ford in Germany as well as Bristol...what a common name and both reading "Tony Rixon's day out".what a small world...


  7. tony delivers a great service to all of his customers keep on going mate dont listen to people who do not go in the shop week in week out you got a good customer base down to the service you and the gimpmister provide thanks nc

  8. Even in SA I still go into the local tackle shop and talk a load of bullshit (as Tony knows) so nothing different here. And I spend money there!

    Sharky SA
