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Sunday, 14 February 2010

viaduct teams of 5 match 3

my turn on spring lake today and when tim clark did the team draw i wasnt to upset to find myself on 16. its an island chuck with the end of the island to myself. its a long cast 50 plus mtrs so a 12 grm skud was set up and a lead rod(needs must and all that). and 1 rig for the pole, a .5 grm with a 18 b3613 to .10 for the g bait line.
on the whistle i cupped in 6 balls at 16 mtrs with a few casters in, then picked up the wag rod, 3 dead mags went on the 18 xedion hook to .18 and it was launched to the island. 3rd chuck and the float buried but the strike didnt connect with anything, but at least there was 1 fish there. it took 40 mins to get another bite , and the strike conncted this time , 10 mins later and what looked like a 16 pounder was safely put into the old onion sack.
the lake fished really hard with tim pallant on 8 ending up with 5 carp, peg 13 had 2 , a few others had 1 and alex murray on 25 was getting silvers on the waggler and maggot, by the end i had had 6 bites on the wag hitting 4 and landing them all , i only had a couple of liners on the tip, and i had 3 bites on the pole for 1 skimmer an d one roach, but it was enough to win the lake as the 4 carp went over 47 lb and the 2 silvers went a pound and a half giving me forty eight and a half pounds.
the match was won by paul greenwood on 85 with155.15 on peg 85 (not to predictable then , roll on spring and summer)
2nd andy (the ginger prince)power 139.9 peg 66 maggot bown the edge
3rd wayne buckingham 58.15
4th alan oram 57.2
5th sam johnson56.10
6th rich coles51.2
dan squires 23.11
tems o all somerset angling 211 pts
team keyford 203
maver veals red 195
viaduct allstar 182 (even with fabio trying to drag them down)
avon angling are way off the pace on 142 points(i think)in 8th place
spare a thought for brian shanks as he has turned into our gimp this year, i think he has only weighed in a total of 1lb 1oz in the three matches so far, it just goes to show how peggy it has become in this cold weather, cos we are all aware of how many fish are in these lakes but they are all balled up and not really wanting to spread out and feed.
funniest thing today was steve skelton playing a branch to a standstill only to lose it under his feet when it went round a carp lol
i was going to mention about poor matt parsons not being included in the thatchers team going to monk lakes for the w l semi even though he tells me he has fished it and done well ha ha (was that ok matt)
also i hear hatchett hook has sacked ken rayner from the maver veals team poor ken gets no luck does he


  1. Sacked indeed.

    Dont blame Chris, simply cant offer the required committment at the moment I would have probably done the same thing had I been in his position

  2. don the viaduct ruffe ace told me to do it lol

  3. reading kens blog that surprises me thought he would have put his sponser and his teammates before his self seeing how strong his veiws are on suporting the cause

  4. ken has showed the team no dedication its about time chris got rid of the dead wood

  5. i do agree that if you sign on for a team and recieve sponsorship you should show commitment to any team events that are asked of you. its a shame you both never felt you couldnt put your names to the comments. scared eh, i love it

  6. It seems I am the centre of many controversy at the moment.

    Dont mind the comments, but agree at least put your name to them.

    Just for the record I have no issues about being asked to leave the team, becuase I couldnt commit at the moment and if I was Chris position I would have done the same.

    Finally being able to fulfil team committments and having views on how anglers should be more supportive towards fishery owners are separate issues.

    Instead of talking about me on the bank behind my back or leaving anonymous comments try speaking me, otherwise you simply doing what I was I been accused of. Besides i hate having to write long winded replies, much prefer to speak 1-2-1. That way there will be less misunderstanding.

  7. i think we should all concentrate on shrimpheads blow out sunday he is blaming loosing all those fish on is hook an 808 load of rubbish i think it was because hew hethner drew is peg and it jumped up and bit him on the botty ha ha ha ilove you shrimp

  8. I can assure you that Hugh Hefner did not draw "Shrimp Heads" peg? He was far too busy!!

  9. we realy love u ken were your fans
