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Tuesday, 2 February 2010

shop bitz 7

that fabio has got a cheek . being our night watchman means he has keys for the shop, so he keeps his kit in the back of the shop. when he gets his kit before he goes fishing he makes his flask with the coffee and milk from the shop, so i thought it would be funny to replace the coffee with gravy granules but even thouigh i sabotaged the lights above the kettle he still spotted the ruse (bugger), trouble was i forgot to tell the gimp about it as i was off on monday to do some long overdue(20 years)DIY , the first 2 cups he made were drunk with no complaints from dave blakemore and eddie perkins(thats probably the end of the doughnuts), but tim clarke wasnt to be fooled and spat his out(he must have been a wife in a previous life).
also fabio has taken to wearing fi fi,s underwear and to be honest he aint got the ass to carry it off especially as he flashes them to anyone who shows the slightest interest, if i had known he was a cross dresser he would never got into the flat. trouble is fi fi wont flash his spandex boxers, and he must have been having a barry white afternoon on saturday as he had the music cranked right up so we couldnt hear the furniture or fabsy groaning.
poor mat tomes is really stuggling with his weight we can all remember him with a six pack and a full head of hair now all he has got is a lurpack and bum fluff (welcome to my world).
we all know how tight mark britton(psv)but cruel as well. read on , he was telling me that when he was young he used to shoot birds with an airgun then cut them up to get his pellets back. he did try and tell me that his dad would only give him one pellet at a time


  1. brilliant reading riko on a more serious note i would like to say well done to my mate shrimp head for the effort and progress he has made with his fishing lately keep it up pal

  2. "we all know how tight Mark Britton(psv)"

    ...... makes sense seeing as his mentor is Bob Warren!
